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I changed my mind about camping: IS THE BEST TACTIC

Disclaimer: no bait

I just finished to watch the last Official DbD Tournament (click here) from this summer (my bad, I am late)

I didn't bother with all the 11h, but just the final matches (1.5h).

The final was Depip Squad (Marth88's) vs Tournament Monsters (Dice's russian team).
The rules where NO PERKS NO ADDONS


The winning team (no spoiler) basically won the Official DbD Tournament BY CAMPING
Once the killer hooked one, he would stay there and heavily camp until the surv would go through 2 phases and die.

In the meanwhile 3 gens where made (only because was SWF) BUT by the time the other 2 gens + door were done, the killer managed to secure another kill, camping that survivor too.

This led to a series of 2 dead vs 2 alive matches that, eventually, turned in a 3 dead vs 1 alive with a some mistake from the surv team.


If even without perks and vs a superstrong SWF team a killer manages to secure 2-3 kills just with camping, this means that the famous balancing devs have in mind is reached by camping.

No complicated powers, no crazy perks or addons: just camp the hook.

I personally always considered camping a noob strategy and - honestly - not the best to get to 4k BUT in front of the fact that this game was developed around camping to be the best tactic for the killer, to the point that is used in an official tournament final, i have to surrender.

Of course I put this on devs that are encouraging killers to camp -best tactic - and discouraging survivors to do gens - no points and additional goals to perform: is not clear to me what they hope to achieve in this way.



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Khalednazari said:
    No matter how loud you scream a no, this is definitely a bait thread. 
    I'm sorry, but I think you've really no job but start pointless threads, which indeed leads to flaming and crazy arguments.

    As much as i agree that this guy is some real weirdo who seems to be going crazy because of the recent survivor nerfs and can't deal with the fact that survivor isn't that easy to play anymore, I do have to agree with him to a certain extent about camping, it's definitely nothing killers should be insulted for, but it's a shame that it is such a good strategy in many matches in this game.
    Especially with four solo survivors, once all of them have realised that the killer is camping, it can be to late to rush gens. And camping takes close to no skill, unlike playing killer normally.

    The devs are responsible for this though, but I also understand why it's hard to implement a fair nerf to camping that can't be exploited by survivors.

    However I also haven't seen the tournament so I can't say if this post is even true. Maybe he was just patrolling hooks because he spotted surviviors near the hooks, which some trolls like to call camping as well.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @ad19970 said:

    @Khalednazari said:
    No matter how loud you scream a no, this is definitely a bait thread. 
    I'm sorry, but I think you've really no job but start pointless threads, which indeed leads to flaming and crazy arguments.

    As much as i agree that this guy is some real weirdo who seems to be going crazy because of the recent survivor nerfs and can't deal with the fact that survivor isn't that easy to play anymore, I do have to agree with him to a certain extent about camping, it's definitely nothing killers should be insulted for, but it's a shame that it is such a good strategy in many matches in this game.
    Especially with four solo survivors, once all of them have realised that the killer is camping, it can be to late to rush gens. And camping takes close to no skill, unlike playing killer normally.

    The devs are responsible for this though, but I also understand why it's hard to implement a fair nerf to camping that can't be exploited by survivors.

    However I also haven't seen the tournament so I can't say if this post is even true. Maybe he was just patrolling hooks because he spotted surviviors near the hooks, which some trolls like to call camping as well.

    The emblem penalty isn't even bad. I facecamped a dying light and only lost 3% on chaser emblem.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Yes yes join the killer side and see why we must camp
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    @radiant plus nothings more satisfying then making a complete jerk that's doing nothing but trolling the game and making them rage because they cant get free
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2018
    Can this guy get banned already? All his posts are passive agressive bait disguised as a "discussion" thread that quickly gets derailed into a shitstorm.

    I honestly pity your pathetic life where you dedicate your time to posting such garbage and filled with so much spite and hatred towards other human beings over a [BAD WORD] video game.
    Wait me or radiant because at most mine just annoy @senzuduck because I like saying how good or bad a game went and senzu yes I tagged you for a minor troll out of bordem
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Can this guy get banned already? All his posts are passive agressive bait disguised as a "discussion" thread that quickly gets derailed into a shitstorm.

