Honest Assessment of the New Patch from Switch Player

First off, who over does your map design and art work needs to be commended. The new environments and tiles look really cool and pristine. I definitely feel like I am immersed in the actual environment. I can imagine a lot of work went into these different pieces and it shows. I am excited to see what you do in redesigning the other maps.
Second, I do really like the new changes to the Killers and Survivors. I think they make sense for the most part and will help improve game play.
Third, I am extremely grateful that you added a hook counter next to each character. I think this will help both sides a lot. Killers will know who they can take out of the game fast or who they need to hook for barbecue and chili stacks. It will also show them who not to hook for Devour or Pig Traps. Likewise, survivors will know who they need to start protecting more and what their status in the game truly is. In all a really good change.
Fourth, linking the portrait of the player to the number of downs they receive also utilizes the logic from point three. It is a good change.
Now there are some things that I am not a fan off.
First thing is the HUD. I am going to focus on the key aspect though that truly affects both sides. The changing of how the HUD is implemented is my huge concern. I am not sure if it is indeed, but it is actually harder to know certain aspects of the game we are used to. For instance, I can no longer really judge how long a survivor has on the hook until they reach struggle mode. The odd coloring and size of the bar is not good indicator of how long you have left. This could severely damage a survivors ability to determine when the need to go for a save which could lead to the death of their team. It can also hurt the killer who utilizes that to determine whether someone might be going back for a hook save due to dwindling time.
Second thing with the HUD is the lack of ability to know if someone is being picked up/slash healed. Both survivors and killers utilize this to know what plays to do at a certain time. Previously the bar was highlighted when an action was being performed on a downed survivor. Now there is no way of knowing what is going on with them. It does affect both sides as they go through the course of the game.
Third thing with the HUD. There are times on certain maps and in certain settings when the map melds with the bar for counting hooks and the timer bar. This could confuse people and cause them to not know what to do in certain situations. I would look into that to ensure that it can be fixed.
I feel like all of these things could be fixed if you went back to the original HUD setting with only adding the hook counter next to each character. If that is not a route you want to go, I would suggest addressing the points above so you make it obvious and visible to ensure everyone knows the state of the game. It will affect both sides equally.
Another thing that can affect game play is the music survivors hear when on hooks. The normal music starts and then suddenly stops and puts in new music and then switches back. This is quite jarring and I actually let go of the hook my first time playing because I thought it meant I had already died. Can it just go back to the regular music? If not, can you at least make it one continuous music set so it doesn't cut in and out.
Some random things that are weird, but don't affect overall game play.
The running is kind of odd looking.
When I get downed and also hooked, the camera pans down and it is quite odd looking like a bug. Is this supposed to happen, and if so, can it not?
I don't mind the other parts of the new HUD. It will take getting used too, but not horrible.
I liked your post, but the killer gets around set of hooks, that are not all that accurate to tell which survivor is hooked and how many times. The devs seperated this intentionally to give survivors more information without working for it. I feel though you hit it spot on. thank you.
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Thank for the information! I do think that makes a lot of sense as it does provide a balance.
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I dislike the map changes, and I have been consistent in that.
- Too much clutter which distracts from the atmosphere (i.e. it feels like the game through its aesthetics is actively trying to lower my ability to enjoy myself)
- Bland lighting (objects consistently have a strange sheen not present in older patches. Also, neither stark shadows nor breathtaking moonbeams which have both existed in the past are present here)
- Collision (maze tiles and other obstacles on the "updated" maps have been made ever-so-slightly bigger/thicker to make the borders between tiles less bare, and that size change demolishes my muscle memory for running the tiles in unorthodox ways, ways which have been most affected).
So, sure, for a wallpaper or something this would look pleasant. For the game DbD, this simply reduces the overall quality of the experience of playing it at any level beyond "run around like a headless chicken and don't think about the brains of the other people in the match".