So many complaints. Stop being so ungrateful about changes and improvements.



  • mirek
    mirek Member Posts: 24

    and.. now you will see , your killer xD something like motto for the last update? or do you have some other? Maybe: you can test our new movement with the hit, because you will get the hit for sure, we know xDDD stop joking, more seriously, ..hmm.. when the next update? xDDD

  • mirek
    mirek Member Posts: 24

    maybe there was missunderstanding kind of such a like "horrible" meaning.. LOL

  • mirek
    mirek Member Posts: 24

    please, wake me anybody such a bad dream ... am I playing Freddy party ... or just need to wake up .. in the morning, there will be everything ok, when I start the game next day, I believe it will be such a like normal, lets say LOL

  • mirek
    mirek Member Posts: 24

    and.. now you will see , your killer xD something like motto for the last update? or do you have some other? Maybe: you can test our new movement with the hit, because you will get the hit for sure, we know xDDD stop joking, more seriously, ..hmm.. when the next update? xDDD

  • Xanderino
    Xanderino Member Posts: 23

    So we CAN'T complain about this update being so #########? HUD is just plain terrible. No work around it. Everything is so separated it ######### breaks the porpuse of an HUD. Animations are terrible, REALLY terrible, they look goofy as hell and It's kinda hard to see if someone is injured or not now by the animations. "The game" map rework has tons of safe pallets now. Before the rework you already kinda had to break a lot of pallets, but now? Sheesh, way too much. Also, the window vault that leads to the ground floor, the one of the pipe, has a glitch were survivors may fall inbetween the tube and stay there forever until they decide to go down (I have video proof). They just didn't play test #########. The Clown rework is... Awkward. Don't know if better or worse, but for now feels awkward and lazily thought. I can see some of this problems being something subjective to me, but others are just objectevely bad. They had plenty of feedback about the HUD. Plenty. and the only time they do something about it (colorblind mode) is when someone with a blue checkmark on Twitter calls them out.

    Listen, I do like many of the changes they bring and some patches do feel like a bless. I do praise the devs when they do right, but thing is, and I think I'm not alone on this one, they rarely do right. Honestly, how can a group of devs look at the new walk/run animations and say "yeah, looks fine". It's just baffling. But, overall, I do not like how some people just straight up send threats to the devs. That's just not right. I just want them to, for ######### once, do something with the feedback we give in a reasonable time.

  • angelxd19
    angelxd19 Member Posts: 3

    are you high or something? people want to help the game get better. Not turn it into a mobile looking piece of garbage.

  • mirek
    mirek Member Posts: 24

    more creepy than before.. lets say, just come to play and will see.. but, rather than this Im going to sleep now

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Honestly I donโ€™t see anything wrong with the new UI, itโ€™s actually a lot cleaner and beginner friendly. It helps a lot of solo survivors and new killers.

    People complaining that itโ€™s scattered everywhere clearly donโ€™t play other games like League of Legends, Dota, World of Warcraft, Dungeon Defenders 2, All of the Call of Duty games, Gears etc. Like the list goes on, but god forbid Dead by Daylight.

  • dabaconboss
    dabaconboss Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2021

    the worst thing about this patch is that they fixed the bug that holds m1 or right trigger for you. like now i actually have to sit and actively hold m1 instead of making posts on forums, the the heck would put the leave spectate button on the top left of the screen? ive been updating as i play and i physically cant play anymore after four games, my eyes hurt.

    Post edited by dabaconboss on
  • dodgeduckdipdive
    dodgeduckdipdive Member Posts: 14

    i Havenโ€™t seen a single person in 3 pages state they like the changes. Iโ€™ve played this game for years now and this is the second time Iโ€™ve ever bothered to come on the forums - the changes, specifically to the UI are objectively terrible. I legitimately cannot believe they couldโ€™ve done that to the UI and thought it was a good idea. Iโ€™ve bought items in game, dlcs, etc, to support this game, however, after playing the new update earlier I genuinely have no desire to play anymore. It feels like a new and worse game.

    im hoping they make some significant changes. If not, I imagine they will lose a fair amount of players (including myself).

  • MudSpit83
    MudSpit83 Member Posts: 117

    Those Clown changes are almost godlike, i finally figured out how to properly use both bottles and its crazy as hell.

  • dabaconboss
    dabaconboss Member Posts: 8

    i wanted to add that my eyes hurt after playing four games, period. also after paying over 80 dollars and playing this game a buttload i think its fine if i say this patch is #########

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I keep telling everyone this, but so many donโ€™t get it, and keep saying itโ€™s useless.

    Glad youโ€™re another that figured how powerful using both together actually is.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I'm going to say this because I see this a lot in popular discussions.