    I honestly pity your pathetic life where you dedicate your time to posting such garbage and filled with so much spite and hatred towards other human beings over a [BAD WORD] video game.
    Wait me or radiant because at most mine just annoy @senzuduck because I kik saying how good or bad a game went
    Radiant, he's the biggest crybaby in this community.
    True but for once there actually calling a killer tactic ok lol
  • jwentzel987
    jwentzel987 Member Posts: 150
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Dudddd said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Can this guy get banned already? All his posts are passive agressive bait disguised as a "discussion" thread that quickly gets derailed into a shitstorm.

    I honestly pity your pathetic life where you dedicate your time to posting such garbage and filled with so much spite and hatred towards other human beings over a [BAD WORD] video game.

    Can you get banned also , since you’re always insisting on others to get banned . You must think you’re a saint 

    The amount of ridiculous posts this radiant guy has made though is quite extreme. I'm surprised he hasn't been banned already. Even though I agree with him regarding camping being a stupid strategy.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Whats with all the ban talk? If you don't like a post cant you click close tab and move on?

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Wow OP this is some tasty bait you laid out for us killer mains! It’s so yummy! Tastes like salt! 

    Have anymore? 
  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187
    edited October 2018
    You guys are unbelievable... rly.

    Have you at least read what I wrote?
    Have you at least seen the video from the tournament?

    lmao playing killer rly messes with braincells....

    whatever ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    @Radiant said:
    You guys are unbelievable... rly.

    Have you at least read what I wrote?
    Have you at least seen the video from the tournament?

    lmao playing killer rly messes with braincells....

    whatever ¯_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯

    Come on dude you have to understand those kind of reactions with all the posts you've made on this forum. While I do not get how you can be so salty about the last patch saying that survivors got nerfed way too hard, since they can still do extremely good and still have more potential than killers, I even agree with you regarding camping as a bad strategy that is unfortunately supported by the devs at the moment.
    But come on.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    Honestly, I think people should in general take posts more serious, instead of calling out "bait" or immediately begin to assume all sort of things about the players skill, experience, etc.

    On topic: Yeah it's interesting to see a strategy such as camping being used successfully in the tournament, and even being the deciding factor in regards to the victory. Especially when considering so many have been saying that camping isn't a valid strategy.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    Radiant said:
    You guys are unbelievable... rly.

    Have you at least read what I wrote?
    Have you at least seen the video from the tournament?

    lmao playing killer rly messes with braincells....

    whatever ¯\_( ͠° ͟ʖ °͠ )_/¯
    Oh, I read your post. My rebuttal still stands.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Incarnate said:

    Honestly, I think people should in general take posts more serious, instead of calling out "bait" or immediately begin to assume all sort of things about the players skill, experience, etc.

    On topic: Yeah it's interesting to see a strategy such as camping being used successfully in the tournament, and even being the deciding factor in regards to the victory. Especially when considering so many have been saying that camping isn't a valid strategy.

    When some people post things like that over and over, making dumb argument over and over. What do you expect? I just read radiant posts and threads to get a laugh at this point, there is no argument you can have with people like him/her
  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    @Malakir said:
    When some people post things like that over and over, making dumb argument over and over. What do you expect? I just read radiant posts and threads to get a laugh at this point, there is no argument you can have with people like him/her

    Whether or not an argument is "dumb" as you so put it, really is nothing more than a matter of opinion in most cases. Also, just because people disagree, don't make an argument dumb. In fact, it's more dumb to just completely dismiss a well written argument based on previous arguments, which is the case in regards to above. Also, it might be that some people post ideas that aren't necessarily the best ideas, or they don't make the same sense as the poster seems to have of it, but just because one dislikes an idea or disagrees with the idea, doesn't necessarily make it dumb. The only way we can make the game and community better, is not by dismissing people's arguments, or by calling them or their ideas/arguments dumb just because a lot of people disagree or dislike it. Quite often a good discussion can come of it which might lead to something new, or the very least people might actually begin to see the other side of things. Whenever I read a post, I try to remain objective and as unbiased as possible, because thats the only way it can be conducisive and constructive to the discussion and it's end result.

