An extra week for what???
Literally nothing anyone cared about was changed, such as the HUD, hitboxes, or the animations. Start listening to the community or your game's gonna die as soon as something better comes out. And also, I hope something better comes out so I can stop playing this #########. Who makes the call to release this garbage in this state? It's a no-brainer that the community is going to hate it if hitboxes are a mile in length and the animations still look like the survivors have a stick up their ass.
I like the new animations
The new HUD has grown on me
The mangled change is nice
I haven't personally experienced any hitbox issues I haven't seen before
Devs have said it's not so easy to make changes in the time between PTB and pushing to live. Maybe they'll change what so many people are crying about
But if not, it's not the end of the world. Truly, go play something else if these changes bother you so much
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I obviously would if there was a better alternative. And about the other stuff, your obviously a minority.
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This might be a bit hypocritical, but your experiences aren't everyone else's. And besides, I have seen way more people against the ui then for it
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If you like the new animations are you going to play survivor more? Or are you just one of those people who will say the animations are awesome and then never touch survivor again and stick to killer? So far everyone i've seen support the animations hardly plays survivor or will not be playing survivor much after this change.
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I'll play as much as before; about 60% killer, 40% survivor
I understand that for sure. The complaints just seem exaggerated to me, and I wanted to show that not everyone feels that way and that it's not a huge deal. That would be my opinion though
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Same, I just played all day today both sides and even though it feels weird, the game feels refreshed from my perspective. The new animations are cool too.