Why don't the devs value our opinions?
The HUD and animations look as if they were ripped out of a mobile game, many influencers even said that the upcoming changes looked horrendous, why did they go through with the update and completely remove the previous one we had, the one that nobody had a problem with or asked to be changed/altered? is this just change for the sake of change or something?
Just watch a few of Almo's streams and see how he favors 'statistics' and 'numbers' over actual user experience. Granted, he's only one dev, the balance one at that, but considering how the game has been handled over the last five years, I figure the pattern extends further.
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Because too many keep spending money despite any ######### they feed us.
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The title seems a bit of an exaggeration; we can't ever really know what the devs, or any other person or persons, are thinking.
Based on the most recent devstream, I'm inclined to think that the UI change was something they did for fun and just really didn't want to back down on - hence them showing the potential OoO change and teasing a DS nerf, as a way to show that they do listen to the community, even though they aren't about this specific thing.
I'd be inclined to give the devs a little slack with this - at least until the next chapter comes out and we can see if this was actually preparing for some big change like they seemed to suggest when they announced the UI change. I don't think anything will happen, but I think it's worth waiting to see if there was actually a practical reason they went against what basically everyone wanted.
Of course, I also haven't played this game, besides today, in like a month; so if I seem a bit too forgiving towards their behavior (heh heh) feel free to ignore me.
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I would link a compilation of Almo when he plays both sides, he's in the comments and liked it, but last time I did that I got a warning from a mod.
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Cuz they're stubborn af. They think they know what's best for the game cuz they are designing it. Well how many more times do we have to prove to them that they don't know ######### and aren't listening to anyone's opinions. There are countless ppl who have 3k+ hours in the game and played it for years. Why not get some fog whisperers on discord and talk about features before implementing them? Or talk to the ######### community the forum is here for a ######### reason. They have a gold mine of a game but make such dumb decisions. Dbd is one of a kind and they can't get it right after so many tires. At this point they want the game to die and they are speedrunning this ######### for any%
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It's good fun but mocking the devs non-stop for that is just not nice and ruins it.
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Imagine if ,oh I don't know, they used their WORDS to tell us what they're thinking? Wouldn't that be great? you know, just drop the community a line now and then to say "Hey we've heard you, this isn't what we had in mind, lets use this feedback to fix the issues".
Instead we get a curated joke of a Q&A session every 3 months where the cherry pick the questions they want to answer and then radio silence about other issues, until it's time to SELL SELL SELL the new chapters then it's media blasted on all radio frequencies.
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It wasn't even mocking it was some clips of him playing killer and survivor
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Yeah but people use that clip as fact. It's like watching otz's 'otz gets demolished' compilation and harassing him for getting outplayed.