    So the interesting thing about this particular topic, is the very fact that camping has been said by so many people including veterans that it isn't a viable strategy, and people should just do gens instead, where it being the main strategy by the winner in the tournament but also in the final match, proves that it indeed is viable strategy. Now I'm not saying that the majority of people can actually pull this off, but with practice, thought and effort, it can be made to work - which it apparently did in the tournament. Which actually leads me to, that perhaps people shouldn't be so quick to write off a strategy?

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited October 2018

    @purebalance said:
    The emblem penalty isn't even bad. I facecamped a dying light and only lost 3% on chaser emblem.

    It depends on how many Survivors moved within 16 meters of the hook to see if you would leave. Happens with solo Survivors all the time, which is where Kindred shines.

    As far as camping being the best tactic, as shown by said tournament, it would require messaging the 4 Survivors in your Killer lobby and asking them not to bring any perks or add-ons. Otherwise, Borrowed Time, Kindred, et cetra come into the mix to really punish, or counter, camping.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    I camp. I love it! Sometimes it works well and sometimes it works like crap.

    I don't always camp, but when I do, I choose Leatherface...

     (or wraith...they are awesome to camp with)
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792
    I camped as LF the other night because I needed to do a daily ritual and I hate playing as him. The only fun to be had playing like that is in knowing that you're pissing someone off. It doesn't take skill. You're entirely reliant on survivors playing poorly, suiciding on the hook or DCing out of frustration. The BP gain/time spent is not worth it. If they play well you depip. If they play poorly you rank up even though you shouldn't.

    People can defend it all they want but don't play like a troll and then complain about toxicity.
  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    @Nos37 said:

    As far as camping being the best tactic, as shown by said tournament, it would require messaging the 4 Survivors in your Killer lobby and asking them not to bring any perks or add-ons. Otherwise, Borrowed Time, Kindred, et cetra come into the mix to really punish, or counter, camping.

    No, it would require winning to be based SOLELY on kills vs escapes, which that tournament was. Give a different criteria, such the points based system that most other tournaments use, and other strategies become viable options.

  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    So baffled by this post; at first I figured this might have something to do with affiliate marketing. XD

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Incarnate said:

    @Malakir said:
    When some people post things like that over and over, making dumb argument over and over. What do you expect? I just read radiant posts and threads to get a laugh at this point, there is no argument you can have with people like him/her

    Whether or not an argument is "dumb" as you so put it, really is nothing more than a matter of opinion in most cases. Also, just because people disagree, don't make an argument dumb. In fact, it's more dumb to just completely dismiss a well written argument based on previous arguments, which is the case in regards to above. Also, it might be that some people post ideas that aren't necessarily the best ideas, or they don't make the same sense as the poster seems to have of it, but just because one dislikes an idea or disagrees with the idea, doesn't necessarily make it dumb. The only way we can make the game and community better, is not by dismissing people's arguments, or by calling them or their ideas/arguments dumb just because a lot of people disagree or dislike it. Quite often a good discussion can come of it which might lead to something new, or the very least people might actually begin to see the other side of things. Whenever I read a post, I try to remain objective and as unbiased as possible, because thats the only way it can be conducisive and constructive to the discussion and it's end result.

    So the interesting thing about this particular topic, is the very fact that camping has been said by so many people including veterans that it isn't a viable strategy, and people should just do gens instead, where it being the main strategy by the winner in the tournament but also in the final match, proves that it indeed is viable strategy. Now I'm not saying that the majority of people can actually pull this off, but with practice, thought and effort, it can be made to work - which it apparently did in the tournament. Which actually leads me to, that perhaps people shouldn't be so quick to write off a strategy?

