Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback for UI & Animation



  • Honestly i actually like the UI and the Animations are the best to me and the music with the hillbilly is actually good i dont have any complaints with the update yall did amazing

  • Member Posts: 600
    edited February 2021

    1) Bleed out/Hook progress bar is too narrow, it is hard to see where it is. It should be wider.

    2) Red shimmering of wounded survivor portraits is too different from other red present on the screen and too bright for this game. It should be way darker.

    3) Gen counter is the only useful information on the top of the screen and it is annoying to look up there every time you need this information. It should stay where it was.

    4) Hook counter for killer is pointless. You can't do anything with this information during the game. It should be on the endgame screen. Killer should have the same counter as survivors or no counter at all - even though counting hooks is not a fun part of the game.

    5) Reverse bear traps, Madness and Sleep status on survivor portraits are indistinguishable for killer at all. It shoul be something completely different from current implementation.

  • Member Posts: 136

    There's little I need to say as it has already been said at length by practically every single human who plays this game. UI is terrible, animations are questionable, and Clown's changes seem underwhelming.

    I'm less upset with the bad and confusing changes (I've just come to expect that from BHVR at this point) and more upset with the fact that the PTB's appear to be completely pointless beyond creating a false sense of dev/player collaboration.

    Consistently, we are provided with Player Test Builds that are barely functional, and therefore our feedback is also mostly useless. It's like handing us a cup with no bottom and asking us to drink from it. It's insulting.

    We've had builds where the Killer powers don't work (Ghost Face, Blight), builds with massive mechanical oversights that begs the question of whether or not the devs play their own game (The Twins), and never in these instances are the players afforded the opportunity to play a revised build that is actually functional. In many cases, a functional version doesn't even make it to the live version. PTB's should be about testing the minutia, the fine-tuning, not asking your players to identify the broken sh*t your own play-testers should have spotted on day one.

    The saddest part is, even if the DBD devs were just hopelessly inept at what they do, they could still save themselves by simply honoring what the PTB is for: PLAYER FEEDBACK.

    Not only are they not listening to the feedback, they are outright ignoring it. Changes requested by the community en masse are routinely ignored, while changes nobody asked for are regularly implemented. Sometimes they listen, but usually only to roll back some bad change they made in the first place. Comments like the one recently made by not_Queen about how the UI now cannot be changed back (which is total bullsh*t btw) despite a resoundingly negative response from the community, also indicates that BHVR just kind of just makes whatever decisions they want without actually waiting to hear from us.

    So again, the point of the PTB is what, exactly?

    Fingers crossed for a DbD competitor with some actual staying power that gives BHVR a run for their money. We'll see how quickly they change their business model when there's actual competition.

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2021

    Relatively newer player here (about a month of play and generally loving it). I don't have any new ideas to add, but as this is the place to provide official feedback, I want to echo those in favor of combining elements of the new HUD with the layout of the old HUD. I really don't understand the reasoning behind spreading all the information across the screen when the data itself allows for a concise layout. As survivor, there is no way I can enjoyably keep up with each corner of the screen, which has definitely taken away from the experience a bit. I'd imagine y'all completed user tests to indicate this was helpful/appealing to some people, but no devs have explained the reasoning behind these decisions, so it only leaves room for frustration and speculation. I also am a little disheartened seeing that a lot of players voiced concerns in the test build but then BHVR simply ignored those concerns? It doesn't inspire a lot of confidence as a newer player that the devs really care about the core playerbase, which is concerning to me.

    In terms of improvements I'd like to see to the new HUD elements, the blood bar is definitely too small (and generally the HUD doesn't get as big as I thought it would on a TV). And while I love the addition of the character portraits, they become a bit useless when you have multiple of the same character in a game and once again have no idea who is who. It'd be useful if the portraits adapted to show the cosmetics the user has picked for their character.

  • Member Posts: 167

    The ui is too spread out. Playing killer especially i have to look in EVERY corner of my screen for the info I need. Where before it was all nice in tidy in one general area. I like the ambition, however at least put the new stuff in the same configuration. At least as an option. And the animations are sooooooo bad the old ones were so much better the new ones are quite creepy and unsettling actually. And as killer its much more difficult to tell the difference between injured and healthy survivors. And the last thing but NOT least the super strange and unfair hits happening, I've noticed them on both sides. More noticeable on survivor. As killer I have been noticing me sometimes getting hits i should have NEVER gotten even with lag. Thank you for reading this 🙂

  • Member Posts: 119

    Character animation changes: New standing animation makes no sense and is more creepy than most of the killers in the game. This is a game about being stalked and killed by horrible people/creatures yet the survivors stand straight up like lifeless dolls instead of being 'on alert'. It doesn't fit.

    Crouching animation is nothing but the Pig's crouch.

    New dying flop animation is unpleasant to the eyes. The camera jerking around to the floor is just disorienting and hurts your eyes after a while. The camera also likes to zoom in on the killers ass when they place you on the hook. Can we get the camera raised again?

    UI: At 100% ui scale the perk icons and item icons are huge but the new character images/hook counter/bleedout timer/hook timer and score events are way to small. It is hard to see how much time a person has left on their bleed out or hook timer because of how small it is. Also the info of knowing when a dying survivor is being interacted with is gone.

    Exhausted debuff is now a small red on light red circle. This is not only very colorblind unfriendly but just hard to see in general.

    Score events being in the right top of the screen make no sense. If I am working on a gen or healing a person my eyes are in the middle of the screen. Old layout had the score right to the left of the progress bar so I could quickly see if I got a good or great skillcheck. Now I have to look all the way to the other side of the screen and sometimes the score is gone before I even get to looking at it. This is just a waste of time and information.

    No need for items and item addons to be so big and spread out. The old way of having the icons on top of each other was just fine.

    I liked having the name of the survivors at the bottom of the screen (User names of the people playing them). Now with them stuck in the left of the screen I get the joy of seeing CumTittySprinkles before anything else.

    Did I mention the bleedout hook timers are way to small?

  • Member Posts: 366

    I've spent three years playing this game, where looking at the bottom-left would give me all the information I needed. This update in no way addresses the fact that I, and many others, are already accustomed to looking there, and now all we have in its place is the killer power/survivor item. Instead everyone is now forced to memorize where every bit of information is, which means darting your eyes all over the screen. I don't think I'll ever break the habit of glancing to the bottom-left because, again, three years we've spent building this habit. If you had kept the most important info there, such as generator progress or survivor states, it wouldn't have been too bad. But now I don't even bother checking because of how much it demands you look away from the center of the screen, which is suicide in this game.

