why did i lose a pip?

Before the game started survivor disconnected so obviously cut to the usual displeased entity no points but why did I lose a pip because a survivor disconnected just before the game loaded in?

I don't know if it was on purpose as well because a team mate on it started giving me abuse saying 'terrible killer' 'gg ez' 'ur ass' 'learn to play'

If so are people abusing it to try de rank people?


  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Haven't seen this yet but wouldn't be a surprise.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    Sounds like a toxic SWF team. But you definitely shouldn't depip for that. Who knows why.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    that was the weirdest part it was just one person saying it all and the others where confused

  • Sasha233
    Sasha233 Member Posts: 40

    They're just trolling, just say ez as well and move on

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    The results screen tries to tally everything as if there was an actual match, but everything should revert back after you exit it. If it didn't, that's a bug. The emblem system is completely jacked up at the moment in any case.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    1. You didn't actually depip. It's just a visual that doesn't actually carry over once you leave that screen.

    2. I don't think they were actually being toxic. If the game is cancelled before it even starts I almost always.make a comment just to break the ice. "killer too op", "close game", "hard me in the first half, not gonna lie", etc. These are obvious jokes as no game was actually played. I have a feeling it was a similar situation here.

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    ah no I wasn't bothered by the trolling but they kept going on and even the other survivor was confused they wrote about 7 different lines of the stuff 😂 it was funny more then anything.

    I did actually lose a pip, i guessed it was a bug but I'm not too bothered about it was just wondering if anyone had the same thing

  • First time I've heard this affecting a killer, I've mostly heard it affecting survivors with most killers actually somehow pipping when getting a black pip or double pipping on a single pip.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    I had great games and depipped but also horrendous ones that gave me a pip. Happened multiple times today lol

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    I've noticed a lot also when playing survivor I'm not even hitting a black pip when I've been chased not even hooked done gens and escaped the game. I don't get what I'm supposed to do all the gen, get hooked and escape just to black pip?

  • Okaythenn
    Okaythenn Member Posts: 47

    yet again lost a pip because someone disconnected before the game started

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    oh no, i am losing pips. And it's reflecting. I just had a game with THREE iridescent and depipped. Talked to NotQueen on Discord she said it's a known issue. My friend depips EVERY game no matter how well he does

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I have depipped before when not even getting into a match that was "cancelled", I have also lost my items occassionally. I just chalked it up to this buggy game and went on. I don't think it is an exploit. the people in chat may not have known you were there, maybe they thought you were the one who didn't make it and were just playing around. Sorry this happened, pips are harder for killer, for sure.