What is the hook counter actually for?

Hey, I've been playing a few games with the new HUD and while I think its terrible as a whole, one thing that has been bugging me the most is what the hook counter for killers is actually good for. Hooks don't directly correlate to winning so it doesn't tell you if you're about to pip or not, neither does it tell you're even remotely close to actually winning. It seems to provide literally no useful information and just clutters the screen for no reason. So I'd like to ask what the actual point of it is.


  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    It's actually one of the only things I genuinely like about the new HUD. I dig it.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Devs wanted to give survivors more information about hook stages but when debating if they should give it to killers as well, someone said "No, they would use it for tunneling" and so we got pointless hook counter insted so that we can't say we didn't get anything.

    It exists purely to stop us from complaining / asking for what survivors have as it doesn't give any information that would justify its existence.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited February 2021

    So I can tunnel easier >:v

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    On a side note, It helps you keeping track when you have multiple survivors with the same outfit.

  • FreddysMixTape
    FreddysMixTape Member Posts: 81

    This is probably it, it just existing as some sort of moral booster makes the most sense. Still seems incredibly pointless, just wish they'd let killers see the same hook counter as survivors do or just remove it entirely. The new HUD is already cluttered enough as is, no reason to add even more pointless widgets to it.

  • Cocogoat
    Cocogoat Member Posts: 4
    edited February 2021

    Devs put the hook counter there just to give new players the sence of pride and accomplishment. Just so new players can feel good about themselves after four p3 claudettes tbag them at the exit gates, but at least they got their hook counter half full.

    While the devs themselve said that you don't get to see individual hook counters like survivors do because it's a part of your skill expression to know who is on death hook and who isn't, should just have better memory. Meanwhile survivors don't have to struggle with that as we can't have survivors be overloaded with more information, they already have a lot to concentrate on and work with their teammates which clearly requires a lot of mental effort. So survivors get the information right at their hands while killers still need to "Express their skill" and guess.

  • Cocogoat
    Cocogoat Member Posts: 4

    Devs put the hook counter there just to give new players the sence of pride and accomplishment. Just so new players can feel good about themselves after four p3 claudettes tbag them at the exit gates, but at least they got their hook counter half full.

    While the devs themselve said that you don't get to see individual hook counters like survivors do because it's a part of your skill expression to know who is on death hook and who isn't, should just have better memory. Meanwhile survivors don't have to struggle with that as we can't have survivors be overloaded with more information, they already have a lot to concentrate on and work with their teammates which clearly requires a lot of mental effort. So survivors get the information right at their hands while killers still need to "Express their skill" and guess.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    It does kinda feel good to fill it up, not going to lie. I will say though that the one practical use I've found for it is to make it more obvious when a Survivor has gone 2nd stage. You can miss the score event for "Entity Summoned" since it goes away. The pip on the counter doesn't.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    It is basically a glorified participation trophy. Now when there is a 4 man escape and they are T-bagging at the exit gate, you have a nifty hook counter to say "Well at least you hooked people X times. Good for you!"

    If it changes nothing about the game, or gives any real info, it's simply dead space and yet another feature no one asked for.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    How? Killer side we just have a circle with 12 marks. No idea who each one corresponds with

  • Cocogoat
    Cocogoat Member Posts: 4

    Maybe you wouldn't miss it if they move it from top-right of the screen to the middle-right and make it bigger.

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    Nothing. If you are a decent killer, you know at what hook stage every survivor is at any moment in every trial. You don’t need a thing on a screen to know how to count from 1 to 3.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Its so killers don´t feel bad when 4 man escape and instead feel good about the 2 hooks they got.


  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Oh, my bad. Only played survivor so far, but we have the 3 marks for each one.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Yeah, that would be much more useful, though also probably encourage tunneling, which while not against the rules, is definitely something the devs are trying not to encourage

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    Well I sometimes lose count of how many hooks I've gotten all game. I try not to tunnel and try to chase each survivor. Usually a lot of them escape and I forget I actually got like 8 hooks that game. So yeah 8 hooks, 1 kill 3 escapes, not bad play I would say. If only the survivors somehow didn't find the need to t-bag at the gate that would be great.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    it should just be an individual one similar to the one survivors have...

    that'd not only be just as good of a "feel good about yourself" mechanic, it would also help new players with their pressure and it would cover up less space of my screen i could be using for gameplaypurposes.

    we literally always had this thing btw.

    it was called "sacrifice BP category". it fills up very similarly, is more accurate AND feels actually rewarding to achieve. so now we just got that twice. cool... i guess?

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    if everyone is alive, and you have 6 hooks. you know 2 survivors are on death hook. and similar thing to this is the main use of it.

    it's also nice to properly compare hook progress with gen progress ingame

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    Killers really should just have the same separated hook UI as Survivors.

    The dev's comment of "the concern we have is this would encourage tunneling a bit too much" seems completely illogical to me considering if a killer is going to tunnel they'll still do exactly what they do now and go back to the hook as soon as the survivor is unhooked and only chase them with no need for the counter.

  • Father_Dark
    Father_Dark Member Posts: 84

    If someone hits stage 2 on their first hook, does the hook counter update since that 12th hook is no longer possible?

    Personally, as someone who actively avoids tunneling, I hook counter next to each survivor would have been more helpful. I'm pretty sure, if someone was tunneling, they would know which survivor they needed to hook.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    To look to bright and obstruct view, that is all.

  • Sasha233
    Sasha233 Member Posts: 40

    Yes it updates regardless. You'll get a full 12 hooks regardless of what happened, whether it's dc'ing or suiciding on hook.

    Which is dogshit consider it mislead your judgement and how you play the game. You see a full 12 hook thinking you're gonna double pip but turns out entity is displeased. lmao!

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,507

    My guess is that an upcoming chapter has a perk with an effect like "When condition X is fulfilled, gain 1 hook state. "

    You can then see that this perk activated by looking at the hook counter, which would decrease.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    No actual decent purpose

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    It's there because the developers had it show how many hooks every survivor had for everyone, but then they realized that would be too convenient for killers and they'd rather them do mental gymnastics. So they put a useless hook counter that serves no really purpose as a means to show they at least did something.

  • pejii
    pejii Member Posts: 79

    the new hook count is there simply because fixing the game bugs and issues were too hard so they decided to add a useless new icon.

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 113

    They should give killers the same hook view as survivors, the one they have now really doesn't serve a purpose. I imagine in most cases killers keep a mental count anyway. If they want to tunnel then they'll tunnel whether that's there or not.

  • madminer95
    madminer95 Member Posts: 151

    somebody said "no, they would use it for tunneling" without actually thinking about it properly, it wouldn't encourage tunneling as those that are inclined to tunnel already have all the information they need to do it, it would likely reduce tunneling overall because people wouldn't accidentally tunnel.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286

    The hook counter is pointless as long as we can't see who's on death hook.

  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131

    Literally you want to keep track of how many hooks you got? Just run dying light, and then keep track of your obsessions hooks, lol

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    No purpose for me at least. I also think the tunnel argument doesn't apply. Tunnelers don't let their tunneled victim escape so all they would see are survivors they haven't focused on yet. If Killers did have the hook information it would assist in not tunneling teams who have multiples of the same character or skins.