    In short, please make the bottom-left portion have the most important information, not what killer you're playing as.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited February 2021

    I'm not enjoying this at all, it's too much to process which is making me lose focus. I need the top half of my screen to focus on where the killer is and what my teammates are stalked by a leaning Ghostface and one hit downed due to him hiding in an area where my icons were causing a blind spot, since I only had that one area to look at for his arrival...and would've spotted him if it wasn't for this new UI. I like the portraits and style, but I wish they were back where they were originally. It's all just clutter on the screen.

    Hits are wonky as hell, might be down to the new animations, but my lord...getting hit by a killer from Mars is generally acceptable by laws of latency...but this is something else.

    Emblems are bugged! I'm getting NO emblem points for Unbroken, even though I'm earning them, so I'm de-pipping for no reason.

    I hadn't had any fun at all after this update, it's felt like a chore and this is my worst nightmare because I love this game so much. I'm worried that changes like these might make me put it down after all the hours I put into it. I don't want that at all. I welcome change and can adapt easily, but this update has caused so much frustration already, I dread even thinking about playing because I know how annoyed I'm going to get.

  • Member Posts: 56

    Please listen to players. You received a ton of feedback during the PTB about the UI and only changed the injured status indication. I don't find the slash reliable and also moving the placement of survivors to the upper left corner is horrible and not something I think I would get used to. The focus is the bottom left.

    As for the animations I don't get why they were changed to standing up completely straight. There's a killer around, don't they want to be slightly slouched as before? Injured animations feels too stiff and awkward. Dying state however is a great improvement.

  • Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2021

    Feedback for the new UI / HUD:

    • There are too many unnecessary information given by the new UI. It is absolutely unimportant how many total hooks i had as a killer. Instead it would be more interesting to see how many times each survivor was hooked.
    • The placement of the UI elements is completely confusing, unintuitive and asymmetrical. There are way too many different spots to look at. The old UI did this way better because there was only one place to look at (maybe two if you want to see perk cooldowns).
    • Adding the character portraits takes away the immersive feeling and the effects shown look very cheap and unclear. Furthermore the hook and mending timers are way too small and hard to see.
    • The whole UI seems more drawn to the center of the screen which i really dislike. It limits my FOV for actual ingame events happening.

    Feedback for the new movement:

    • Most of the new animations look extremely unnatural and cheap. Standing survivors look like meerkats looking for predators. The walking animation seems like the steps are not fitting the actual distance a survivor makes (asynchronous).
    • The transitions between different movement animations are clunky and bizarre. For example survivors who are crawling and turning around look like their Spines are completely broken.
    • The new camera position for survivors negatively affects my gameplay. It feels like i can't move the camera as freely as before and sometimes i am so close to my survivor it is hard to look around. Even when i am hooked it is difficult to look around what my teammates are doing because 80% of my screen is blocked by my survivor and the entitiy/ hook.
    • Compared to the old movement aniomations the new ones look worse in every aspect.

    As a DBD veteran with more than 4000 hours playtime i am extremely disappointed in the devs because these changes and the decision behind them to not listen to the community at all after getting so much negative feedback for the PTB makes me feel like they don't care about us and the health of the game.

  • Member Posts: 526

    I've tried to play. The UI is all over the place. Gens up top, survivors top left, perks bottom right... thank God I play a small screen!

    Movement is not fluid like it used to be. I can't judge the hits, seems like I'm getting hit by things that never would have landed before. 360's, and S swerving dont seem possible. I was just getti g the hang of moonwalking, I guess that's not a thing anymore...

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited February 2021


    For mofe dumb that it sounds, it hurts physically. I played two matches and got headache, slight dizziness and my eyes hurt. I was rather tired when starting to play, which probably made the effect stronger; but I'll still minimize by dbd playtime untill the hotfix comes.

    Gameplay-wise it seems significantly more complicated to keep track of what's going on on the map, cause hud is spread across the whole screen. As a minor stand-alone point, deep wound status effect is much harder to notice than before.


    It does look okay; a bit awkward, but previous one didn't look quite realistic either. I have a neutral attitude towards this update.

    Moonwalking feels a bit clumpsy, but that's about it.

  • Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2021

    I like it but it's so dark I have to squint to try and see anything.

    And the UI is too small. I have it at 100% and it's still too small.

    I can't tell how much time someone has left on hook.

    An in-game option in "settings" to adjust brightness would probably work for the darkness problem.

    I couldn't even see any features on the Spirit's body when she caught me it was so dark.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Alright im gonna give a short, but constructive respons about this new update. I will not talk about the perks, mainly i'd to talk about new animations, the ui, and the overall graphics update and how i feel about all of this. The new animations feel too janky and unrealistic, especially the injured ones, like who the hell leans over so much while holding their hand on their torso, the other hand is not even doing anything lmao. Also the stand up animations, they're clearly shouting "woo killer, i'm not even trying to hide here come to meee"

    I personally think the ui isn't all that great, it's not as easily accesible as the older version, who cares if you can scale it up or down, you'd have to squint your eyes to read anything, and that takes time. Scaling it up would cover up too much and make it even worse. Now the graphics, the graphics are one of the most important factors in the game for me, i loved how simple and eary they used to be, now they don't fit the theme of this game as much and it seems like they're trying to pack and make it look as filled as possible. I prefered dried out colors, and how everything was emptier and not packed in one spot. Ofcourse, i would rather not send any hate towards Dead By Daylight's developer team, i actually like how they're trying to test out new things, good job team.

  • Member Posts: 151

    Killers should be given the same hook count widget as Survivors.

    The dev's comment of "the concern we have is this would encourage tunneling a bit too much" seems completely illogical to me considering if a killer is going to tunnel they'll still do exactly what they do now and go back to the hook as soon as the survivor is unhooked and only chase them with no need for the counter.

