
Are people really THAT upset that the New UI and character movement went through? I’ve seen threads about people “leaving” the game because of it when we all know they’ll be back in 3 days. Like C’mon how old are we? Yeah, sure it’s not the best and people are allowed to have their personal opinions but to lash out at the devs who nerf the perks and add-ons you cry about and update the maps you want updated (both survivor and killer side), you sure are ungrateful. I don’t mind the HUD while others do mind it but be happy they’re willing to try new things.



  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    Aww... sorry you can’t ALWAYS have things YOUR WAY.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    You need to come to your senses that with every update and patch there is going to be bugs, some worse than others that can make an impact on gameplay. Yet, the many people that complain the game is unplayable are the ones that still allow themselves to play it. If You find the bugs to make your gameplay unplayable/unjoyable don’t play it at all. The devs are human just like you and I and make mistakes that they’re AWARE of, they don’t need constant reminders.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    yeah I agree. No one asked for these changes and people did complain about the UI HUD which is fine but the DEVS are human just like you and I and make mistakes but they don’t need to constantly be lashed at.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    If they were aware of it they wouldn't have added it. How can you be sure that the people claiming bugs are making the game unplayable are still playing the game? Where are you getting your data from?

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    There’s a difference between dick riding and being mature, which other people here seem to lack. I bet you anything most people here are 21+ acting like a damn 5 year old who didn’t get a toy.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    You’d be surprised when people say they’re “leaving” or “quitting” Dbd only to find them back on days later.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    Yeah It might of ticked people off that they didn’t listen or bother to make changes regarding the negative UI feedback but they’re still trying. I mean, look, they nerfed DS and Object, something people have been screaming for 4 years to get fixed. Yeah it shouldn’t have took 4 years but it’s here. Maybe they just wanted to use this new UI hud. It’s THEIR game at the end of the day. We’re just the ones that decide to play it or not.

  • Mileena_Kahn
    Mileena_Kahn Member Posts: 600

    I mean I wasn’t agreeing nor disagreeing with what you said I just stated why I think they went through with it but you have the right to drop the game if you want.

  • AnarKaos
    AnarKaos Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2021

    Dude, I'm 48 and my first system was freaking Pong. I have also had at least 2 major stroke events. Guess what? I have had ZERO issues with the new HUD.

    Now I'm a firm believer in everyone has a right to their opinions and preferences. That said, I couldn't give be even half a woodland squat about the thoughts of most of the entitled, whiney, bullying chronic self-flagellators in this community and more specifically on these forums. Not because I disagree because I LOVE me some civilized and lively discourse. The people flooding the forums with posts that amount to a toy store temper tantrum and jumping on anyone showing even a modicum of positivity towards the changes barely deserve their voices to be heard any more than the caricature laden rich boy bad guys from practically any 80s teen comedy did, let alone to impact changes in a community that is far larger than their minuscule excuses for comprehensive capabilities can work out WITH instructions.

    But sure, go ahead and play the "Im older and wiser" card like your opinions are somehow more correct. Well, that must mean MINE is even better than yours, right? No? Then either quite complaining (like our and older generations claim Millenials and Gen Zs do) and grow up and play the game or shut up and leave without making a scene. Because people who act like this won't be and shouldn't be missed.

  • rezmax
    rezmax Member Posts: 54

    Stupid hits, barrels on jungle gyms so u cannot fast vault, more doors but less pallets, hud on upper left corner good luck multitasking looking up when you are in chase and looking for killer's red stain, my friend went into struggle because I couldn't look up, I could've went 1 for 1.

  • AnarKaos
    AnarKaos Member Posts: 28

    You do realize that by taking that stance with the illogical opening of yours you are, in essence, acknowledging yourself to be one of the whiney, entitled people I was calling out for horrible behavior...to right? I mean being labeled a complainer is one thing but to expose yourself as a part of the toxic childish jerks in the forums is a whole different level of ungrateful.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Here I'm glad to see that all the "effort" the devs put into this ui was wasted so now maybe they will think how would the community would act if we did something this big take 3 weeks not the normal 2 and do nothing other tha add slashes to the injured icon

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    The Hud is trash and strains my eyes looking up all the time to see numbers that are much easier to see when looking down... (think about how gravity works)

    We should have the option for legacy hud. Isn't a hard request to make really, the coding is still there.

    Also new animations are junk... they literally added extra frames to crouch so it takes about 4 seconds to do a full crouch instead of 2...could mean the difference between a killer spotting you or not...

    So far, hate all the new changes and it makes the game even less tolerable now.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    I don't mind the changes

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    I totally agree with u. I like the new movement animations and appreciate the small clown and wraith buff. Tbh I didnt wish a new HUD but here it is, so what? If people are not happy about it they should at least explain why.

  • DangerFace
    DangerFace Member Posts: 6

    What exactly is your definition of unplayable? I have been playing it just fine and have only noticed a very few bugs

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,340

    I dunno bout that. I have a habit of checking in on the forums on and off to find plenty of new names while at the same time, certain old names that I use to see all the time arnt here.