

Chapter Idea: Misery Loves Company (V1)

Member Posts: 340
edited February 2021 in Creations


Name: The Reaper

A large cloaked floating figure with a Scythe as a weapon.

Lore: I'm not really good at that sort of thing, if you would like you could write your own in the comments. Would love to read it.

Movement speed: 115 %

Terror Radius: 32 metres

Height: Tall

Killer Abilities (4)

1: Soul Search

Press and Hold the Power button to active Soul Search.

Survivors with a Soul within 16 metres of you and/or Soulless Survivors reveal their location via Killer’s Instinct.

You move at 110 % while this is active. Takes 1 second to activate.

(The idea is it is an extremely powerful information tool that gets drastically weaker as the game goes on while guiding you in a way that is more fun for the Survivors to play against)

2: Soul Harvest 

Press the Attack button while Soul Search is active to slash forward slicing everything you pass. 

The first time a Survivor is put into the Dying state by this ability it collects their Soul, turning them into a Soulless Survivor.

Stops on and breaks pallets.

(Think a Demo Shred that doesn't stop on the target and can hit any number of Survivors)

3: Curse of the Damned

Soulless Survivors suffer from several negative effects, if they are within 16 metres of a Survivor with a Soul the effects are nullified. 

  • 15 % slower repair speeds while repairing a Generator alone
  • Recover from all negative Status effects 50 % slower

(The effects are just placeholder, but I want the Survivors to have to choose between suffering the effects or giving the Killer vital information via Soul Search)

4: Death’s Bounty

You gain power as you collect unique souls.

  • 1 Soul: Your Terror Radius is reduced by 8 meters
  • 2 Souls: Tremendously reduce charge time for Soul Search
  • 3 Souls: Soul Harvest can now go through pallets while breaking them
  • 4 Souls: End Game Collapse starts as soon as the Exit Gates are powered

(Effects are placeholder, but the idea is you want to go to each Survivor to get the increasing in power buffs, this would passively influence the Killer to not tunnel)


Need help with this one, but I was thinking the addons could change what Death's Bounty effects you got, or change the Curse of the Damned effects Survivors suffer from.

Ultra Rares:

  • Soul Harvest puts Survivors with a Soul into the Dying state.

Rares: None

Uncommons: None

Commons: None


1: Traumatic Haze

Wounds inflicted by successful attacks make the Survivor unable to repair generators for 5 seconds and reduces their repairing, healing, and sabotaging Skill Checks’ success zones by 50/55/60 % until they fail a Skill Check or are put into the Dying state.

(This would remove Survivors doing Generators in your face and give something for Skill Check builds that wouldn't be to oppressive for new players)

2: Hex: Equilibrium

Each time a Generator is completed the Generator with the most progress becomes blocked for as long as this hex stands. 

For each Generator blocked by this hex Survivors can see of the Aura of this hex’s totem within 14/12/10 metres.

(I wanted something to give Survivor another clear objective, not sure if this would be UP or OP though)

3: Cull the Weak

You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Your Obsession’s Skill Check trigger odds on Generators is tremendously increased, if they fail a Skill Check they cannot get another one for 14/12/10 seconds.

Your Obsession’s Great Skill Checks grant 0 % bonus progression on a Generator.

Whenever a Survivor fails a Skill Check, they become your Obsession.

(I want it to feel like snapping out of it in terms of constant skill checks)


A buff loud cocky actor who hosted his own Survival Show.

Lore: See Killer lore.

Survivor PERKS

1: Survival Guide

Gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints for actions in all Categories.

For each Category you have max Bloodpoints in gain 1 Token.

For each token gain 25 % action speed buff for healing and opening Exit Gates.

If you have 4 Tokens you can see the Aura of powered Exit Gates.

(The idea is to give Survivors another goal to build up towards)

2: V.I.P

While injured your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors.

Other Survivors’ Healing speed and efficiency of healing items are increased by 15/20/25 % while healing you and they receive 5000 Bonus Bloodpoints for healing you a health state.

The Bonus Bloodpoints are only awarded post-Trial.

(Tired of not getting healed and don't want Self-care or a Med kit?!)

3: Contingency Plan

While standing in a Locker for 5/4/3 seconds Contingency Plan activates

You no longer suffer from Blindness caused by Lockers.

While in a Locker you can see the Aura of the Killer if they are within 16 metres.

(Dwight you just saw the Killer leave you can get out of the Locker now)

The Killer is meant to reward fair and smart play while feeling powerful and fun to play. Would love to hear your opinions and if something is not too clear on the function let me know and I can try to explain it a bit better.

Post edited by Clueless on

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