Most easily trigger killer you've met?

I just played a game on coldwind farm against a wraith. He has hex ruin and undying active. He tunnels the ######### out a poor cheryl while I do what I've been told to do (Just cleanse totems) and disable ruin. He knew it was me and started tunneling me, ignoring other players. Realizing what he's doing after I'm saved from my first hook (He left to finally go kill Cheryl), I slam a pallet in his face and teabag. Usually I don't want to be toxic but the way he was playing wasn't cool so I indulged. I give him a good chase and he eventually hooks me again. I'm saved but he immediately gets me down and starts slugging me while continuously clapping his bell in my face as some sort of revenge. It was funny cause I knew he was mad.

Most shocking thing of all? He was a rank 1. He may have killed us all but only because he tricked my teammates into thinking he was friendly after my death. What are your triggered killer stories?