  • Member Posts: 1

    The new UI looks freaking terrible and genuinely annoys and triggers my ADHD bc idk which freaking part of the screen to look at for important information

    Please don't fix what isn't broken

    I liked having everything stay in the bottom part of the screen

    Now you got a weird VERTICAL section ( survivor count / state ) on the top left.. a little box on the bottom left ( item slot ) .. a diamond shape ( perks slots ) on the bottom right.. and the gen count in dead center on top?? What on earth made you guys think this was the correct way to go about the UI?

    Please just go back to how it was before, if anything. And fix the standing animation. It's just plain weird to see survivors crack their neck to look 180°. I dont even know why they're standing SO upright. Like.. survivors are supposed to be scared of the killer. Now they just look like deer in headlights, standing straight all the time. You guys went from broken back syndrome to straight forever lol

  • Member Posts: 1

    I'm not one to post comments about updates normally and let the Devs do their thing because most of the time its minor but I would like to share my thoughts and try to be part of the solution in this community. I only have 1250+ hours so not much compared to some people who have played this game but I feel I have a good grasp of how this game works and is played. Also, for people reading I would like to say that I play both killer and survivor normally so this isn't a biased opinion on one side or another.

    First the UI... short but sweet. Its too spread out. I do appreciate the small changes such as the character portraits and the hook counts. Also the skill checks seem much more smooth.

    The locomotion... whew. Ok lets go killer side first because I do have more hours as survivor. As a killer with this new movement. It is so much easier to hit survivors with killers such as Billy and Huntress for example; the jukes are almost non-existent. Its too easy and not satisfying playing killers like that with high skill ceilings such as them. So of course killer mains I can understand if you hate playing survivor and you like the new movements. As a survivor though, I don't like it. First of all I feel in my opinion there was no reason to chance the movement. It was satisfying and fluid. Now its clunky and feels like you're a robot or made of wood or something. There isn't creative movement, no fluidity. The injured animation.... just no. We just want to have our creative flow back to 180 and 360, its fun and its satisfying when it works, please don't take that away from us. The one animation I like is the new crawl inside the hatch, its nice and makes sense.

    I know this won't happen but to get my point across on the movement. I would 200% rather have you bring back old Undying just to have old movement back.

    This isn't like the normal patches with people rage about perk changes and fixes. They are just perks, don't use them. This is much different. This is the actual gameplay regardless of perks or items/addons. This effects every single lobby that you join.

    Thanks for reading.

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited February 2021

    It's all too spread out and for console this UI is just awful.

    Because of how spread out it is mainly gens, survivor status, and power we can't focus on it all at once and get info from all of them at the same time. That is what made the old UI so good everytime we checked one of those things we got info on all the others and this was across all platforms now people who have big screens like a TV the info is so spread out we can't check it and hell a lot of times we're not even noticing when they get updated like when a survivor heals.

    I highly recommend as well as plenty of others to make it compact again if not nearly the same as it was before.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I don’t like the HUD but I feel like I can get used to it. The biggest problem is the movement. I can no longer 360 and it is very hard to dodge huntress hatchets. Please revert the animations and survivor movements.

  • Member Posts: 186

    You ignored anything without listening until it came from the PTB.Writing here is the same as talking in the air

  • Member Posts: 22

    Not sure how to feel about this. It looks more in place than the new UI does, but it has some problems too.

    To me, this UI looks a bit too cluttered. There's so much information in one place, it's hard to find what you need. And not necessarily because the placement is random or anything, but rather because there are so many different icons and bars with different level of detail there. The old icons worked because they were simple and easy to read.

    I suppose it's better than the new UI because it's not all over the place, but this one is... almost ALL at one place.


    Pointed out some more issues with the new UI in this post in case you wanna read it.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I appreciate that you guys are trying to improve the game, but I think that the information is too spread out right now. My eyes keep on being pulled in too many directions, I find it hard to constantly be checking everywhere around the screen for the information I want.

    I know you said it needed to be done this way to make room for more things that are going to be added later, but I'd honestly prefer it if the things were more compact, if it meant that they could be closer together. I don't need my add ons to be big. I don't need my item/power to be super big, either.

    As far as the player icons go, the colourful models just don't fit in with the rest of the hud, in my opinion. It would make sense if the characters had the cosmetics that the player has on, but since we're not getting that information anyway, I'd prefer the character to be a flat drawing of the character. I appreciate that you put scratch marks over the character that is hurt, because the red aura around them wasn't enough, but the hook/bleeding out progression is still really hard to see.

    I don't mind the placement of the blood points I'm getting or the generators too much, since those show less valuable information, but the placement of the players really bothers me. It covers up too much of my screen.

    Maybe you could allow moders to create custom huds that players could use? Or... and this might be a crazy amount of work, but hear me out, make every component their own "widget" and let players arrange their own HUD?

    Anyway, thanks for putting in so much work, but I'd really love it if you could listen to the player feedback a bit and make more changes.

  • Negative review -- Highly disappointed

    I understand you guys spent all this time and money into developing the new UI but it's not good for the game. Everything is scattered all over the screen so gathering any form of information is extremely difficult not to mention focus on. It's not easy to track, the placement of things before was good, and with all things considered, I think having the ability to move the HUD to how we prefer it would be a good option, keep the new style icons but have things placed where they were before.

    Compared to the original HUB this update is not intuitive nor helpful to new players; In all honestly it only makes me not want to play the game which really sucks because I've been super hyped about it with my friends this past month or two

    If the developers are reading this I really hope you listen to the community.

    Please keep up the hard work; you are appreciated.

  • Member Posts: 214
    edited February 2021
    1. First of all, the most important thing that I think should be priority is the ability to move widgets around, which would fix a lot of issues people have with the new UI
    2. Besides the ability to move things where we want, we should also have the ability to scale each widget individually, since right now if you want to scale down the UI it also scales down the skillcheck and I find that to be detrimental
    3. The bleeding and mending bars need to be larger, because they are hard to read
    4. Exhaustion or any status effect that is going down needs to not be red on red, as that is hard to read, even for someone who isn't colorblind
    5. Character portraits should ideally have the characters cosmetics the have equipped, otherwise it makes no difference in distinguishing between different players; doing this allows for better differentiation between players
    6. Player states, such as injured, downed or hooked should be shown as a small symbol in a corner of the portrait, rather than replace the portrait itself, as that defeats the purpose of the portraits in the first place, in my opinion
    7. Allow us to completely disable certain widgets if we don't want them or even opt in for a minimalistic version of them; as a lot of the information displayed, while useful for new players, veterans have no use for them, such as reminding people what the symbol for generator means or what to do once the all gens have been completed
    8. Give killers the same hook counter as survivors; I understand your reasoning behind not doing that is because you believe it would encourage people to tunnel, however people do this already and they don't need a UI to tell them they are tunneling; If anything, I think it would help people in not tunneling more; Honestly, I think the total count of hooks is more detrimental as killer than helpful, as I'd much rather not have it at all if I can't have what survivors see, since I feel like I am doing bad if I don't fill that up by much, so I am essentially being taunted by the UI
    9. Speaking of the UI taunting you, please, remove the end game text where it goes "Brutal Killer" or "Entity Displeased"; the game should focus on the match being fun, not on how well you did! This is not a competitive game, there is no need to tell people "wow, you did a bad job".

