

Love, Pain, and Ice (Chapter Concept)

Member Posts: 39
edited February 2021 in Creations

Hey yall, this is my new concept and I hope you guys enjoy it. Please leave positive feedback and constructive criticism. I am happy to adjust things and balance things out (trust me, things are probably disgustingly broken). Anyways I hope you guys like the concept!

Chapter Name: Love, Pain, and Ice

New Killer: The Cold

Name: Trixie Jones

Realm: Winter Falls

Power: Hypothermia

Weapon: Icicle

Movement Speed: 110%/4.4m/s

Terror Radius: 24 meters

Height: Tall

Appearance: Tall in a white gown, paired with white gloves and frozen heels, and her hair adorned with shards of ice. She is Thin and her skin is as white as snow.


A child. My parents were lost in the fire, so my grandparents took me in. They ran a restaurant/hotel style place up towards Winter Falls. They were booming during the wintertime, mainly being that the falls froze over and all the snow made it a truly spectacular place. I helped around as much as I could at my age. I put things away, I did some of the dishes, I even sometimes helped grandma wait tables. She’d always tell me “Respect your waiters and waitresses. They’re simply the front. It’s not their fault your meal is ‘overpriced”. She’d only tell me this after some snob rich man would come along and demand that the dish was too expensive. They were mean, sometimes they’d leave without tipping. I never understood, but I always tried to understand where people were coming from before I would get angry. Me being 7 though, I wasn’t great at it. One day I got in a fight with a boy. Jaxson was his name. I guess he had nowhere to go so my grandparents decided to take him in. He accidentally dropped something and began crying. I started yelling at him because the thing broke and I was quickly brought back to reality when he called me out and mentioned how he was still coping with things. I should’ve known better, it took me a while to cope with things. I smiled and apologized, not to mention he was REALLY cute.

Years passed, Jaxson and I were both 17. He was waiting tables and I worked the front desk. I was still my mischievous little self. He however was perfect. He was mature, kind, and everyone loved him. He always got the largest tips and was consistently asked for by our regular vacationers. He moved with such grace and poise. I on the other hand was still clumsy and ditzy. But that didn’t stop me from trying. We were always together, hell, best friends almost. Grandpa and Grandma kept insisting they could tell I liked him and I didn’t… I didn't, I swear! Okay, maybe a little but it's not like it mattered he was way out of my league. So I went on with my life and so did he.

Me and Jaxson stayed close. We always went to our secret place, up at the top of the falls where we would see the most beautiful aurora. I didn’t know what it was called but it truly was beautiful. He would usually give me gifts, but this time he surprised me. He handed me a winter rose. It was a lot better than the boots he gave me when I was 8 but… it was nice. He smiled like he always did and we continued to watch the night sky, my head on his shoulder.

The next day I was going to ask him. He gave me a rose, it had to be a sign. I couldn’t in the morning, he was busy talking with one of the newer waiters, Diego. Large, star quarterback player type guy. So I waited and when night came I went to find Jaxson. I came to his door about to knock when I heard Diego. I peeked through and saw Jaxson holding his hands. “Look, I do like you Diego…” But… the rose… I couldn’t believe my ears. They hugged and Jaxson gave him a kiss on the cheek. No, no, no. It can’t be true. I dropped the rose and ran. My head was filled with thoughts. No, no, no. What… what the #########!? I broke through the doors of the restaurant and into the night air. Tears streamed down my face as I reached the top of Winter Falls… our spot. I heard my name in the distance. Trixie! I looked back and saw it was Jaxson. I couldn’t look at him. He played me… but why? He took a step forward blubbering about what happened. Bullshit. It’s all #########- There was a crack. I looked at Jaxson who was standing as still as possible signaling me not to move. There was another. I looked him in the eye when 3 words came out of his mouth. The ice went out beneath me and I fell. Down to the bottom of the frozen falls. This was all his fault… wasn’t it? Before I hit the ice my vision blacked out, and I awoke in a new place.

Her Power:

Hypothermia: When survivors are left too long in the snow, things begin to get harder. When close enough to a survivor you may summon a sharp breeze over the survivor, who will then begin to develop hypothermia. There are three stages of hypothermia.

-Stage one (30 seconds): Survivors begin to release a small shivering sound

-Stage two (45 seconds):  Suffer from the hindered status effect and breathing begins to slow but is louder.

-Stage three (1 minute): Breathing has basically stopped, when they do breath it is heavy and survivors can no longer run

Survivors can remove hypothermia by finding 1 of the 3 heaters somewhere on the map and sit in front of it for a standard 5 seconds (an extra 10 seconds for every stage reached) Hypothermia does not develop while hooked, downed, or in a chase.

Glacial Pathways: Charge for 2 seconds, when released you’ll pave 8x2 meters of ice. On the ice, your movement speed is increased by 0.2m/s and survivors receive the hindered status effect. The pathway will melt away after 5 seconds. Goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.



