Most easily trigger killer you've met?

I just played a game on coldwind farm against a wraith. He has hex ruin and undying active. He tunnels the ######### out a poor cheryl while I do what I've been told to do (Just cleanse totems) and disable ruin. He knew it was me and started tunneling me, ignoring other players. Realizing what he's doing after I'm saved from my first hook (He left to finally go kill Cheryl), I slam a pallet in his face and teabag. Usually I don't want to be toxic but the way he was playing wasn't cool so I indulged. I give him a good chase and he eventually hooks me again. I'm saved but he immediately gets me down and starts slugging me while continuously clapping his bell in my face as some sort of revenge. It was funny cause I knew he was mad.
Most shocking thing of all? He was a rank 1. He may have killed us all but only because he tricked my teammates into thinking he was friendly after my death. What are your triggered killer stories?
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Thanks for contributing. Have a nice day.
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I needn't say more
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I wouldn't say it's the worst killer I've met, but I had a Ghostface chase me around on Coldwind for 4 gens straight. About 2 of those gens was spent looping around the cow loop & that was when he downed me. Even though I never once tbagged nor BM'd him in any way, he stands over me & tbags over and over for like 2 minutes straight. I could tell he was definitely tilted & felt a need to relieve that by mocking me.
Needless to say, I die one-hooked because he facecamps me. All of my teammates get out & I end up getting a message from him on PSN after the game. He said something along the lines of "Haha revenge, that's what you get" to which I reply "For playing the game?". He never replied.
Like dude, it isn't my fault you threw the game because of one chase. Why do you have to punish me for it?
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Just curious.. why leave a reply if you have nothing to say?
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went up against a nurse once who couldnt land a hit on me, even stunned her when she fatigued since i got her to stop just right on a pallet, she decided i NEEDED to be tunneled at that point, only medal i got that match was for chases because i had no room to do anything else, the only hook she managed to get was on a king who happened to cross our paths during endgame, she had NOED so unfortunately he was camped hard.
after match guy tried to say "gg ez" on the one kill she secured at the end, so i told him "if you call getting about 9k points a win ok i guess?", this clearly angered him because suddenly he started insulting me in polish so i just reported him and moved on.
not the most amazing match but it still lingers with me a year later because i was proud i could completely stop nurse winning a game due to knowing how to mess with his blinks
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by trigger you mean the easiest to piss off? I'd have to say legions or huntresses
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Don't do me like that. I thought it would be a good story to tell.
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Triggered killers think they're the victim when it's really them being the instigator. I'm just trying to play the game and you have to do THAT?!
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Exactly lol. Apparently looping is toxic now? Whenever I play killer & I get looped really good, I just accept the fact that they are better than me & move onto another survivor instead of ruining their match by face-camping.
Also, don't be bothered by these guys. It is a relatable story & a breathe of fresh air to see this on the forums instead of all of the other posts complaining about the new update.
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It's not a killer thing, it's a people thing. I've had survivors throw tantrums over the killer I'm using. I've had killers throw tantrums over my Lithe/Dance With Me/Q&Q. Everybody gets triggered at everything. All you can do is go into the next match and hope for better.
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Thats true. Toxicity goes both ways.a more accurate word wouldve been survivor in that statement.
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So he was just playing the game, doing what he has to do to win, you trolled him, he trolled you back and you come here to brag about it and say he got triggered? Am I missing anything?
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Yeah, you missed the point where he was tunneled cheryl to death then made me his next target cause I cleansed his totems. Keep in mind I didn't teabag till after my first hook when I realized he decided to tunnel me next. So yeah, you missed that. Plus, I thought it was funny and wanted to share the story.
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The devs
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They're to prideful to admit the UI change was wrong even after a whole month of feedback from the PTB.
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Once I played against a (old) Leatherface with a basement camping build.
He got his first catch and headed straight for basement, lucky for the guy I had head-on and was already at the shack so I got the tasty Head-On save and he turned to me, he did catch me after 1 minute and headed towards basement again, since I already suspected he was going for basement camp I ran to the edges of the map and I managed to wiggle, then I ran away towards the same corner I was downed, he caught me again, hooked me in a regular hook and started the facecamping.
Just when I entered struggle the 5º gen popped, someone went for door and my teammates came, he ignored them just revving his chainsaw in front of me, suddenly the hero we needed but didnt deserve appeared with a flaslight, blinded him and he started swinging blindly in a rage, I get unhooked and we all start running towards the Exit Gates, I get downed again close to the doors, my teammates try to give me space but in the end they are forced to stay away, he picks me up ready for that delicious awaited revenge kill and BAM!, Decissive Strike saves the day, I head towards the exit and get ready for mandatory butt-dances (reserved for these kind facecampers), my finger trembles with anticipation over the Ctrl key but a second before we can all start the ritual he disconects and starts throwing a tantrum in postgame chat.
That was the most salt I experienced in this game.
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As doctor:had someone dc cause they screwed up their dead hard tryin to save someone on death hook. In another match I got reported on stream cause they slug everyone and let them bleed out. Apparently I was supposed to get banned but nothing happen. The person said I was keeping the game hostage by slugging them.
As survivor: I got camp by ghostface but I'm not sure why. I suck at looping. My friend kept getting spammed by party invite by a killer for surviving.
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You were upset over someone playstyle lol. If anything both of y'all were upset over something in the match. Cheryl got tunneled so you decide to get the aggro off her. He was upset over a totem getting destroyed.
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Humans get mad over toxic behaviour? #surprisedpikachuface
Nothing new, i got sometimes tilted as well, wenn my undying gets cleansed and my ruin 10 seconds later. It's like playing with 2 perks without the chance of slowing down the game. It's called high risk, high reward for a reason. But the alternative like pop / thana are just inferiour to ruin undying, even after the nerf.
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When I comes to specific mains of killers I’d go with ghostfaces or freddys
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I'm no good survivor (the highest I've been is 15) but I ran a doctor that was rank 10 for 3 gens, he never injured me and DC'd.
I'd like to apologise on behalf of that doctor to anyone who was in that match.
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Yeah there are those people who can't handle a defeat.
I've been tunnel and camped only because I had beaten that guy when I was the killer.
For some reason he couldn't handle it even though I don't tunnel and camp, so no idea why they're salty of
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Congrats, you read my post!
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Posts celebrating toxicity add little to the community.
You are not justified in your actions as described in the story nor is the killer, all I see here is a bunch of children who lack the maturity needed to interact online.
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Well look what we have here folks! Someone who clearly thinks hes better than the rest of us cause he's more "mature" when in reality, he's probably the biggest baby when it comes to these sort of things. I posted this story cause I thought it would be funny to share, not to hear read you condescending comment.
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Your tantrum response only reinforces my point. Well done.
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Really improving the community over here.
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So you agree on being upset over playstyle.
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Why the ######### do you think I teabagged him?!?!
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Cause you wanted to take the aggro off of someone. It the reason why most do this.