    Edit: I also wanna leave a quick comment about movement as well, I am okay with it, I think it's nice, I don't really have a problem with it. Some say it makes moonwalking hard and removes 360s and personally I am okay with that, because they don't add much to the game. The major gameplay is around chases, not moonwalking or 360-ing. I am even okay with how stiff they stand simply because I find it hilarious.

    Post edited by Onyx on
  • Member Posts: 22

    New UI - The new UI seems to have only be made to make the game look "better", but it goes against what the player base needs. Revert to the old UI, and if you want to have it so you can see what survivor each person is playing, use the adept achievement icons, as they fit the artstyle of the game.

    New Survivor Locomotive Animations - These are really bad. The movement is something players actually don't want updated, as many hardcore players are continuing to play this game just to master all of the unique options you have with the movement. (360ing, moonwalking, variations of moonwalking such as aaron teching, etc.)

    Hitboxes - I am very confused how hitboxes were changed but survivor hitboxes seem to have become bigger. Please also revert this, as I have seen many clips of killers clearly not hitting survivors and the swing still connecting.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Well I may as well post what I said in my discussion here.

    I've had about 10 survivor games today. I haven't tried killer yet. This is a console players opinion because that's apparently what they want.


    1. Being able to crouch flashlight is really cool.
    2. The Game and Crotus Prenn looks really cool. Not sure about the balance of them yet but we'll see soon.
    3. I don't mind the new healthy running animation. I prefer the old one but this one I'm fine with.


    1. Getting downed looks super weird. The pov dropping I'm not a fan of. This includes the flop which I feel like is just really off putting.
    2. When your getting hooked the pov decides to go to their feet for some reason?
    3. The UI in general I'm not a massive fan of. I'm looking round the whole screen to try to find information which was really easy to see before.
    4. When your on the hook it's extremely difficult to see how close you are to second phase and how close you are to dying.
    5. Personally the colour for exhaustion I'm finding a bit hard to see. This one I may get used to so this is a complaint I may take back later.
    6. Anyone feel like the hitboxes have gotten worse? It's like the characters hitbox is further behind than it should be. I've had some really horrible hitboxes today.
    7. Really dislike the new injured thing. Going to be honest it looks just lazy. I swear if I saw that in any other game I'd presume they're dead.
    8. The Game has one big mistake. Why is Lawrence in the bathroom?! It should be Adam. I might be really dumb right now but the guy in the bathroom looks like Lawrence.

  • Member Posts: 21

    I'd be more okay with this change if we could change the size pf the different widgets because holy moly they are hard to see!

  • Member Posts: 1

    I want to contribute to this discussion as well, I'm not a fan of the important info being all over my screen and having to focus on different corners of my window, I preferred all my info being in one area where I was able to see the important info quickly in one glance. I also am not a fan of the new locomotion in general, some stuff is a nice and welcome update like the getting up animation from being healed, however I do not like the stiff standing when not moving, these animations make survivors feel slower than they actually are, and the camera movement from being up to going to downed state is disorienting and leaves me feeling nauseous and with a feeling of vertigo.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited February 2021

    There was literally nothing wrong with the old UI/placements. This is worse in just about every way.

    DbD gameplay takes place in the middle and top corners of the screen. Very rarely does it take place in the bottom corners. You've shifted UI elements to where they block gameplay. Consider Nurse when she bobs her head during the fatigue animation. Nurse players watch the top corners of the screen to track survivors. You're needlessly obscuring sight with UI elements.

    The hook timer is hard to read. High level DbD play requires hook state management down to seconds.

    The gen counter is at the top of the screen for some reason and again, difficult to read.

    I have 3000 hours in this game. Why are you telling me to repair gens, stop survivors from escaping, etc.? Stop cluttering my screen.

    Buff/debuff timers are difficult to read

    Scoring events are often key bits of information. For some reason these are tucked in the top right corner. Like knowing when someone entered struggle state is huge for a killer. You have a difficult to decipher hook timer and obscure placement on scoring events. Why?

    Everything is so spread out and difficult to read. I feel like I need 4 eyes.

    We've been using hook counter overlays in tournaments for years. They fit perfectly with the old UI elements.


    Stop being stubborn about this. Please.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I don't know what to say.. the movement and 360 were the sign of the game. I can get over the Hud but I will never get over the new Survivor Movement Animations.. I hate them.. it just feels like you lost half of your skill on this new Movement. Please change it back.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Most people would want to see this changed. We understand the work that went into it but, consider asking the community next time about these things before allocating resources and time into useless projects. Have a dedicated team from the community be a part of yours just for communication under NDA's so that we can at least tell you guys when somthing is BAD and NOT WANTED by majority of your player base.

    Aside from that, The movement is ok, although standing and the injured running animations look quite bad. Clown should have his own reload key, pressing Ctrl once and having it sometimes not switch is a bit frustration, when the game decides I want to switch instead of reload.

  • Member Posts: 40

    May I ask if this is your screenshot? Because my in game name is Northern Downpour and seeing it up there feels magical lol

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021

    I felt compelled to create an account just to voice some of my concerns going forward both with these changes and BHVR's actions up until this point.

    I feel it necessary to question what exactly the point of the PTB is? All of the concerns being heard were voiced previously during the PTB. The community has been ranting for a long while now that these changes will cause problems if implemented. The fact that as a community our concerns were essentially ignored has convinced me that the PTB is little more than a method of building hype around upcoming changes to motivate people to either return to the game to check out the new content or to purchase the game when new killers are shown off. So if I can be brutally honest for a moment I think the purpose of the PTB has become deceptive as clearly our criticisms amount to very little beyond adding a slash icon over injured survivor's portraits. Thanks I guess?