  • Bag of Ice: A small Ziploc bag containing 3 ice cubes. Decreases Glacial Pathways cooldown by 2 seconds
  • Snowflake-Pentagonal: A simple snowflake, but not a normal one, this one is missing an edge. Decrease the time to reach the next stage of hypothermia by 5 seconds
  • Thermal Clothing: Tight, but durable clothing made to combat the cold. Survivors cannot surpass stage 1 of hypothermia and are not affected by Glacial Pathways. Gain 100% extra blood points post-trial
  • Flora-Fresh Pine: A small clump from a nearby evergreen, the smell is almost nostalgic. Allows you to see the placement of your Glacial Pathways before you pave them


  • Snowball: A perfectly round ball of ice, snow, and dirt. Slightly increases the range you can infect survivors with hypothermia
  • Snowflake-Hexagonal: This is a normal snowflake, six sides, and perfectly cut. Decrease the time to reach the next stage of hypothermia by 6 seconds
  • Flora-Winterberries: Small, poisonous berries, some may know it as mistletoe. Changes your Glacial Pathways into 2 separate 2x4 pathways. Hold to pave one and experience a short pause before paving the next one
  • Traveler’s Belongings: A large bag of an old hiker, with valuable equipment. The trial consists of 2 working heaters, one will be rendered useless


  • Mountain Goat Horn: A horn strong enough to shatter ice. Survivors who reach stage 3 of hypothermia become broken
  • Flora-Snowdrop: A small drooping flower looking towards the snow it grows on. On glacial pathways, movement speed is increased by 0.3m/s (does not stack) 
  • Snowflake-Decahedron: A more unique, and beautiful snowflake. Truly a work of art. Decrease the time to reach the next stage of hypothermia by 10 seconds
  • Glacial Essence: A small bottle containing the melted edge of a glacier. Decreases Glacial Pathways cooldown by 3 seconds
  • Child’s Boots: The boots given from an old friend… a long, long time ago. Survivors experience an extra penalty to movement speed while affected by hypothermia

Very Rare:

  • Lost Mittens: A pair of gloves with the initials JL weaved inside. See survivor auras for 3 seconds after they use a heater
  • Bloody Ear-Muffs: An old pair of Ear-Muffs on the verge of being broken. The fluff is caked with dried blood. Survivors who have reached stage 3 suffer from the oblivious effect
  • Hot Cocoa: A steaming cup of hot chocolate goodness topped with marshmallows and whipped cream. Increase standard heater time by 5 seconds
  • Snowflake-Crystalline: A snowflake in all its glory, frozen in time. A snowflake, forever. Once a survivor is affected with hypothermia it cannot be removed. They cannot surpass stage two, and the time to reach succeeding stages is increased by 30 seconds
  • Flora-Winter Rose: A symbol of love, and passion, preserved by the pain of regret and hatred. Only one survivor can be affected by hypothermia at a time. Your Glacial Pathways become Glacial Quakes. Upon release, release a shockwave within your terror radius. Any survivor who is within range will scream and freeze in place for 3 seconds. The cooldown is now 30 seconds.

Ultra Rare:

  • Snowflake-Prism: A snowflake so perfectly crafted, reflects the light around it, colors spilling out from every crevice. All survivors start the trial in affected by hypothermia, and hypothermia can now pass from survivor to survivor
  • Iridescent Aurora: A beautiful array of lights only found on the coldest edges of the Earth. Reminds you of the pain it brings… the memories. Survivors who are in stage 3 of hypothermia die after being affected by it for 30 seconds. Is not affected by other add-ons. Time to reach succeeding stages is increased by 10 seconds (can be affected by other add-ons)

Her Perks:

Blizzard: A place where almost nothing can be seen, but yet, you’re perfectly fine. All survivors suffer the oblivious effect after doing an objective (generators, healing, and totems) for 10/7/5 seconds. The effect lasts 3 seconds after letting go or finishing the objective.

“Don’t you just love the snow? I do, very much so.” -The Cold

You’re On Thin Ice: One wrong step and it’s all over. When an injured survivor drops from a height they will receive the broken effect for 30/45/60 seconds. All survivors experience an extra 1/2/3% stagger increase

“I’m gonna drop it… Nah I’m just kidding… or am I?” -The Cold

Hex: The Common Cold: Even a common cold is harmful and can spread like wildfire if not contained. As long as this hex stands, the obsession becomes contagious. Anytime a survivor interacts with the obsession they scream and become exposed for 5/10/15 seconds and becomes the obsession. Everytime the obsession switches, survivors gain immunity for 15 seconds.

“Cover when you cough Trixie. You’ll get someone else sick.” -Grandma

Mori: The cold stabs the survivor with her icicle in the shoulder turning them into ice. She then slings them over her shoulder and slams them into the ground shattering the frozen body

New Survivor: Jaxson Lucero

Role: Waiter

Appearance: Tall and slim. Blonde, shaggy yet neat hair, and a pearl white smile.


