
Are people really THAT upset that the New UI and character movement went through? I’ve seen threads about people “leaving” the game because of it when we all know they’ll be back in 3 days. Like C’mon how old are we? Yeah, sure it’s not the best and people are allowed to have their personal opinions but to lash out at the devs who nerf the perks and add-ons you cry about and update the maps you want updated (both survivor and killer side), you sure are ungrateful. I don’t mind the HUD while others do mind it but be happy they’re willing to try new things.
They shouldn’t even think of trying new things until the game is playable though, the amount of bugs before this update was insane then after the patch its literally unplayable. Why fix something that works? The UI and movement was perfect pre patch.
72 -
Maybe because everyone has their own preferences? Instead of assuming that people are being ungrateful you should take into consideration that people like things a certain way. Why have a mobile game experience when I'm not playing on mobile?
50 -
I wouldn't go as far to be upset/quit the game or lash out at the devs over a GUI, even if I strongly disagree with its implementation, but disregarding that the game is certainly in a weird position given the, as per usual, slew of new bugs with two new ones making the game borderline unplayable: namely those relating to hitboxes and the emblem system. I've come to expect this from BHVR at this point but... yikes, this is pretty bad.
5 -
I'd be happier if they were willing to "try" fixing the game lol
24 -
im 43. Been gaming since my first system (Atari 2600). I’m not going to fight this terrible HUD along with the console frame rate and poor optimization.
to answer your question, yes I’ll leave this game due to this HUD. It makes playing the game a chore. After around 3000 hours this WILL cause me to stop the game. It will like cause others also.
moral of the story: don’t change things in your game that makes the actual playing of it unfun.
48 -
Aww... sorry you can’t ALWAYS have things YOUR WAY.
2 -
But you still play it right?
1 -
I'm all for progress, and am glad that the devs are making the effort.
But nobody asked for the character movement and New UI updates. And to make it worse, when 80%+ of people voted that they didn't like the changes in polls, on top of the hundreds of threads in the feedback section, the update was still forced through.
People have spent hundreds and thousands of hours in this game and have the right to be upset. However, personal attacks on developers and staff should never be ok.
38 -
It's not about getting things a certain way. It's about making it accessable to everyone, get off your high horse and be considerate.
20 -
Actually no, I haven't played in months. And I'm glad I haven't, because today would've been a very disappointing day if I still did.
17 -
Yea you just keep dick riding the devs even when the majority of the player base hates everything but the map changes
23 -
Yes, people are that upset. This is the latest in a long list of terrible changes they've made to the game. Players (their customers) have repeatedly, insistently begged for them to address other issues for years, mind you. Things like rampant hacking, hit registration, quality control, modernizing old perks and killers much faster, etc. There is never any noticeable action taken on that front. You can't even tell that hit validation is on. The quality control is as bad as it ever has been. The game is less fun now than it was two years ago, and I don't think I'm alone in saying that.
13 -
You need to come to your senses that with every update and patch there is going to be bugs, some worse than others that can make an impact on gameplay. Yet, the many people that complain the game is unplayable are the ones that still allow themselves to play it. If You find the bugs to make your gameplay unplayable/unjoyable don’t play it at all. The devs are human just like you and I and make mistakes that they’re AWARE of, they don’t need constant reminders.
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To be fair, I played one match with the new HUD and I already have a light Headache. Sorry if I dont want to get sick while playing a videogame.
21 -
yeah I agree. No one asked for these changes and people did complain about the UI HUD which is fine but the DEVS are human just like you and I and make mistakes but they don’t need to constantly be lashed at.
2 -
Have you actually tried playing with it? It burns the eyes
10 -
Except you forgot the part that it causes physical discomfort and dizziness to some people. People are allowed to complain about when things get changed, especially when that it's things that no one had issues with in the first place.
12 -
If they were aware of it they wouldn't have added it. How can you be sure that the people claiming bugs are making the game unplayable are still playing the game? Where are you getting your data from?
2 -
Great bait mait I rate it eight.
7 -
Thats an odd thing to ask when people are saying they're not gonna play anymore
9 -
1 -
I mean,they fixed Steves lips while gesturing amd Kates and Janes chest physics so they really really try their best :^)
6 -
There’s a difference between dick riding and being mature, which other people here seem to lack. I bet you anything most people here are 21+ acting like a damn 5 year old who didn’t get a toy.