    There's no way a HUD rework does massive amounts of damage to your eyes to a point where you lose eye sight; "loss of eye sight" is so over-dramatic, seriously โ€” that's ridiculous and doesn't add much to the discussion. I believe you just play the game too much and are just using the HUD rework as your scapegoat for the cause of your eye strain. Again, over reacting doesn't help nor is it constructive.

    Being uncomfortable is fine, that would make more sense, but acting like your dying is unnecessary. You should consult a doctor if looking at a HUD does that much damage to your eyes. Playing video games for awhile should cause eye strain and some discomfort, but if a HUD is infinitely more worse than that for you, I believe you might have a health condition that was existing before the rework.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I am willing to make that trade...

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I'm with you man, the only thing people like to do on this forum is gripe. Ungreatful and unnecessary

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186
    edited February 2021

    I'm not ungrateful, but the HUD change was unnecessary...I haven't played this game for 2-3 I got back to try it and oh man...the HUD is so BAD. Like who can create something like this? HUD information spread all over the screen, I normally turn off some HUD information in other games, cause it just block my view but damn...PERK icons huge as hell, information about other survivor in the top left -> why? Why I have to look there? I Played just 3 games yesterday and I woke up with such a headache and eyeache. And yup...add info about gens in the middle of the really...such a bad decision. I'm not going to even try to play this game again.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    @Freki You're good. Wasn't sure on my first read so I was going to ask but you cleared that up in the last segment. Just posting this for your peace of mind, just in case :)

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Oh lease, tell me how to use it on actual rank 1 survivors :D

  • xSymantha
    xSymantha Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2021

    There are a couple things I like: the hook counter, some of the perks being buffed a little, Trapper and Wraith getting small buffs, the changes Clown received... and I like how the devs are trying to get our feedback earlier on with the proposed OoO change, before they officially change it and wait to take our feedback until way after the change has officially happened.

    However, there are many, many problems with this update. So many bugs; depiping when you shouldn't be; emblems breakingand not wprking properly; major hitching (at least on console), so many god pallets on the The Game map; apparently you can't buy Yui with shards; hard to tell certain effects on survivors' portraits with the new UI; some people genuinely getting eye strain/motion sickness with this new UI (I played a couple hours yesterday on a decent sized TV and got a pretty bad headache as a result... and normally I play a whole lot more than i did yesterday).

    That's only to mention a few, we can list a lot more of the bugs and other negative effects this patch brought on. Also, a lot of the community's discontent could have been avoidable had they communicated with us players earlier, like what they are doing with Object of Obsession, they could have shown what their plans were for the UI a long time ago and that way there wasn't "months of work" kinda wasted in a sense. They have their new system with the new UI, all they gotta do is fix it and reposition much of the information in a better manner.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The problem is that the previous HUD STILL required you to move your eyes around the screen, so I don't see the difference in either HUDs. I'm no doctor, but common sense tells me that this whole eye health situation is a bit exaggerated, that's what I'm getting at. If you want to make the HUD rework a bigger problem than it already is, go for it, but it's not exactly accurate and doesn't point to the cause of the problem.

    You even contradicted yourself by saying, "It's not the HUD itself that's the issue but the amount of movement you make with your eyes". All in all, it's not the HUD, the game just requires you to be active and aware with your eyes, killer especially. I just don't like how people are acting like this HUD rework is literally killing them and giving them health problems, it's so ridiculous.

    To be clear, I have my fair share of complaints with the HUD system as well and I hope they do get addressed, BUT my complaints doesn't come with eye health problems, you're literally the first I've seen say this HUD gives you eye health problems. Please, be realistic here. I know you want the game to be in a better state, but exaggerating the situation doesn't help the developers at all.

    However, hey, I guess people will say anything to make a problem from bad to worse and worse to terrible. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • BingBongBoi_69
    BingBongBoi_69 Member Posts: 39


  • KiliHD
    KiliHD Member Posts: 52

    You dont seem to understand whats happening. I personally dont bother if they keep the animation, the ui or any other new feature, because there are game breaking bugs like the chapters before and i wont accept this. They said they focus on fixing bugs and they lost again. The game base is just too buggy! Hitbox problem is the worst thing of all of them in my oppinon and it ruins my experience all the time since the update 4.5.0.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    It's probably best we agree to disagree, but I do appreciate the friendly discussion โ€” wait a second, hold the phone... "I've played the game for 10 hours straight (with minor breaks), 6 hours on stream (recorded) and 2 killer matches bout 30 minutes to an hour caused me more pain than I've ever had in any game what so ever"

    One of your previous comments:

    You just contradicted yourself again because you implied in a previous comment that you didn't play DBD that much. ๐Ÿ˜…

    That might be why you're having eye strain, you're playing DBD for half a day with minor breaks. I'm just saying, it might not be the HUD at all, but hey, everyone is different. All in all, I have my opinion and you have yours, I'm glad we could debate this in a civilized manner.