    Now, to the changes. As far as the locomotion with survivors is concerned and their animations as someone who plays probably 60% Killer and 40& Survivor I find the animations unintentionally humorous. What was once a fearful, tense run animation has now become what appears to be a jaunty jog without a care in the world. Instead of warily hunched over looking around nervously survivors now stand super upright with confidence while unmoving. The other animations I can live with but, the standing, walking, and running animations look very..silly for lack of a better word as if the meme of Survivors being the threatening monsters and killers being the weak victims has actually become a reality. The Survivors don't look like they are in life and death situations anymore. It's just all around a bizarre change tonally. I can't speak to the ability to juke with the new animations as I'm only an adequate survivor at best but, I've certainly heard DOZENS accounts from other people whom have experienced the weirdness and especially hit detection keeps coming up as a massive problem.

    I've seen some of the videos thus far of Survivors getting hit almost 3-4 feet away from the Killer in truly bizarre cases of bad hit detection. Hit detection has always been kind of off in DBD for one reason or another but, it definitely feels like the issue has been compounded post patch.

    As a survivor the UI update is all but, irrelevant to me though I like many others do not like the new exhaustion bar colors as it makes it very difficult to see. Still admittedly I don't particularly need the UI as Survivor mostly though the hook counter is appreciated.

    As a Killer however the new UI is..nauseating and I don't mean that as a snarky remark. I mean it literally makes me dizzy and sick trying to pay attention to four corners of the screen like that while also searching around for survivors. Splitting everything up into the four sides of the screen legitimately makes playing killer more difficult right now. Even an option to just..rearrange the UI to be more palatable would be tremendous. If I could just move everything back into a location similar to the prior UI that would help mitigate some of the nausea.

    Overall it is unfortunate these issues have overshadowed the Clown rework that while far from perfect I do enjoy the reload speed increase.

    Honestly BHVR had made some small strides in actually communicating with us recently ( The transparency around DS and OOO I very much appreciated) but, there is still a lot of work to do on that front. It appears that they take criticism as some kind of attack on their person when in reality most ( certainly not all ) criticism is done out of love for what they have made. I love DBD, it's one of my favorite games but, I'm not going to stick my fingers in my ears and pretend the game is in a 'good' state right now because it is not. This mid chapter patch is proof that there needs to be some difficult conversations had and individuals at BHVR need to realize that the fans are not the enemy.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I'm not hating on the HUD or the animations, I am literally unable to play the game as within one match I had a headache, 2 matches the nausea and dizziness started. I couldn't even make it through the 3rd match. My boyfriend as well who plays way more games than I do got headaches trying to play.

    Not sure what changes you made to fov but it does seem jittery and laggy when running as survivor.

    End of the day though almost the entire community is upset and does not understand why you bother asking us, putting up PTB's when you don't go with the majority of opinions. This isn't a survivor main, killer main problem ...this is an everyone hates the game they love or can't actually play it makes us physically ill.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    To summarize what I think people want:


    • Change the layout to the old layout. The new mechanics and small animations are fine, it's the layout that is the problem. The vital information was neatly in one area, and that is what so many want back.
    • Change the 3D portraits to the stylized adept ones
    • Give us the 'how often has this survivor been hooked' feature on killer side as well.
    • Make the hook-progress/mend-time bar bigger.
    • Change the Doc's insanity animation back to the smoother static of the old UI.
    • (Basically bring back the stylized things, they looked neat!)
    • Please remove the hook counter in killer side until it has a purpose ingame. Some speculated it's meant to help with getting adept on killer, but as right now Adept still requires much more than just X hooks it's currently superfluous


    • The new load-in animations are lifeless. While some say it fits with the idea of 'the entity sucking people's souls out' it's maybe a little too soulless and stiff.
    • It'd be totally fine if the load-in animations would fit with the character's personalities. E.g. David is probably more like to stand proud than dwight (unless dwight finally snapped, but that's a different chapter)
    • The animation for injured running looks more like they are hurrying to get the bus or similar, not as if they are running for their life while trying to keep their vital organs inside their body.
    • The nodding looks like... You know when you have like a microphone arm thing or a showerhead that has set positions and you crack it from one position to the other? The nodding now looks like that. (and it's too fast)

    I think that summarizes things? Did I miss something?

  • Member Posts: 247

    Off-topic: If you use Discord, turn on your in-game overlay setting there and you can still sit on gen without pressing m1, if you are PC gamer. It's not as comfortable as it used to be with ESC trick, but works.

  • Member Posts: 247

    No, it's not mine. It's fan made stuff, since PTB. It has been posted many times already.

  • Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2021

    The new UI is just terrible I'm sorry to be blunt about it. There are elements all over the screen. Having everything in one place was much better. Please revert this or at the very least make a toggle option so we can choose between the old one or the new one. The only 2 things that are okay about the new hud is the hook counter on killer and knowing how many hooks your team has on survivor but I feel that could have been implemented on the old hud. Not only that but the way the hud is now makes things confusing at times. The new survivor animations are terrible because not only does it effect 360's and moonwalking. It also looks bad, is very clunky, you get stuck on objects and the desync on the survivor side is horrible. Please revert it!

    (One thing I forgot to mention. I like the scaling options as well for the new hud but like I said above I hate it overall.)

    Post edited by OtakuZero on
  • Member Posts: 163

    Red on red, what were you guys thinking? I can't even see my exhaustion timer go down. Please at least revert the status effect timers.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I'd like to start of with the positives of this update.

    The survivor Perks like diversion and fixated are amazing, it's so good that fixated works while Injured and the same with diversion I'm very grateful that the duration was reduced and it makes these perks alot more fun and more use out of them. For the killer perks I'm glad Hex: Undying has gotten nerfed since when this Perk was paired up with Hex: Ruin, it was a very overpowered combo and quite frustrating to go against whenever I had a killer using them, so I'm really glad that this got changed.

    Moving onto the Graphic updates to The Game, Crotus Penn Asylum and Father Campbell's Chapel, I can definitely say I am very happy with the way it all looks and how aesthetically pleasing it looks, there are some little issues with that structure outside of the main building where the walls have no collision but it'll be fixed soon.

