How to make the game a bit more comfortable for you

Just a little heads up for people who do not like the current changes regarding UI and animations plus the hitbox bug, this is what has helped me feel more comfortable with the changes (even though I still dislike them).
1 - Movement:
Use female characters, male characters have very lobsided animations making them feel like they run faster one way than another kinda like billy. Most importantly the animations themselves are very clunky and badly made on male characters so it's best to avoid them.
I've found that both Claudette and Cheryl have quite smooth movement so I'm sticking with them until the animations actually look nice.
2 - UI:
I tried having the UI decently large so I can get information easier but that just made my eye strains worse, in fact I got a headache about 2 hours into playing with new UI. So if you're similar to me and dislike how far your eyes need to travel listen up.
What I did was playing with perks that do not need to be looked at that often or at all. My build is my usual BBQ, Corrupt, Sloppy, STBFL (this can be done with survivor).
I also played a killer with no power gauge which thankfully is deathslinger, someone like michael or bubba would be terrible for this (doesn't really matter on survivor).
I also reduced the size of the UI to it's smallest possible point, I'm pretty sure this comes down to personal preference however. I would recommend having it small so you can see more of your screen more clearly.
Now I only need to look at the top left back to my centre. If I had lets say pop, my eyes would have to move from the bottom right to the top left to see survivor statuses, then back to the centre.
3 - Weird hitboxes:
Run DH and spine chill :)
This update is pretty bad and the UI is horrible. plz BHVR do something.
2.It doesn't help at all.My eyes subconsciously focus on the information on every side and corner of my screen even if i try to focus on the middle part.
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Instead of 1920x1080 (16:9) try 1680x1050 (8:5) for a small improvement, if that's not enough try 1620x1080 (3:2) and if that's not enough try 1440x1080 (4:3) it still sucks but it does help.
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The last one doesn't really work, DH barely works right now.