    I do agree it's convenient to have everything in a corner, that's one of my complaints, but I love the redesign and hook counters for both sides! ๐Ÿ˜

  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    The UI is awful

    The clown buff is barely a buff

    The game map is now a god pallet maze with obnoxious breakable walls

    That's just 3 obvious problems with the update now where's the improvements exactly?

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319
    edited February 2021

    Yo I see what everybody is talking about now after trying a match, a dude hit me, every single time he hit me, by about a body and a half's length away were the body laying stretched out the long way from head to toe. #########. Every, single, hit. The UI was confusing at firsts ince the scratch marks made me think a couple of guys were dead until I realized they were injured, that seemed counterintuitive. They really need to fix the gd hit detection if they are gonna make us play this crap with not even double bp. It's only worth the log in bonus and then closing the game immediately until they fix that #########.

    When an idiot unhooked me right after going up on second hook, I just stood there and said f*ck it. The killer to be a prick stood about the body and a half's length away as if to rub it into my face, then after a couple seconds hit me fromt hat distance. Then turned out to be a tard actually using a mori in 2021 lmfao. I dc since homie don't play that. Fix the hit detection, people are not exaggerating, if anything, they are underestimating how broken hits are. I can't believe I deleted gow to install this garbage again and there isn't even double bp. Also, don't try to spin it'll get you hit lol. And you'll waste a lot of ground trying to undo that decision if you don't get hit. Which would be a miracle if you don't get hit, even when they're not looking entirely at you now for some reason. The survivor's hitboxes are longer and wider than ron jeremy now.

    The new icons are nice btw, just took me a moment to realize what meant injured and not dead btw. Once you adjust, and find the UI scale in options (it looked like 1080p UI size and I was like ######### by default) it's not bad. Just counterinuitive injury indications in my opinion was all. But the portraits are pretty nice they actually did do a nice job on one thing this update. And after feeling the hitboxes now, I'm kinda glad they didn't change ds yet since if I play again it's only gonna be to try and be a prick about it.

    Also I hope you can stillt ell as solo survivor when the obsession is being chased by the portraits, that was really helpful against some sweatier killers sometimes. Every little safe second helped to get things done faster. Part of what makes swf so powerful is being able to relay that information immediately to the whole group so they never waste a second. If the new UI doesn't let us get a visual portrait indication of a full health obsession being chased that's gonna hurt solos, not that it'll hurt the queues any if they don't wanna play lol so if anything this patch might also address queue times since I got a match within 5 minutes with no bp event indicating fewer survivors in queue lmao.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    hmmm let me see at one point I was playing a lot, and Lately i've had no REASON to play a lot. in 2.5 or so years you'd expect that people will play more at times and less at times.... wow do you only play 1 or 2 matches a day? with that how do you know what is good or not? lol.... you keep trying to poke holes in what I said. and i'd love to hear from you how many hours per day you play, and how many days a week you play.... just because at one time I played a lot, or I streamed for 6 hours playing a game is a lot then i'm curious what you have . you are the one on the limb here. agree to disagree? that would imply I even respect you, and with your attacks and continued attacks on me I can not respect you. You yourself have cherry picked things and are trying to make things look worse because you feel it makes you look better, but you honestly need to move on. What I have said is TRUE, and what I have said has happened. what you imply is not true and what you imply has not happened. you want to agree to disagree? lol gain someone's respect first then as equals you can agree to disagree with out that I would never have a reason to step back from your base accusations.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I haven't in no way attacked you, I just don't believe the new HUD causes massive amounts of damage to your eyes. I'm sorry if you felt that I was attacking you, I have no intentions of doing so and I do apologize for the misinterpretation of our discussion!

    I play around 3 times a day, depending on what day it is, but on a good day, I spend around 8 hours of gaming with 2-4 on DBD. I do take big breaks when I feel like it's needed. ๐Ÿ˜

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    The UI was not an improvement. While I liked a couple elements of it, I find most of it to be poorly thought through

    I understand they like to stay consistent between platforms - but UI is the last thing you should be trying to keep consistent between platforms when one of those platforms is Mobile. Screen size plays a big part in readability.

    I usually defend BE when people aren't being fair in their roasting - but this spreading out of UI elements for the sake of consistency was a bad idea and they should have their feet held to the fire over it.