A vent about patch

As you can see from title, I am furious that I can't play one of greatest games I ever played. And it is questionable if I ever be able to play it again. Now there is event approaching. And I really want to play, but these buggy movements and horrible animations, physically keeps me from playing. Literally, like on triggering my vertigo I feel dizzy and I am gonna puke level.

I do want to play the game, but you are making it so hard. New changes that we tell you for a month now, are horrible as expected. Why we steam players even bother to download PTB, since even the most dominating feedback is not worthy.

UI is terrible, changes don't even make sense. I can't find anything in hud. The most useless easily trackable information (hook counter) is constantly right in front of me instead of my points which I can't see now. Who is injured who is what is so difficult to track. And yes, despite of your so thoughtful colorblind friendly slash addition. Of course some of these problems are habit related. More than 4k hours, it is now reflex to see certain things. But some of them are design problems. I can swear this hud is designed by someone who never played the game. It looks like copied from another game.

Animations are terrible, hits feel terrible, running feels terrible, camera movements feel horrible. They are too shaky, too buggy, too clumsy, looks too raw. Like they are not finished, yet published. I thought that was PTB rawness, live would be better. Clearly I was wrong, same buggy camera shakings and weird turnings are here and kicking. Ground camera action makes me feel like I am watching an amateur action movie. Its turning and going way down. That makes healing, dropping on to ground, hooking animations very weird. And like I said, too much camera movement causes motion sickness, and prevents me from playing. As a casual VR player I kind of doubt that my overly sensitive eyes/ inner ear are the only faulty parts here.

DBD used to have a unique atmosphere with its filters, maps, movements, prompts, letter fonts.. Everything was so characteristic, so DBD. Now you seem so determined to erase those, and try to look like everyone else. its like I deleted DBD and started playing some cheap copycat game, that tries to be like DBD but can't due to copyright infringement and budget cuts.

Why you keep saying to your players "Go play something else!". Why are you pushing your devoted players away? Maybe I am too much invested in your game both mentally and monetarily and can't think more objectively. But it saddens me to think that you care less and less about game quality/ player satisfaction. If you read this far thanks for your patience. That concludes my vent about this patch.


  • vindictive
    vindictive Member Posts: 21

    Like everything good about the game they .... up the UI and animations, as well as lunar event... Unfortunately I loved the charms of this tome. I am planning to hire a player to complete my tome and event...

  • Skaels
    Skaels Member Posts: 92

    It's sad to see my friend. I feel your pain. The sad part is that none of it makes sense and it feels like we're screaming into the void.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    A month worth feedbacks, reviews, very explanatory alternative designs, very detail what don't work whys, and all we got in return is a "WE CAN'T HEAR YOU" or more sad one, "We absolutely don't care about you or your opinions about the game". Even to see all these feedbacks after patch, pouring our hearts and thoughts into the game, and thinking that we still won't get a response, upsets me very much.