
  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,785

    you forgot to add the minecraft stone axes into the hotbar to represent the 5 hatches huntress has left

  • Visi
    Visi Member Posts: 49

    Signed. Hideous UI and animations.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Indeed, and I am glad it is. We need the Old UI back as soon as possible.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    If anyone believes this.. regarding a UI... I would question their critical thinking skills.

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    Because they use the PTB for bug testing. They do not care what the community thinks and they already have the idea THEY want the game to be.

  • jcl_z
    jcl_z Member Posts: 35

    Signed, please revert the UI (and the terrible animations)

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    The idea that a UI needs to use all of its available real estate is so incredibly backwards. Players should spend as little time thinking about the UI as possible so they can focus on the actual game, and having to dart your eyes to every corner of the screen doesn't help. And the argument that they can't revert it is meaningless. Even if you can't just press and Undo button to make things go back, you can still adjust the current system to fix bad decisions. Hell, best case scenario, let players move UI elements around as well as scaling them. Might be a bit more work, but it's not anything unheard of.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    You said the W word, they don't say that word at bhvr. it is black listed and gets you a night outside in a metal box.

  • (I couldn't find my comment after I posted it, so I'll submit it again and try to elaborate my points from earlier. I'll try to be constructive and civil without using any harsh words.)

    I can't say anything good about the new UI. Everything from the awkward character animation to the scattered (and tacky) HUD is just unpleasant. I understand the DEVs worked hard to make these updates, but no one asked for them. All that effort should have gone into making changes that people have actually asked for (ie fixing bugs and gameplay balance issues).

    I know I'm not adding anything new here, and that's kind of the point. Virtually no one likes the new UI, and players are saying so constantly. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to keep it. I'm sure the devs want us to bring in new players and to keep paying for DLCs/cosmetics. The only way to keep the playerbase strong is to give players what they want.

    I've never been all that vocal about the game's problems until now. Honestly, the problems I used to have with the game seem even more minor compared to the current problems with 4.5.0.

    Hey, maybe that's their plan. Maybe the devs got tired of people complaining about the game, and introduced this new UI to prove a point that it could be worse. Just to get people to shut up about MMR and player toxicity.

    If it means going back to the old UI, I'll never say anything bad about DBD again.

    Is that a deal, BHVR?

    Jokes aside, please give us back the old UI. We want it.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited February 2021

    Yes I also don’t believe it. I’m sure they can but they don’t want to. Also, didn’t Not Queen say that they want to wait for console players to try it out and give feedback first?? Now she’s saying it’s not possible??

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 471

    The example in this post is just perfect, survivor faces and status effect. I love it.

  • wronglayer
    wronglayer Member Posts: 4

    Absolutely hate the new UI. That it can't be changed is a blatant lie. If (somehow) the previous data was deleted, it can be redone in the same way that it was changed to this setup. There was no reason for the change. It was not wanted. It was voiced that it was not wanted after the PTB. I'm so frustrated that this game I have played since 2016 is continuing to decline because of the creators rather than the player base. That the creators are killing the game with ridiculous decisions.... Honestly, why do we even have a PTB? Instead of wasting "time and resources" on this, they could have FINALLY made a colorblind mode. But they were too uninterested in it and irritated that it was being asked for so much. A change that was asked for. But because it wasn't their idea it wasn't a priority.

    Please change the UI back. Or give us the option to change it back. Hate the new UI. There's no "more information" that you have to display that could not have been added to the old UI instead of moving everything around.

  • Paxtonize
    Paxtonize Member Posts: 47


  • HelterSeltzer
    HelterSeltzer Member Posts: 68

    Like... a good step is to make the gen counter where the killer power is... instead of up on the screen...

  • Antrapace
    Antrapace Member Posts: 253

    Appreciate the compliment but I can’t take credit for that, I had seen posted a while back when the PTB came out, another user then linked the picture under my original post. Whoever designed it is more than qualified to be working for them, that’s for sure!

  • Antrapace
    Antrapace Member Posts: 253

    I’m not sure what they do with feedback, or the player satisfaction surveys... it’s almost as if it goes missing in the mail.

  • JohnShark
    JohnShark Member Posts: 88

    You have my vote, the new hud looks awful.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    The same post on reddit had like 15k upvotes, and it didn't matter. I doubt this thread will change anything

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504
    edited February 2021

    The new HUD is awful. I've explained why multiple times elsewhere, so no need to repeat most of it here, except I will say that having the survivor information vertical along the side of the screen is terrible for quick readability, and having some of the least important information of the entire HUD (the players' names) jutting out into the FOV is... #########, there are just so many terrible design decisions here.

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58

    I really love that UI suggestion in your post. It looks really clean, concise, and on-brand for Dead By Daylight. If they can't revert back to the old UI, why not just use that suggestion/mock up? They already have the portraits and most of the assets to do it, but I don't have a clue about coding...

  • memento
    memento Member Posts: 158

    They don't listen negative feedback at all, so the only effective way is not to play the game.

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58

    @Slendy4321 That would be awesome as well. That way, it caters to everyone that has differing needs/preferences

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    Exactly!!! Everyone gets what they want and the devs can keep in the new UI. Win-win

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    The numbers will talk, if they see a drop in players and overall less player engagement (time people spend playing) or if they see an increase or they just keep the same.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Revert it for now while you work on a better version of the new one

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited February 2021

    Since I know. Devs will not put UI in its old place. So I keep the new UI placement, but make it cleaner.

    Portraits on all the time: check

    Arts are consistence in 2D flat style

    Status are clear to see: check

    Bars are clear to see: check

    Yellow bar as Deep wound / Orange as Dying / Red as Hooked

    Hooked bar isnt split into double halve. But rather depleted one (count forward another hook mark) then refill the bar. And continue.

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    I've resorted to scaling the new UI right down as it's causing me eyestrain and is distracting. I would rather play the game without a HUD right now.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607
    edited February 2021

    New UI and movement sucks so bad

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,509

    I have also set it to the lowest "size" (70% I think?) and that helps a lot. I recommend that anyone having issues tries this out, it's in the Settings menu (Steam version at least, I don't know if you can change it on console).

  • Hyp3R
    Hyp3R Member Posts: 14

    Yep, did the same. I definitely prefer playing without any HUD right now.