    I dismiss dumb people's argument in general. If a person disagree with me but have a decent thought behind I'm fine with it. Take @powerbats I disagree with some of him thoughts but I respect those since are well spoken. A person who says one thing over and over and being debunked over and over its not worth the time of discussion, that's it. I actually seek people who disagree with me to challenge my own idea and make it stronger or change it but if someone I just dumb I won't even bother
  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    It's not viable in the game that we all play. Aside from in specific circumstances. (Gates open, hookswarm, Tunnelling for Dying light, etc.) It was viable in that Tournament, because of the rules they used. That decision, which was regarded by the community at the time as being really stupid, for this exact reason. It has no real relevancy on the game we actually play.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @ToastfaceKilla said:
    It's not viable in the game that we all play. Aside from in specific circumstances. (Gates open, hookswarm, Tunnelling for Dying light, etc.) It was viable in that Tournament, because of the rules they used. That decision, which was regarded by the community at the time as being really stupid, for this exact reason. It has no real relevancy on the game we actually play.

    Camping can be quite reliable, if you only care about kills. Survivors can be dumb on all ranks and fail for it. But even if they work efficiently, chances are high you get two kills at least. With NOED maybe one more depending if time allows them to do totems or if you catch somebody very early in the game, which means you eliminate the first one before the gates were opened.
    The main reason why it doesn't matter that much is, playing the game only to camp is just boring for most people. And will die out the more dangerous killer get during the chase.

  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187

    It's not viable in the game that we all play. Aside from in specific circumstances. (Gates open, hookswarm, Tunnelling for Dying light, etc.) It was viable in that Tournament, because of the rules they used. That decision, which was regarded by the community at the time as being really stupid, for this exact reason. It has no real relevancy on the game we actually play.

    Very true.

    While I understand the ratio in the choice - there was 15k USD price if I recall and they had it to appear "pro game" - removing the perks make it a very different game.

    But would have they play differently? Maybe trying hook save in 4 aggressively with instaheals?
    But vs a very skilled killer with purple/pink addons, would you try a camped hook save?
    And with BnC would the killer camp? Or just nurse-blink like crazy ending the mach in 5 mins?

    Is there any tournament they played allowing perks and addons to be used? A serious one not with baby players.
  • MuttonChops
    MuttonChops Member Posts: 55

    @Khalednazari said:
    No matter how loud you scream a no, this is definitely a bait thread. 
    I'm sorry, but I think you've really no job but start pointless threads, which indeed leads to flaming and crazy arguments.

    I know another person in this forum who has no job, his name is Lowbei. Fortunately he got banned again, hopefully forever this time.

    He is so toxic. 
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Attackfrog said:
    I camp. I love it! Sometimes it works well and sometimes it works like crap.

    I don't always camp, but when I do, I choose Leatherface...

     (or wraith...they are awesome to camp with)

    Wraith is only good to camp with if you're against bad players. See where wraith is cloaked, back to him, unhook, take the hit and zoom off. Camping is not a good strat. It's a shitter strat. Hence the only time I use it is on people who 360 since they are shitters.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    The devs have always said camping is an effective strategy /shrug

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458
    lol I’ve known this since January

    i made a long post about this. 

    I started playing killer in December, only used Michael, with goal of making it to rank one, on old system, made tons of adjustments along the way, my last adjustment was camping

    i ended up camping my way to rank one. 

    Camp and noed
  • KiolL
    KiolL Member Posts: 46

    Camp = Loop

    Legal tactic for no skill players.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @KiolL said:
    Camp = Loop

    Legal tactic for no skill players.

    perfectly put

  • Purr
    Purr Member Posts: 83

    @purebalance said:
    Camping is not a good strat. It's a shitter strat. Hence the only time I use it is on people who 360 since they are shitters.

    soo u only use it on people who can do a decently hard juke manuver? that sounds like ur the salty shitter at that point they can 360 juke and u miss ur swing so when u finally down them u face camp because ur ego is hurt i could be wrong but thats wat that sounds like u just said