How hard is it to say SORRY?

You have an official forum and Twitter, how hard is it to say sorry?
I know your mistakes were not intentional but regardless of intent, lots of mistakes and errors were made.
Just saying sorry would be a great place to start!
To apologize like that is to admit they made a mistake.
That is not going to happen. They are already doubling-down on the UI change with not_queen saying "we cannot go back".
EDIT: They are looking into this as of latest news. Glad to hear.
Post edited by Moxie on33 -
"Pretty good job so far"
They dont believe theyve done anything wrong. They believe ignoring feedback and the community in general is ok. They will do with their game, what they want. And its going to eventually blow up in their faces.
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Forgot the UI, there are plenty more mistakes that I never see a simple apology for.
- killer can’t fit through fun bus
- emblems are broken
- Hit box issue
- Can’t purchase some survivors and killers with iridescent
- EAC issue after every recent patch / update
- totems you can’t cleanse
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I mean, 4 is excusable, if licensed characters were available for iridescent bhvr would lose so much money. But the rest is #########
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But it's not licensed characters. You currently can not buy either Yui nor the Oni with shards.
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Oh yeah ok thats #########
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There's something to be said for sticking to your artistic vision... but when you're changing an iconic UI for an iconic game, you'd have to be a fool not to be flat out impressed and - frankly - flattered by how much unexpected love the old UI had, and want to make fans of the old UI happy.
They just literally couldn't care less about it, and that's both surprising and sad.
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that's an acknowledged bug
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I hate the new changes too, but it’s not blowing up in their faces yet, at least not in a way that is meaningful to them. Sure there’s plenty of outrage in the forums, but Steam charts show no drop in players after the update. Money is the only thing that will drive them to change. People need to actually quit playing and quit spending money on the game, and it doesn’t look like that’s happening yet
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You can look on this thread and reply to that person but you can't take just a minute to apologise?
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Look,i hate the update as much as everyone here,but what has a Mod to do with all of this?
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The Mod ignored the entire point of a thread and just decided to cherry pick a comment they could respond too.
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That won't happen until we get another DbD style game, and the more updates we get like this more impatient I get for a game like that.
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I mean, yeah it is dumb that they didn't listen to all the feedback for the new UI and so on, but DBD is their game. They can make any changes they want. If players don't like the changes, they need to show it by not playing. That is the only thing we can do. If the game loses players, BHVR loses $. As long as people keep playing and spending $, they are gonna keep doing whatever they want, or what they think is best for the game.
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I suppose they aren't able/allowed to talk about it.
I put the blame on BHVR itself
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I get that it’s an acknowledged bug, my question is that whenever mistakes are made I honestly can’t remember ever seeing a basic “sorry” before attempting to fix something.
I understand that the team do their best to improve the game for everyone, I understand that they are humans and make mistakes, what I don’t understand is the severe shortage of apologies.
The Twitter handle is incredibly fast at tweeting about new content and various other useful info, not sure why they can’t use it to say
“hey guys we introduced some new features, along the way mistakes were made which we actively working on, SORRY for the inconvenience, we appreciate your patience”
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I mean mods are not responsible for what goes on in Bhvr, however that doesn't mean a hand few of the mods, though I'm not going to name them
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Completely agree, but it would be nice if BHVR would at least stop pretending to care about community input. I would rather have them just be honest and say “we’re going to do what we want, deal with it” than their current dishonest approach which is to solicit feedback, tell people they are listening to feedback, and then ignoring that feedback
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The hit boxes though. I really can't believe how terrible, survivor is basically unplayable.
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They have too big of an ego to apologize. Plus the comment Not_Queen saying that the change is irreversible. They'll just be called out even if they said sorry
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Agreed. Removing it is admitting they screwed up and they won't do that if they can help it. In previous patches where we told them "That's a bad idea" and they went through with it anyway. Sometimes they reverted the changes. Others they released another patch adjusting something else to try to level out the damage they caused. That's more work IMO but it's a way they can fix the problem without acknowledging there was a problem.
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It's likely she's not allowed to talk about it yet. She's just a moderator. Certain decisions aren't made by her.
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Good to know!
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Isn't this how most of the adult world works, tho?
Act fake = profits.
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It's the mods job to moderate the forum.