1 -
Yea they're more worried about how the tits look on two characters than they are how the game plays
8 -
"Fixed an issue where Jane and Kate chest physics would not work properly." That sentence made me laugh so hard.
8 -
You’d be surprised when people say they’re “leaving” or “quitting” Dbd only to find them back on days later.
1 -
Same. I played one match with Plague and was immediately overwhelmed by the new HUD. Guess I was getting more sick than the survivors were.
17 -
No people are just waking up to this bullshit and finally coming together, this is all deliberate they don't care if we have fun or not and everyone in the PTB leaving negative feedback should have gotten a few things fixed but they pushed it out anyway and told us to ######### off and threw out new cosmetics instead of fixing the game , and imagine focusing on character models tits instead of gameplay what a ######### joke!!!
6 -
Yeah It might of ticked people off that they didn’t listen or bother to make changes regarding the negative UI feedback but they’re still trying. I mean, look, they nerfed DS and Object, something people have been screaming for 4 years to get fixed. Yeah it shouldn’t have took 4 years but it’s here. Maybe they just wanted to use this new UI hud. It’s THEIR game at the end of the day. We’re just the ones that decide to play it or not.
1 -
I mean, it speaks for itself that I never had problems in any game with that. Neither in my almost 5500 hours on DBD or in any other game, and I played many different games with focus on some areas, flashling lights, etc...
But the new UI is really giving me a slight headache and I feel that I strain my eyes a lot more. Would never imagined that DBD can have something new for me...
9 -
This is exactly why the devs do the shot they do.
you are taking something about balance (perks) and trying to lump it in with the parts of the game that make it functional. (UI) they are two entirely different things. Every pvp game will have adjustments done to “even the playing field” , but those adjustments don’t have any effect on the actual playing of the game. Each side will like/dislike nerfs/buffs. UI is universal to every player.
7 -
People often say they're leaving for small things like a perk getting nerfed, like people said they were leaving over undying, over DS, and yeah they probably won't.
If a change makes people physically uncomfortable then there's a good chance they actually might though
12 -
They just nerfed that ######### to try and negate some of the backlash , but it's ok we can agree to disagree I've got almost 10,000 hours in this game and have been here for every change made or tested and I think I'm hanging it up until they decide to give a ######### about their players again
5 -
I mean I wasn’t agreeing nor disagreeing with what you said I just stated why I think they went through with it but you have the right to drop the game if you want.
1 -
Dude, I'm 48 and my first system was freaking Pong. I have also had at least 2 major stroke events. Guess what? I have had ZERO issues with the new HUD.
Now I'm a firm believer in everyone has a right to their opinions and preferences. That said, I couldn't give be even half a woodland squat about the thoughts of most of the entitled, whiney, bullying chronic self-flagellators in this community and more specifically on these forums. Not because I disagree because I LOVE me some civilized and lively discourse. The people flooding the forums with posts that amount to a toy store temper tantrum and jumping on anyone showing even a modicum of positivity towards the changes barely deserve their voices to be heard any more than the caricature laden rich boy bad guys from practically any 80s teen comedy did, let alone to impact changes in a community that is far larger than their minuscule excuses for comprehensive capabilities can work out WITH instructions.
But sure, go ahead and play the "Im older and wiser" card like your opinions are somehow more correct. Well, that must mean MINE is even better than yours, right? No? Then either quite complaining (like our and older generations claim Millenials and Gen Zs do) and grow up and play the game or shut up and leave without making a scene. Because people who act like this won't be and shouldn't be missed.
1 -
Stupid hits, barrels on jungle gyms so u cannot fast vault, more doors but less pallets, hud on upper left corner good luck multitasking looking up when you are in chase and looking for killer's red stain, my friend went into struggle because I couldn't look up, I could've went 1 for 1.
1 -
For someone who doesn’t care, you sure seem to care.
I was answering OP question, but I guess you didn’t actually read. In any case, good luck with your medical issues and happy gaming.
14 -
Here is the problem.
People said it looked bad in the PTB to begin with. The developers got their stupid feedback they claim to care about so much, and proceed to do nothing with it. History often repeats itself, this company is no different. They have done it time and time again, so why do we even bother at this point? Oh wait, some of us still care about the game despite all this. Some people on here care more than the developers themselves as far as I am concerned.
