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Gotta love killers who slug for the 4k


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  • Member Posts: 68

    Slugging for the 4k is the equivalent of repairing gens without doing anything else.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    When they get that third down you could go up to them and let them down, and then hook you to avoid the slug game.

    I think its very selfish to try and escape forcing the killer to look for you if they plan on fulfilling their goal by sacrificing all survivors. How dare you force them to slug for the 4k by wanting to escape.

    Same goes for opening the exit gates when all gens are done, I hate the way survivors keep trying to open the door just because all the gens are finished without letting at least one person get killed first... how dare they all go for the escape which is, you know, their goal.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Well if it wins the game who cares? Totems and chests sure as hell aren't gonna power the gates and worrying about 12 hooking probably isn't gonna win you the game either. I'm out to win and it's not my job to make the game fun for the other side that's totally on the other players for what decisions they make in game and the outcome that happens from it.

  • Member Posts: 68

    There you go. You reinforce my point. The OP is saying it's boring when killers slugg. You think I'm complaining? LOL

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, if you down people too much, people are gonna crawl away. If you leave survivors slugged for longer than 30 seconds, they cant do anything else but crawl.

    So you're literally getting punished by survivors for leaving them too long. If you didnt leave them for so long, that 3rd survivor would be in hearing proximity. So things are being dragged out BECAUSE they are being slugged. No point in giving the killer a 4k if the 4k was reliant on slugging. Survivors know bleeding to death gives 0 emblems, while dying on hook gives you 2. There is no reason to not crawl away as a slug, other than being nice, but if you're slugged that long, you're not being nice to them so they have no reason to being nice to you.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    If they know where the last survivor is or have whispers, it is not bad. If they do it when having no clue where the last guy is, that is pretty lame.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    How dare the killer want to win.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503
    edited February 2021

    I play survivor. I know why survivors crawl. It was a rhetorical question: the OP was saying that killers slugging is boring, and I was pointing out that survivors seem to really enjoy it because they'd rather be slugged for 3+ minutes after everyone else is dead than move on to the next match. That's all.

    Also, do slugged survivors make sounds? Did the devs ever fix that? If that's fixed I wanna know, I might unmute the TV if that's the case.

  • Member Posts: 1,346

    I get more bp for killing survivors. Soz

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Yeah because hatch exist. Hatch should get removed and EGC should be put in its place imo.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I hate it because killers have to do it. It’s really boring for both sides and needs to be changed

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    That issue of survivors not having any sound was fixed quick. It only remained on spirit for some time, and lets be honest, no one cares about a slugging spirit.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Why do survivor mains always complain about killers trying to win? It’s like they just want us to let them win .Trying to chase down every survivor one at a time guarantees you’ll never win as a killer. You gotta use more strategies than just blindly chasing people. The only complaints I understand are the facecamping camping the hook(area patrolling is okay) and excessive tunneling at the start of the match since those ruin the match for that one guy and are counterproductive for the killer anyways. Every other complaint just makes me think they never play killer lol If you get slugged it’s your fault and your fault alone.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Oh ya I slug when I’m using obsession perks as well. I don’t wanna kill the obsession and wast my perk slots but I don’t just wanna leave him alone. So I down him to slow down the survivors. Simple as that

  • Member Posts: 385


    It's pretty mind blowing the amount of salty survivor complaining about being slugged and left on the ground to die when all they did was making sure I couldnt find them by crawling in a corner.

  • Member Posts: 804

    Yesterday during a game it got to the point where there were two left. I slugged a bill and then looked for the other guy who I hadn't even seen the entire game. Bill unbreakabled and I downed him again, kept looking for the other guy.

    Found him right before bill bled out all the way hiding in a bush next to a far corner on the map. In the post game I saw he had almost no points except for alturism and boldness. I have no idea what he did for that entire game, just wait for hatch? I don't think he spent a single second on a genny.

    Anyways I blame that guy for letting the match hang on for so long.

  • Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    boldness indicates he was healing, unhooking or reviving (or doing anything else worth points) in your threat radius which is kind of funny since it sounds as if he's great at hiding well yet still couldn't figure out how to hide his ass to a generator. That's the next step in his rise to shinobi. And then learning when and how to do the gen while the killer is around without dying, at that point, he will become shinobi.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    This has a easy solution: remove the hatch and let the EGC start, once there is only 1 survivor left.

    No more slugging required.

  • Member Posts: 577

    Gotta love survivors waiting in the exit gate until the killer Comes so they can teabag


  • Member Posts: 173

    I had a killer slugg for the 4k. They found the other survivor while I was downed. So I crawled and found the hatch and waited for them to die. They died and I got the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    But... but... how will the killer see my epic butt dance?!

    I remember a match, where i had to go afk for about 20 minutes or so. I expected to see the endscreen but instead saw a survivor teabagging. So that guy spend over 20 minutes in an attempt to teabag me.

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Gotta love Survivors who let others die for the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 2,025

    As a Nurse main, I slugg a lot. But that's only because I always getts the opportunity to slugg, because for some reason all the survivors are in one place. And it's pretty easy as Nurse. I know it ruins the fun for the survivors, and I try to avoid slugging. But it's so tempting. I never slugg for the 4K tho, because I always(most of the time) let the last survivor go. And sometimes I let them wiggle off if the match went too quick.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Killers only slug for the 4k because the hatch exists and they're afraid the last remaining survivor gets an escape even though they clearly lost. Address the hatch and slugging for the 4k will disappear automatically.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Silly survivors for wanting to do more than lay on the ground. So entitled!

    If you don't want to play slug simulator then throw yourself on the hook so killer can get their hard earned 4k.

  • Member Posts: 86

    Gotta love survivors hiding for 10 mins just so they can take the hatch when they didn't even finish all the gens. Why wouldn't killers do what they need to in order to kill everyone?

  • Member Posts: 399

    How dare the killer uses another way to secure a win! Oh wait, the Killers job is to win. OP, what are you getting at?

  • Member Posts: 688

    When I play killer as long as I prevent all 4 survivors escaping through the exit gates that's a win in my eyes. Slugging for the 4k is boring for both sides so if the last survivor gets hatch then that's fine as the game comes to a close quicker.

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