Congrats BHVR you broke your game again

ashmim Member Posts: 10
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This bad wasn't like for ever... Every patch you make for past 1,5 years you add stuff and brake more stuff already decent or broken to more broken...

  1. UI broken, cant see crucial things, stuff to big, some to small, red on red what the hell?! (do you even have testers) ?
  2. Hitbox... omg the hitboxes... before was bad but now? jesus... unplayable I'm getting hit through pallets, walls, for example running from nurse through pallet>turning to the end of that render and boom im on the ground from 3m away ?! killer had no lags I had ping 40ms... and its like that on every map since you did this god terrible patch
  3. Dead hard works little bit better than before but who cares if you still getting hit because of hit boxes from beyond?!
  4. maps are to milky not bright milky and its not a fog just stupid looking not sharp enough for a game in 2021, in general maps look better but this is just bleh... same color, all blends together hardly visible at all.
  5. match making, well system is not better than before for sure, 1 game you just destroy the killer or you get camped, tunneled, all day long, before you could say hey mr killer GG really good hard game, now its just forgettable and insignificant well we lost because of bugs, broken stuff or other things we get used to its not like damn i did badly this game, its just welcome to bug by daylight hahah... is it really needs to be that?
  6. movement - no 360s, you gave people with more skill, the ability to use it, effectively or not but you could chose, or even wanted to learn this now its just gone, you made this game about running the survs with the killer till they die, skill means nothing at the moment.
  7. For a long time you are nerfing survs like crazy all the time, perks, movement, pallets, maps now all are favoring killers, you are taking out the fun playing surv, go killer camp tunnel, you will kill everybody most of the time because no skill required anymore.
  8. 20min que times for survs and 10s for a killer
  9. when you spot the killer you can instantly tell if he plays on console or pc, PC is harder to deal with vs console you just make fun of
  10. heh another beautiful thing, drop a pallet 99% you will get hit through it, as a Killer rank 1 99% of the time Im able to hit everyone through pallet, as a surv main I stop dropping pallet while in chase because they are unusable.
  11. when you play cannibal after hit you camera goes up, god knows why.
  12. you nerfed surv to a point it start to be unplayable, you nerfed over 2 years "DS,DH,healing, flashlights, adons, toolboxes what else you need to nerf for the killers to be able to not complain? where is the line?! just make surv unable to move for 30s after the match starts killers will be happy!!!
  13. I'am playing this game since the beginning and each year is getting worse and worse, patch after patch more things broken than before, you fix 5 things and another 5 appear from it.
  14. dont get me wrong you do a "prettygoodjobsofar" with always trying new things like new killers, survs, maps, new cosmetics I love that I really do its amazing a keep it up, just take a break and fix the other stuff people are complaining about for months and months.
  15. Hackers... well every game has them so nothing to add there.
  16. btw for the last thing, 15 bucks for a skin in game that costs 10-15 bucks most of the time, are you guys crazy? I understand you need to earn money but for the love of god you made it so expensive its just ridicules, for that price there should be like a bundle for 3 chars hey 15 bucks for those 3 event skins limited offer... not 1 skin in a price of the game...
  17. DO BETTER BHVR, I still believe


  • LeThougLiphe
    LeThougLiphe Member Posts: 7

    If the survivor is skilled enough to 360 then he should be allowed to, not get gutted to the ground cause they decided to release unpolished and unfinished horrible animations.

  • LeThougLiphe
    LeThougLiphe Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2021

    Couldn't agree more with what you are saying. You are 100% right and unfortunately I highly doubt that any word up there will ever reach BHVR.

  • ZakBrian
    ZakBrian Member Posts: 5

    Quella latrina della Madonna sarebbe riuscita a fare un aggiornamento migliore, cristo zio.

