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About the new UI, Movement and Hex: Undying.
I have been searching the dbd community and a lot of people of damn right selfish. Sure, this isn't the best concept I have ever seen but they tried doing something new after 4 years which Is Impressive. The new movement is fine, all you survivor mains sad that you can't "Rapid" T- bag the killer. Did I mention that at it's been out for ONE DAY. Give it a chance, your yet again being selfish. The new UI is a buff to solos which the develops wanted, this is something I can appreciate being a solo myself. The new killers meta which is hex: Undying and Hex: Devour hope will soon get nerfed soon, I run perks to counter meta so why cant you lol. The new undying is obviously a nerf but it might also be a small buff, to devour that is 😂.
Nope the movement is bad, the UI is something in the middle and Undying is with DHope no problem. But we are ignoring the bugs this time ok. (But the fat shame spots are realy funny to Loop)
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Nope the movement is cool and fresh. Only idle animation is weird.
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No it feels way better to teabag in Destiny then in dbd, Hope they make it better.
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It hasn't been "out for one day". We played this four weeks ago and gave devs a boatload of feedback, which was largely ignored.
Also, four and half years into a game's development is generally not a good time to change fundamental aspects of the game.
"It's nEw AnD fReSh hurr durr". Yeah, I'll take old and reliable, thanks.
Nobody is expecting them to revert the changes, but they desperately need to make a lot of refinements and they need to communicate their plans to the community ASAP.
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Lol don't even, it was in "Beta" testing but it's been in full release for one day. More people are playing now than in the PTB lol.
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But I do agree, more changes in necessary but they'll do that in the months to come, it's still a work in progress but at least it's new lol and all new things are quite cool.
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But you only need more people testing to find the inconsistent or hard to find bugs. Feedback was given on almost all of the movement and ui issues that identified these exact issues 4 weeks ago. How does internal QA not test emblems and other currency functions every patch rigorously? These are the things that can't break for the customers and yet they do every single patch recently. I can understand the hitbox issues, internal testing might struggle to recreate the latency and variety of hardware of the game at large.
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Uhh... I think you're misunderstanding the major complaints about the UI.
Most of us (from what I've seen) are happy about the new info given for solo players and killers- such as hooks and portraits. However, the portraits they used and the wound icon they use feel stylistically out of place compared to the rest of the UI. But the biggest complaint is UI placement. Before, you just had to glance to the bottom left for all of your info. Survivor health states, names, gen count, power meters, etc. Only thing that wasn't there was the perks, effects, and emblem meters that pop up. With the current UI, you have to look 3 different places for everything. Top for generators. Bottom left for item consumption/power info. Left side for Survivor Info. Bottom right for perks. Right side for status afflictions/emblem progress.
The major change wanted with the UI is just making it so most info is back in one place to make it easier to read. People with larger screens have to look around too much for information, and even people with smaller screens will usually miss something with that information because it's too spread out. The Old UI was just easier to read and understand, even for new players. Sure, even the stylistic change of portraits actually fitting the style of the rest of the UI would have been great, and imho something that should have been there from the start, but that's not as big of an issue as 'I feel like I'm further ahead to play without a hud at this point because the current hud is too hard to understand.'
I hope that clarifies somethings! We're not just complaining about nothing to complain, we just want to be able to play the game we love.
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