I don’t like the new HUD — What are your thoughts?

I hopped into a game this morning forgetting that the HUD just got updated (not to mention I was also on asylum which looks nothing like the old asylum). Anyways, in my opinion it’s way too spread out and the first two (and only two) games I could stand to play today were a bit of a dumpster fire. The entire time I was searching around and looking at the info that was scattered across my screen. Needless to say, I was in shock at how they could just take the compact and straight to the point HUD and make it look like a mobile game. Things that didn’t even need to be there, like the character pictures and hook counters, are there for some reason. Now I can understand how that information could be helpful to a first time or newer player; however, experienced players (such as myself) really don’t need to be constantly reminded that Meg only has one hook left. On top of that, I can barely even see the hook timer. Also, the placement of the generators that need to be completed proved to be the most haphazardly placed piece of info.

All this complaining to say that I simply don’t like the new HUD and I cannot bring myself to jump back into a match because I cannot stand frantically looking around. What do you think? Are you liking it or hating it like me?


  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94
    edited February 2021

    I haven't had any problems with it survivor side, knowing everyone's hook counters is pretty helpful. I definitely aren't frantically looking around anyway and can play as normal. I do agree the hook timer is harder to keep track of though.

  • toastypiggy
    toastypiggy Member Posts: 13

    I’m glad you can play normally, idk, I just can hop on board with the new layout.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 672

    I think I will give it about 50 matches before I decide. The old HUD took me awhile to get used to.

  • _HN_
    _HN_ Member Posts: 385


    TLDR: It's bad, on many levels, most of them being an apprentl lack of understanding of very basic UI design knowledge from the person in charge of the update.

  • rats00
    rats00 Member Posts: 194

    Its fine. The way people were talking I was expecting loud flashing lights.

    I have lost the ability to take anything seriously on this forum. Holy crap everyone must have nothing going on.

    Honest question mods will you ban my account? I don't want to do it by being rude to someone.

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    I think it's better, the survivors images with there names next to them is handy, and being in the top left I'm more likely to notice someone becoming injured than looking down low. I have no need really to check my perk or item so it makes it easier for me.

    I do think that they need to either give players the options to customize it more or at the very least choose between old or new HUD.

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 49

    It's almost like the person who designed it went out of their way to make it as awful as possible without being too obvious about it.

  • angelxd19
    angelxd19 Member Posts: 3

    it's utter #########. It looks like game companies first edition of a first game. Why does it look like a ######### mobile game? I don't get why downgrade your game to look worse

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    The new UI is just utterly disgusting and should be reverted immediately.