Killer concept - jimmy (no name yet)
Spent an hour or two thinking about this killer idea I had who I haven't named yet so I'll call him jimmy for now.
Ability - Abandoned Blade
In a chase, Jimmy has the ability to press M2 and perform Abandoned Blade. Performing Left Behind causes Jimmy to leave one of his (5) knives in the survivor's back. Survivors are afflicted by the broken status until ANOTHER survivor removes the knife from them. Removing the knife from a survivor causes them to scream revealing their location. Edit: Abandoned blade has a cool-down of (5) seconds
Perk 1 (or maybe just an add-on for Jimmy, but I think other killers would benefit) : Paranoid - When a survivor screams, survivors repairing generators or healing other survivors within a (8/16/24) meter radius will scream.
Perk 2 : Picking Favorites - Hitting your obsession with a basic attack causes them to suffer from the broken status for 30/45/60 seconds, Grunts of Pain are increased by 50% until they are healed (or maybe just for the 60 seconds).
Perk 3 : Dull Attacks - Hitting a survivor with a basic attack causes medkits that are used on said survivor are consumed 30%/40%/50% faster
Notes: The numbers in parenthesis mean I'm not sure if it's over or underpowered, also I'm aware perk 3 is similar to sloppy butcher and that if it were run with sloppy butcher it MIGHT be an overpowered combo, what are your thoughts. Also if this idea is dumb please let me know in a nice way.
This is actually pretty good and combining infectious fright and paranoid makes a scream fest. And using paranoid on doctor oh damn SCREAMS EVERYWHERE.
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Plus this killer oh he would overpowered and i love it KEEP THEM ALL INJURED AN FIND THEM.
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Yeah I felt there weren't enough screaming perks, and the paranoid perk would also discourage other survivors from doing a lot of things (being in madness 3, or removing jimmy's knife) near generators that are being repaired which I think would benefit killers.
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Yeah I imagine there would be some sort of cool down on the knives, like 5 or 10 seconds, just so you cant do it to everyone at once haha