And I don't know if you have been on the forums in the last year or anything, but there are plenty of things that people complain and discuss about that warrant more attention to change than the UI and models of the characters/animation.
Not saying the PTB didn't change things people were complaining about, let's get that straight.
But what I am saying, is they wasted time on some of the more pointless changes, that could have been devoted to more pressing issues that people have. Like, literally anything else. But NO! We need to change the UI, something very few people have talked about in years. And yea, it looks bad! People say it gives them mobile game vibes and I agree with that. It's bad. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Now yes, the animations could use a change. But why now, when no one was asking for it? And why not listen to the feedback on how people were saying it was bad in the PTB, and do something about? It was already forced onto the community, the least they could do is listen.
They could have postponed the animations update to make it better. I am sure we all want to see these changes happen at some point, but these are just poorly done. Change is nice, improvement is better, so far all we are getting is change to be special. And that leaves people with a bad take.
You call it ungrateful, but I can guarantee you that the people you are calling ungrateful children, care 100 times more than you do about the game, where it came from, and the current direction it has been heading.
9 -
You do realize that by taking that stance with the illogical opening of yours you are, in essence, acknowledging yourself to be one of the whiney, entitled people I was calling out for horrible behavior...to right? I mean being labeled a complainer is one thing but to expose yourself as a part of the toxic childish jerks in the forums is a whole different level of ungrateful.
1 -
Here I'm glad to see that all the "effort" the devs put into this ui was wasted so now maybe they will think how would the community would act if we did something this big take 3 weeks not the normal 2 and do nothing other tha add slashes to the injured icon
3 -
The Hud is trash and strains my eyes looking up all the time to see numbers that are much easier to see when looking down... (think about how gravity works)
We should have the option for legacy hud. Isn't a hard request to make really, the coding is still there.
Also new animations are junk... they literally added extra frames to crouch so it takes about 4 seconds to do a full crouch instead of 2...could mean the difference between a killer spotting you or not...
So far, hate all the new changes and it makes the game even less tolerable now.
4 -
I don't mind the changes
3 -
Whatever you think @OBX is saying, at least they're being respectful- your tone and approach is hostile. The way you feel about whiny complainers is how I feel about bullies: They can leave the forums.
13 -
I totally agree with u. I like the new movement animations and appreciate the small clown and wraith buff. Tbh I didnt wish a new HUD but here it is, so what? If people are not happy about it they should at least explain why.
1 -
What exactly is your definition of unplayable? I have been playing it just fine and have only noticed a very few bugs
1 -
Speak for yourself. Queue times in NA East were instant prior to this patch. After I noticed the hitboxes were ######### I came on here and told people I was pissed and that I'd be logging off until its addressed. Turns out I'm not alone in that sentiment as a local friend of mine hopped on to try the patch and said the queue times were over 10 minutes! That's crazy on NA East. I haven't seen queues that long since before crossplay was implemented. People are not happy, dude.
6 -
I dunno bout that. I have a habit of checking in on the forums on and off to find plenty of new names while at the same time, certain old names that I use to see all the time arnt here.
2 -
People are roasting BHVR because in the 5 years of the game's lifespan, they still haven't done any sort of proper internal QA before pushing things live. The PTB is a joke as features rarely if ever get changed before release, despite being an incredibly useful tool to preview reactions to something. The fact that in level design, "fat shaming" areas are back where killers physically can't fit into a gap that survivors can as well as WALLS WITHOUT COLLISION existing, shows flat out incompetence that relies on goodwill for people to look over. Add in pointless GUI changes that defeat the design ideas behind a UI and people are rightfully upset that 5 years later, BHVR is still acting like an indie developer with zero experience. The only reason this game hasn't gone tits up is because it just survived the licensing issues that other games didn't.
7 -
It's the fact that so many people told them, through the feedback section of the forums, where people are told to go in order to report their feedback, that the new UI was trash, and they just ignored all that feedback and pushed it through anyway with no changes. They essentially just gave the community the middle finger and told them to deal with it. This is not how you treat a customer and this along with many months of bad decisions now are adding up.
6 -
Yaknow someone opinion isn't worth listening to when they use word like "ungrateful" when talking about a relation between a company and its consumers.