    Moving onto the negative side of things

    Regarding the new UI that was released it's very distracting that everything is all around the screen, I cannot stress this enough that we did not ask for a new UI but I understand that you, the devs are trying new things

    There are some ways that you can consider doing to change this

    • Bring back the original version of the UI as it was completely fine and easy to understand
    • Rearrange the UI to what it looked like before with the previous UI we have now so that everything isn't surrounded all around the screen that's an easy distraction.
    • Have a feature where you can enable or disable the new UI back to its original version

    Moving onto the Animations of survivors, it is a good idea to make dbd have a realistic theme and I'm all here for it but it's the fact that these animations make you feel like your character is running in cement or something, it's feels very slow and unnatural to look at when your standing idle.

    If your decisions are to not change it back to the original animations then would you be able to rework the animations and make them more smooth and fast like what the old animations was like. The old animations were fast and smooth too while performing a 360 Juke or just normal looping in general. The injured state is very weird to me as it just looks you're waddling around like a child, I hope this injury animation gets changed to where it shows that you've been injured and to see the pain on the survivors while running or something like that.

    Thank you

  • Member Posts: 74

    It's simply too spread out and distracting. The only thing I would have changed from the old layout was moving the item/power + add-ons to the right side, as it is part of your loadout along with perks. This keeps everything related together and in one area.

    Otherwise, the visual redesign of the portraits/UI is great. It's just the layout that's the issue, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 9

    here's my constructive criticism:


  • Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021

    Just to give some background info about me, I’m a console player on PS4 and have no vision issues etc.

    UI and HUD

    I do like it in the sense that it feels more modernised and updated. But it has many issues. The obvious one is layout- it was great with the way it was before. Neat, concise and you can get all the information you need in one glance. With this new layout, it’s made it much more harder as the information is all over the screen.

    Second biggest issue for me, is the scale of some of the different elements. To me, the perk icons and the power/item (and addons) icons feel way too big in comparison to the other elements. The hook timer and name, as well as the text for the points you gained in the top right as well as status effects such as (borrowed time, exposed etc) is very small. I appreciate the ability to adjust the UI scale in the settings, but the problem is that editing it to be smaller/bigger makes everything smaller/bigger. Why is this a problem? With the different elements being all different sizes, you can make, for example, the perk icons smaller at the expense of all the other elements being even smaller. You should either fix the different sizes to be at a suitable size (such as in the old UI) or allow us to individually change the different elements.

    I have also found certain icons hard to distinguish too, such as the timer for your exhaustion. The time remaining is a lighter red, while the rest of the circle around the exhaustion icon is a slightly darker red. Again, I don’t have any form of colour blindness but even I find it a little difficult to look at, as the two different shades of reds just blend together until I really focus and take time to look at it.

    There’s certain unnecessary information that just takes up more space on the screen, such as the different information for survivors and killers where the generator counter is. For the majority of the people, they don’t need to be told to ‘find the hatch’ for example. It should just be shortened and made cleaner as it’s just taking up room.


    I personally prefer it over the old animations. I like that survivors aren’t slouched over anymore, I like that they don’t just have their arms sticking out. It makes sense and feels more natural and realistic to some degree. The problem is that it makes them feel too much like a statue. One you stop moving, There’s nothing natural about them standing still. They don’t start to slouch, lean more on one leg, cross their arms, literally anything that is just natural to do. Before they used to turn their heads and look around if you didn’t move the camera, but I’m pretty sure they don’t do that anymore. So yeah, for me I think the issue lies more with when you become stationary, but I think when you’re actually moving, it’s pretty nice.

    I also wish I could walk with a straight back rather than slouching over, it’s more natural and the fact that you go from a straight back when stationary to slouching when moving exaggerates it. Not a huge fan of that.

    and the injured run... I really don’t like it, looks quite silly in my opinion!

    Turning now feels very weird. Especially if you’re downed on the floor. It’s like you’re pivoting around a specific central point which feels odd to me, at least it didn’t feel like that before the update.

    EDIT: I assume this is a bug or something, but when getting hooked, your camera goes down instead of up towards your face/body for a brief second, as if you’re being downed again (Going from the normal POV to the dropped POV when downed). It’s nothing major, but it does get very irritating after a while.

    EDIT 2: Survivor icons and injured icons are very hard to differentiate. They are really unclear and not nice to look at. It also gets confusing when you’re playing a character and the cosmetics you use are completely different to the default icon that are used. For example, I had a Cheryl teammate but they were using the schoolgirl outfit (Alessa Gillespie or something along those lines) and it was quite hard to tell initially who they were in the top left. If it could be updated to change with your cosmetics then that would be great. I know that games like Ror Honor has this feature in loading screens and leaderboard/scoreboards.

    It also seems less obvious when you have certain effects active, such as Borrowed Time after your unhooked, the little icon and notification that pops up isn’t as obvious as before.

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2021

    Im essentially going to repost some of my feedback from the PTB since im still struggling with the same issues here. There is new bullets though that I added since playing with the live build.

    UI/HUD Update

    As I mentioned before, the following comments below are not meant to be knocks on the devs or a furious 'instruction' to change. However, I do have legitimate concerns about the UI from both perspectives of the game, and hope these issues show where my anticipation is coming from and what I would hope would be considered if revisions would be made.

    1.      Survivor Portraits in Bad Location - Having all of the Survivor portraits in the top left of the screen is both cluttering a portion of my screen, and taking attention away from me while playing the game. If there are certain gameplay elements in the distance, like the killer approaching from the top left of my screen, I now can not see that with this new HUD placement. Plus, I have to now look in the top right of my screen to see Survivor Status, which is now drawing my attention away from the action and other important gameplay information like my power/item, and objective status. I know this change was intended to assist with player names, but I dont think its justified enough to pull my attention so far.

    2.      Almost 40-50% of my Screen Space is Covered – Versus Original HUD Taking up at Max, 30% - I am attaching images below of my observation. The old HUD took up about 30% MAX of the screen space, while this new HUD is eating up bits and portions of my screen from literally EVERY angle. It is, again, covering the screen up with scattered elements, drawing my attention away from the center of the screen, and making it a disorienting experience.THIS is my biggest gripe. I want to FOCUS on the game, not all these scattered HUD elements.

