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To when?
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i mean in 2016 dbd had gerat grab from window animation
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Yeah new UI is dog #########. Takes up 50% of the screen....
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+1 Survivor is dead until it's fixed im Killer Only i use to play Survivor outside of recording for Youtube but im done until this is reverted.
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Yeah it really doesn't. I can show you a game that has a UI that takes up more than 50% of the screen if you like. People seriously need to stop being so dramatic. Yes, it's not a favoured update, but it's not as bad as people keep making it out to be.
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You are sorely outnumbered on that opinion.
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Ofc it doesn't take up 50%. That's what called an exaggeration. It still blocks the entire view when i'm on a gen looking for the killer. Who ever came up with this UI should be fired and never get another job ever. You have to be a special kind of stupid to think this dog sh it is an upgrade to the game. You now have to look at several places for all the info while the old UI you only had to look in the bottom left corner.
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If a HUD strains my eyes so much to the point that i even get headaches from it after playing just a few games then i would defintely say it's bad
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The new UI doesn't bother me, what does are the crazy hitboxes. being hit from about 2 people away from a killer. getting hit through walls, something isn't right.
I haven't tried playing killer yet but if the hitboxes really are messed up that bad it can't be good.
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100% agreed.
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+1 Woah chill we get it this ui is bad but you dont have to go that far
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I want 2019 movement back.
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i made a new main menu to go alongside the new UI .. thank me later bhvr!
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revert it. Actively looking for a new game that considers player base even slightly.
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Agreed. I scaled them down to the smallest and they are fine but I still don’t like them. I guess I’m just so use to the old one. What I really don’t care for is the new movement on survivor. It just feels off to me. Janky, nowhere near as smooth as the old. I’m still playing though.
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I am doing the same I think.
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Imagine being so petty as to try and demand things from the devs. It's. A. UI. It does not take up half the screen, it does not need to be reverted and it sure as hell is not bad. If this is what the UI was when the game launched and they changed it to what is was previous to this one everyone would still lose their minds. UI too big? Make it smaller. It's not rocket science.
If as UI change makes you quit then the Devs probably don't want you playing their game anyways.
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It's not just the UI, they've totally changed survivor movement, (far worse than the UI though I do hate that too). And they broke hit boxes. The worst update for survivors I've ever seen. These changes are game breaking.
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Let's get it trending on Twitter. Hold the line and don't let up until we see some changes.
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Are you on cr@ck?
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Look. I understand complaining about things because they're game breaking. Yes hit boxes are busted. I literally just played a game against a Nurse and she hit me several feet away. This needs to be fixed. However, the movement hasn't changed. The devs stated that movement speed is the same as it was pre-patch. Unless there's physical evidence that actually makes a sizable difference it's fine. I don't get what's wrong with the UI. I resized it to what fits me and 3 games in I'm used to it. I don't play 3 inches from my monitor so just looking at the screen I can see everything I need to.
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It is not just movement speed, surv movement has absolutely been nerfed and there are other posts that explain it better than I could. There's a reason you cannot spin a killer anymore. Movement is far more stiff and it feels clunky. I can excuse things like broken hit boxes but when you start intentionally making the game awful via UI and surv movement... Why are they fixing things that arent broken or EVER complained about? This update is disgusting and deserves all the outrage it's getting.
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Its not only about mechanics. The new movements look and feel weird and clunky they took away a part of the game’s unique identity. And there are A LOT of us saying this. Your opinion may differ from ours, of course, but yeah the clumsiness vibe the new survivors give me is making me play other games. After 4 years of almost DBD only.
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I get it. A lot of people think it's clunky and silly whereas I find them a hell of a lot better. The old animation were utter garbage in my opinion. Running while injured looked like you were holding your guts in while skipping. Looked horrible. With that being said I understand not everyone likes what's new. My problem is the fact that everyone and their mother is complaining about something that hasn't even been live for a day yet. Give it a couple of weeks and get used to it then come back with constructive criticism. Complaining for the sake of complaining without even TRYING to get used to it makes me think that's why the Devs ignore us.
Out of curiosity tho how often do people actually look at their animation while playing? I for example only do it if I have a more stealth oriented build. Aside from that I never looked at my survivor because there's other things to look at that are more important.
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your options are to set the HUD size to small, which decreases skill check sizes as well, or deal with, yes 50% of your screen. Draw a box inside the UI elements. This is your effective FOV. Measure the area maintained by only the UI space, now measure the area maintained in your effective FOV. Have for the medium HUD sizes is pretty accurate
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problem is, I don’t need more than 5 minutes to realize if animations in a videogame make or break my experience...
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Woot sounds like they fixed survivor queuetimes. Guess I'll give her a few tries on steam later then reinstall on ps5 where the grind is not done if I can deal with the patch and hit detection. Rank should be low that with more killers I should be on easy street with mm
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No. You're wrong. The update is pretty bad.
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fr -- the grabs were awesome
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They really need to scrap this crappy new age UI, why can’t they just fix all the bugs if they are bored..
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It's pretty unplayable as survivor atm. Being a survivor main with around 3k hours in the game, it's kind of disheartening to deal with this style of game play. The map updates and such seem pretty cool as far as I can tell, although I've only gotten Chapel once and The Game twice thus far. I don't really mind the new animations at all, the only thing that seems effected are the 360's and possibly moonwalking, which were just memes anyways. The hitboxes are the game breaking aspect. The UI isn't that bad, it's kind of nice. The only problem with it, is the information is too far spread out compared to before. Having it all on the left side would have been much better than having it divided to 3 different parts of the screen.
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Hate to say it, but yes, the reaction is WAY overboard.. I'm really having trouble understanding all the issues being had, especially in regards to the UI. It just doesn't feel that impactful. I tried survivor, and didn't really have any unique problem. I was able to juke a huntress just fine, nothing except not being able to 360 in place felt vastly different. (Which was kind of a jank mechanic anyway)
Killer was fine, I 4k maroon 4'd, didn't have any issue playing new clown with the UI, and actually got use out of the hook tracker, even if it isn't all that sophisticated, it really does seem to give better info for newer players on how well they are doing hook wise, which isn't something that existed previously.
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