Their collective job is hard enough with the volatile topics here. On top of that they have 0% to do with the design decisions. For all we know Mandy Talk is disappointed with the UI as well. Expecting a moderator to apologize for a design choice is like asking your cereal to apologize for your milk going sour.
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The update that nobody wanted...
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People need to stop simp'ing to the dev's. The best solution, and the one i'll be doing, is not buying the rift or any cosmetic with real money. I've spent money on rifts and clothing before, but no longer.
If everyone actually did this, you can bet they'd actually focus on bug fixes for once.
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Licensed killers and survivors are the only “cash only” characters
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I mean, not going back is fine as they probably mean code-wise, but they can definitely improve the new UI to at least have a similar use to the old UI. Heck, they could even download old image files and simply move the tiles on the UI.
If there are people who can improve the UI 100000 fold by simply moving the existing UI components with paint, then the devs can do that too. I get that the new UI has a new code that would be really messy with the old UI standard, but no one necessarily wants the old UI, we would LOVE a new UI if the new UI at least improved upon the old UI.
Being able to know how much you hooked as a killer is great for the purposes of an emblem(those who think its useless, believe me, nothing is better than a quick confirmation on your post-game progress, altho I believe there should be an indication of who has and hasnt been hooked as 4 unique hooks also matter for emblems). Being able to know who is on deadhook as survivor and who hasnt been hooked at all is also great. Having the bottom side being relatively empty is also great for killers, because survivors cannot hide as easily in the lower corners of your vision anymore. The generator being in the top center is actually quite nice IMO as you can very quickly check it if you need to and its actually closer to the center of your screen. The survivor icons are nice, and I hope custom outfits will end up in that portrait too, and while the injured status needs getting used to, its actually quite nice and fits the style of the game. And I dont know what it is, but skillchecks as an action feel smoother, they barely lag behind anymore.
However, as I now complimented the new additions that prevent the UI from going back, here is a list if issues that doesnt rely on the coding of the UI and should be relatively easy to improve upon:
- The information is EVERYWHERE, why the ######### would anyone think its fine to spread out information on a game. Let alone that the information is away from your focus as killer, because the distance between the scoring system, survivor information, ability information and perk information is seperated by a grand canyon.
- The text and progress bar is TINY AS #########. WHAT IS THIS, A HUD FOR ANTS?
- IN WHAT WORLD WOULD YOU PLACE 3 OBJECTIVE MARKERS IN 3 SEPERATE PLACES?(I guess this is just point 1, and I am sure that this will repeat, but this is by far the largest issue).
- WHY IS THE DESIGN OF SKILLCHECKS SO CLEAN? THEY USED TO BE GRITTY AND IN THE STYLE OF THE DBD LOGO. It's such a tiny detail, but the tiny details are what made it so great.
Do people like the design of the new hud?
1 no |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 yes |||
95% of the community has voted no
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Is it me or the characters seem larger too...I picked dwiight and he seemed bigger ...what in the world did they do to this game ...why??
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I hate the info in the top right corner! WHY just WHY!!!
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Is it hard to stay patient?
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If anything, y'all deserve it.
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@MandyTalk so nice of you to reply to a single comment and ignore the rest of the thread. That's real COMMUNITY MANAGING right there.
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Okay that last bit cracked me up im not going to lie.
It would be nice for them to at least apologise (without being condescending) for disappointing so many of their players by ignoring feedback.
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Not to mention if they apologized every time something went wrong they'd probably spend more time on the forums/twitter then actually fixing things.
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Ah yes because it's definitely a mods fault for what happened.
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@NoOneKnowsNova it is inderectly their fault since they work for them. They chose to be a face for the company they are required to face the fire too. The only difference is it's THEIR JOB to sit here and manage the community and at every single turn they personally fail at it. Answering specifical bits of a thread, but ignoring the entire enderlying point is poor community management and just cause you worship the ground BHVR walks on doesn't mean I have to as well, nor will I.
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Your poll is bugged, it won't let me vote. Kind of like a ui made in paint, it's completely useless and can't be interacted with.
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99 little bugs in the game, 99 little bugs. Take one down, patch it around, 103 little bugs in the game.
Lyrics by Behaviour Interactive talented worker. Joshua.