    To show this, I am displaying the screen space that is being taken up here, this is a combination of both Survivor/Killer:

    New HUD

    Old HUD

    3.      Shrinking UI Does Not Make This Better - I saw that we have the ability to shrink the UI to at least 70%, and I tried this as well to give the new UI a try. After 4 matches I had to stop with the scaling, as it was illegible and near impossible for me to actually digest any information, in fact, it made it more difficult as I was squinting to see the low opacity names and seeing what statues were being applied. I am running it at 90% and like this size, but this still does not excuse the scattered information all over the screen.

    4.      (Killer) Cant Focus on Survivor Statuses - Below, I am attaching screenshots of my visual experience when it comes to reading and reacting to the HUD throughout the match. This is the same as a Survivor, but my attention is more intense from the Killer Perspective, and sadly, WAY less of my time was actually spent looking center screen to focus on my game, and spent looking in other portions of the screen to see what was happening to Survivors, my perks, and my power. It is a mess

    5.      Objective Top Center is not Bad - I actually do not mind the new Objective positioning element. It is at the top center of the screen, which helps align my vision with my goal of scanning the environment for gens/survivors. Below, I have attached a mockup of the old HUD, with an example of where my eyes dot to typically in an actual match, with the consideration of this new Objective HUD element.

    6.      Survivor Portrait Animations are Inconsistent UPDATED with 4.5.0 - The whole, Survivor renders for the portraits is extremely unimmersive, and doesn't blend well with the environments or other HUD elements like the Perks or Status Effects in the game. Seeing the portrait renders turn into the older icons doesn't look right and is extremely out of place. What disappoints me is that DbD has these awesome survivor icons in their pockets and if these were used instead, it would immediately remove my gripe about how the HUD reacts to the status of a match. It is almost confusing too, trying to react to these distracting renders and watching them shift to other white colored icons. It is inconsistent and would hope the art direction of the HUD would dial back to the immersive art style previously. It can be more cleaned up for sure. If the render designs stay, it wouldnt be the end of the world, but its current location on the HUD NEEDS to change.

    7.  Scoring Events are a Distraction in its Location - They are literally isolated in the top right of my screen and disappear faster than I can see them half the time. I never had an issue with its last location, as the status of a match would accompany my points - I hit a survivor, I see the scoring event and the status of the survivor in the bottom left of the screen. Now this example is happening in two places, top left survivor react, and hit event in the top right. Its pulling my attention unwillingly and it became more annoying background elements over time the more matches I invested. Plus, they are SO tiny. Its a distraction in its current placement

    8.  (Killer) As an Experienced Player, Hook Counter is Useless Unless it Tallies Specific Survivors - I did not HATE the new hook counter Killers get it. I would be lying if I did not get SOME value from this counter. I count hooks in my head per survivor, but this alternative I can see being very helpful for new players to get an idea of the status of their match progress. I personally would like to see that iconography separated per survivor, since that would help me keep track of who I want to apply more pressure to or even target differently throughout the duration of a match. I do admit I can be a 'sweaty' killer main and just apply pressure and win the game no matter the hook count, but sometimes I do end up in more casual lobbies and want to apply the pressure evenly. Again, this is a minor complaint but just wanted to express my feedback.

    9.  (Survivor) Hook Tallies are Actually Nice - I did not mind this addition either. It doesnt take up too much space on the HUD and it was pretty nifty to see which of my teammates were more in danger than others with this reminder. I can see this being helpful in my matches when I sometimes lose count of my teammates hooks, because it does happen and this is a really nice backup counter. Not loud, not overbearing, and nestled nicely with the Survivor portraits

    10 . The new 'Injured' UMG is so distracting - Those giant red scratches on a survivor when they trigger makes sense and catches my attention. However, my issue is that they remain bright red for the entire time someone is injured. It is an eye sore and pulls my attention away way too frequently. As a Killer, this is a pro, but it doesnt feel good having to draw my attention away from the center of the screen. The way the old HUD handled this was a bright ping, and then would fade back out. That way, you could get updated but it wouldnt glare on you for the entire duration, allowing you to get a live update essentially of this effect.

    11 . Deep Wounds, Struggle State, and Dying State Bars are SO Small - The idea of the HUD making information more clear seems contradicting with this portion. No matter what my UI scale was, those bars look like little noodles and it was so hard to see what was happening unless I COMPLETELY forced my attention to the top left and nothing else. Its not as visible as it use to be, taking up a good portion of the HUD in the older version and being much bolder in its colors, animation, and width on the HUD.


    1.      Love the Injured Locomotions - The new injured animation looks great. Adore how the stiff limping is gone, and now we have something more immersive. Feels good to run with as a survivor, and am enjoying it from the perspective of killer as well. Seems a bit choppy making it seem unpolished, but still really nice and good direction. My favorite part is when I get downed, THAT looks and feels awesome from the matches I played so far and havent had any glaring issues. Its super cool.

    2.      Idle Animations are Lifeless - All the animations look really nice but the idle seems so dull and has no personality. More prominent breaths in and out, or a little bit more body swaying would be nice.

    3.      Feels Smoother and More Immersive - Seems more lively and less stiff than the older animations. It is a nice face lift to see on top of all the other visual updates. Female and male bodies seemed smooth, with males being a bit more rigid when running injured

    4 . Being hooked is disorienting because of the new camera on Dying State animations - When I get hooked, the camera jerks from the ground and up to the hook. On top of the disorienting experience with HUD, this did not help either.

    5 . Love the 'Terror Radius' and 'Ducking' postures - I noticed when in the Terror Radius, the survivor hunches over, as if theyre being hunted and are being cautious. This is such a badass detail and have loved how it blends together with sneaking. With sneaking mentioned, the ducking animation feels really good and for some reason, it feels like I can hide better with smaller objects than the older animations. Feels like I am more in control and the blendspaces feel really good to get up and down from.

    6 . Healing someone from Dying state is so cool - The touch of animation on this sequence looks so cool too. It was a pleasent surpurise watching a Survivor struggle to get up, then have myself bend down even further and pick them back up. I really like how that plays and I ran Were Gunna Live Forever just to see it more. Really big props to the attention to detail on this front.