  • Xcentric
    Xcentric Member Posts: 1

    I agree with many of your points. Hit boxes are very scuffed, but I don’t think that pallets are any worse than they were before. I think that The Game is much better now for survivors, however, as it is much easier to find gens, pallets, and loops. There are a few walls on Crotus Prenn Asylum that you can literally walk through that makes some loops unplayable. Things like the timer for Pig’s traps cannot really be seen at all when you are injured. The color over every map is weird. 360s shouldn’t have been removed, but i’m glad old flashlights are back along with a sound indicator. I think that many of the other changes to survivors were necessary, like the DS nerf and OoO change, and killers have also had many things nerfed about them in the past as well (moris, undying, etc). I think if they fix the hit detection, add 360s again, fix the bugs on the new maps, and allow people to change the UI for themselves, then I would love the state of the game.

  • NOEDaddy
    NOEDaddy Member Posts: 93

    I couldn’t agree more. When the update first launched I was busy and I didn’t play yet but I was reading the forums here and thought like these guys must be exaggerating, trust me whatever you say it doesn’t describe how bad it is after the update for us console players. It’s simply unplayable now so I’m gonna come back to this game after they fix it. It’s a literal joke how they can’t admit their mistakes and fix what’s wrong.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118
    1. "For a long time you are nerfing survs like crazy all the time, perks, movement, pallets, maps now all are favoring killers, you are taking out the fun playing surv, go killer camp tunnel, you will kill everybody most of the time because no skill required anymore.
    2. 20min que times for survs and 10s for a killer"

    You see what you did here ? ^^ 😂

    But I agree that this HUD, its like fitness for eyes, No Gain, All Pain.

  • ashmim
    ashmim Member Posts: 10

    mori nerf doesnt matter that much undying sure its a nerf but its irrelevant most of the time, I mean they were not a big deal to begin with... (only when killer had Devour hope). About the pallets they are few than before for sure and in such a odd place's that dont make sense at all like they are totally random , you cant even loop the killer now that much or sometime at all, they are changing the game mechanics to that extend that soon this will be truly not fun anymore. Dont get me wrong I dont want to run for 5 gens like before (I can) but BHVR makes changes that effect everyone rank 1-20, you cant expect rank 15 play like rank 1 it will never be balanced this way, when you get skill you get better, you make red ranks overpowered and left the ranks 10+ little bit better thats it. Example you reworked bubba in order not to camp that much... and gave them the tools to camp even more?! do you play your game? or better one you reworked billy with this change he is bottom tier killer. hahaha this is just stupid... Clown rework you have 2 different bottles now you can slow down the survs + gain speed with 1 bottle... how thoughtful of you BHVR...

  • ashmim
    ashmim Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2021

    you mean its more fun to play with friends rather than solo as a killer? yes it is more fun because you are with your friends you interact with other human being, I dont even play solo anymore not worth the time

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    I won't be surprised if this gets removed, they usually delete posts that outline the flaws of the game and anything critical of their decisions etc

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 458
    edited February 2021

    I I have had a few games tonight and felt so dispaointed


    -can't tell if survivors are affected by status effects, can't even tell what survivors they are it's so small even going right up to the tv and having at max size i can't tell

    -can't tell how far the hook progression is if they have been on there 2 seconds or 50.

    -Clearest thing is the killers power or item and already know what killer you are or what item you are holding

    -i liked they added in the hook progression


    -several made me motion sick especially when playing survivor the clown gas effect made my eyes and head hurt

    new reworked maps

    -any character those maps had now has been completely removed and everything just looks brown. The game map i felt like i was on some ps1 game i use to play looked horrid

    Other stuff.

    -Scratch marks so faint can't track anyone.

    -one match spawned right next to the killer

    -as survivor i got speed boosts when unhooking people

    -one match as killer i saw the aura of every gen even completed ones and even at end game i could still see every aura.

    -One match stuck at a hook unable to hook someone while 4 gens got done just DC after i got unstuck

  • ashmim
    ashmim Member Posts: 10

    It would be nice if any response would come from the devs but I think It wont happen any time soon:/

  • xi0mara
    xi0mara Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2021

    New hitbox in a nutshell. Even if you try ti juke it's useless coz the hitbox is so bit it'll still hit you. I also notice that survivors reaction is kinda slow compare to as before.

  • ashmim
    ashmim Member Posts: 10

    pretty good job so far

  • ashmim
    ashmim Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2021

    HITBOXES after latest patch