    This is my major feedback on the HUD. Gameplay wise for the Clown, there still is a lot of time I want to invest into his adjustments to provide proper feedback, but the HUD updates were the most prominent, in my face, and disorienting experience I have ever had from this game. I think the ideas are there, but there needs to be more structure to the layout with the current elements to not overlap the important aspects of the game or pull my attention away from the core objective, the cat and mouse gameplay. At the end of the day, my senses are being tested to survive and kill in DbD. These cluttered elements are hindering my ability to read and react and I hope this concern would be addressed in whatever version gets revised in the future.

    Keep on killing it DbD dev team, theres a lot of great work here and hope to see some plans for changes whenever all the feedback comes together.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Ok so first the locomotion survivor update. It feels like its too stiff and i would even say a little bit more unrealistic like before. What i mean by this is just imagine ur a survivor like the ones in dbd irl. If i knew that a bloodthirsty killer is coming in my direction,i wouldn’t t pose like a bodybuilder in fornt of him. Insead ill try to stay low like the old characters did and run instead of jogging when im getting chased. On a more technical stand point, survivors were able to do jukes with their movement before (like 360s, moonwalks, window fakes and more) which are at the very least very inconsistent now. Thats my point: old movement just felt more consistent overall. If i wanted to go back, i would press s and go back, not wait for half a second for the animation in a game where every second counts and a split second decision like that could win your team the game. That was the fun in dbd, the movement.

    As for the new hud, its just EVERYWHERE. That is just overall bad designing. Nobody requested an ui change, not a single soul asked for that. Its pretty exhausting to look to see how many gens are left, who’s injured, what is ur flashlight’s durability looking like and if u have ur dead hard or not while getting chased. Its just unnecesarry. The only good things about it are the character portraits which also would use a second look at them because they kinda ruin the immersion, being too colorfull and the hook counter.

    You could have spent your time and effort on something else that the community was asking for instead of this.

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited February 2021


    All over the place, before, I needed to look in either the left or the right lower corner of the screen to get all the information I needed, it was very simple and convenient while having all the information you possibly need. Now I have to look in 6 different places to get the same amount of information, absolutely horrendous design. I understand you had to redesign the UI but at least group everything together and make it look exactly like the old one, no one was complaining about the old UI because it was perfect already, no need to make it more complicated for no reason whatsoever. Either revert it completely, redesign the current UI so all the HUD elements are placed exactly the same way as the old one or just let us customize the size and the position of all the HUD elements ourselves.


    The survivors look like meerkats when standing, when walking and running they just look like robots, they don't feel alive, the movement looks and feels so incredibly bad it doesn't feel like I'm playing dbd anymore. I don't really care about the idle/standing still/stationary crouched animations etc. but everything that involves crouching around/walking/running feels off, especially the quick turns you could do before, now the survivor barely moves to the side, it's just so different and unpleasant. I simply refuse to play survivor with this movement, it's 10 times worse than the old one which again, was perfect and there wasn't a single complaint about the old movement so I don't understand why you changed it. Obviously, the movement should be reverted, I understand that resources and time were spent but nobody needs this, please revert it. Also I'm pretty sure the new amazing movement caused the hits/hitboxes to be desynced, playing survivor and getting hit from 5+ meters away on 40 ping simply feels amazing. I've seen better hits on 600 ping with the old movement.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I'm going to quote what I put in a seperate thread regarding the HUD here:

    "It's simply too spread out. With the old UI, there were only two references to check for information - bottom left corner and bottom right corner. Now it's spread all over the screen, making the HUD feel scattered and forcing players to constantly look at different angles for quick information. This takes away from them being able to concentrate and focus on the match itself.

    The Survivor icons don't really fit the display and feel a bit out of place. IMO using the images for each survivor's "Adept [Survivor]" achievement icon would better match the display imagery currently used for the Hooked, Obsession, Marked and Sacrificed/Killed icons, seeing as the icons don't reflect cosemetics and only need to show which survivor is being played as. The achievement icons I'm referring to are these ones:

    Additionally, having the survivor display in the top left feels like a bad move as it obscures that part of the screen, where a killer or survivor could be. It doesn't block much but it's enough to possibly distract a player from seeing someone on that part of their screen, which isn't an issue when the displays are in the bottom - it's just not possible for a player to be hiding at the bottom of the screen with how the camera works. Without other information, the item/addon icons feel like they're just floating with nothing establishing. It's important to know what items you've got and what their charge is, but without anything else it's just an icon in the corner. Similarly the 'Hook Counter' for Killers kind of floats in between the survivors display and the power icon. I definitely think that keeping all this information in more contained spaces benefits the game so much, especially as awareness and vision are so important for survival and killing.

    The old HUD was compact and neat - perks in one corner, survivors in another along with gen progress and your item for survivors/your ability for Killers. It was excellent design. I know that the old HUD is unlikely to come back because there needs to be space for the new Hook Counter display, but I do think it's a much better display than the new one. I don't want to be excessively negative. Like I've said there are positives - the new Hooked counter is a great addition for survivors, the new animations are very fluid and knowing which character each player is using really helps in knowing what's happening in the match. But this new HUD is a downgrade in my eyes. Please re-evaluate this - it's so dizzying and you've done better in the past."

    And I'll add some additional nickpicks: the bars for the hook timer is far too small and, once a survivor's been hooked, there's no icon then to show who they are, jsut that they are hooked. The slashes on top of the portraits doesn't fit the art style (much as the coloured portraits don't) and generally aren't pretty compared to the simple icons used before to indicate an injured player, with blood splatters to highlight their state. The Killer's Hook Counter doesn't really benefit them unless they're attempting to get an irisdent emblem for hooks, and even then I'd argue information like that isn't important during a match, especially since the counter doesn't reflect when Survivors enter Struggle on their first hook or die on the first hook.

    I'm honestly at a loss about why these changes were made when the additions could've been made to the existing HUD with little interference.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I believe the new HUD needs to be more centralized. Instead of it being more spaced out and causing possible blindspots for those with peripheral issues, I believe there should be an option in which it could be customized to fit a players need. I do enjoy the hook counter with a portrait of the survivor, but I think it should revert back to the bottom left or even central left to make it easier. I believe that the total amount of gens/find hatch/EGC timer should be in the bottom center of the screen for easier reads versus looking in all different directions.

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