My parents died when I was 7. We were hiking when there was an avalanche. My parents gave their lives for me and I was eternally grateful. Eventually, a search party found me and a lovely old couple took me in. They had a daughter, Trixie, who was sweet and we became good friends. We basically grew up together. Soon I was old enough to work and they let me wait tables. I worked hard, greeting every customer with a smile. It kind of sucked at times with the bitchy, and entitled customers as well as everyone calling in “sick”. It didn’t help that I hated myself to the point where I would purge after every meal, but I stayed quiet and cheery. I also wanted to act. It was my passion and the couple who took me in supported my moves. However, I always got the white guy trying to be Mexican… which was kind of hurtful considering I was Mexican. Or the gay kid and I always need that “gay” voice. I pressed on waiting tables, helping the couple and their daughter out and landing auditions.

It was maybe a Thursday and I became torn. Trixie was amazing. I really liked her, we were inseparable, I just didn’t know how to tell her. On the other hand, there was Diego. He was a beast but in the best way possible. He always respected my choices and decisions and he very clearly made moves. He would leave me gifts and such and sometimes almost throw himself at me. He could be dumb but was really caring overall. I decided and pulled Diego into my room after my shift. “Look, I do like you but I can’t be with you. I like Trixie. You’re perfect, hell I wish I could be like you, I mean I hate everything about myself, but that’s beside the point. I like Trixie, and I just can’t be with you. I’m sorry.” I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled a bit and said he understood as well as tried to raise my self-confidence. I glanced over and that’s when I saw the rose. Trixie. I knew where she’d be, it was our place. #########, she must’ve heard, I just hope she heard everything. Diego followed after me. “TRIXIE!” I saw her standing at the edge. I tried to explain everything. She wouldn’t look at me. She refused too. I could see the tears falling down- #########. “Don’t…. Move…” Trixie stared at me in fear. “You’ll be fine…” She started to shake. “Hey, hey! Look at me… I love you…” The ice broke. I jumped forward after her when there was a tug around my stomach. I fought. “Let me go! Let me go!” Diego held tight. I couldn’t fight him, there was no way. Soon I sat there crying in his arms. I gave up fighting. She was gone… it was all my fault. Why didn’t I just say something earlier? I screamed into the cold, beautiful night sky.

The days went on, her body was never found. I wasn’t myself and my tips reflected it. One day however Diego came in excited. “You’re going to love me.” He was ecstatic. I tried to explain to him I wasn’t ready for a relationship but he persisted. “No, I know. But let's say I have a connection with Jane Romero.” Wait… Jane Romero? “And she’s here right now. Get out there and wait her table.” I struggled to adjust myself as I stepped out, poised and graceful… hopefully. I tried to act confident but it was hard, considering my mental health and everything that had happened. I greeted the table and took their orders. Jane ordered our signature pancakes while the other two simply got coffee. I asked her what she wanted to drink.

“Caramel frappuccino, two pumps of espresso and whipped cream, and chocolate chips. Also for my pancakes add caramel.” I replied and went into the kitchen. We didn’t have the machinery for fraps. What the #########?! I couldn’t just not give her one, it was ######### Jane Romero. The cook looked at me confused. I’ll get the frap. I passed the information to him and improvised. The food was finished and I walked out, a million-dollar smile plastered on my face. I passed the plates and watched Jane as she took a sip of the copycat. “Not what I wanted.” She pursed her lips and stood to leave.

“Well sorry, next time look at the menu.” What was I doing?! She looked at me and questioned what I said. “I said, next time look at the menu. You think you can stiff me out of a tip AND payment because you didn’t look at the menu. If you did you would know we didn’t have Fraps, and even then! I knew who you were so I created one from what we had. Sorry if it’s not Hollywood quality but-”

“You. You’re Jaxson correct?” I was shocked, my face was stricken with awe. I stood there and simply nodded. “That’s exactly what Diego promised me. He talks about you a lot, quite the catch. Meet me on set this Friday at 3:30. Let’s see if you can handle being a co-host.” Oh my god… “Also, good job on the Frapp. Best I’ve had in a while.” She… she was testing me. It was like an audition… Holy #########! I landed a role with Jane ######### Romero. I was ecstatic as Jane left with a smile and a wave. Later that night Diego told me how Jane was his aunt and was looking for a co-host. He told me how he bragged about how good I was and that I was looking for acting gigs that weren’t my stereotypical typecasting.

Later that week things came crashing again. I was on my way to the studio when I heard the news. Jane Romero had gone missing. Her body was never found. It hurt, especially for Diego. I went with Diego to the funeral they had for her and we went to the site where they found her car. It wasn’t like Jane to drive off the edge of the road. I took off my suit jacket and button-up and got into the water. There was no way this was real. I took a dive and came out in another place. Where was Diego? Where was I? I stood in the fog in my uniform… I saw a figure in the distance, Trixie?

His Perks:

Customer Service: As a waiter, you’ve been through it all, literally nothing could be worse… well, maybe fast food. Many times you find yourself picking up others slack. For every dead or hooked teammate gain a token. Each token increases repair and heal speed by 5/10/15%.

For every disconnect gain an extra 25% blood points in the survival category post-trial

“They called off sick… again. Whatever.” -Jaxson Lucero

Chance of a Lifetime: A once in a lifetime opportunity shows itself and you have to take it. When hooked for the second time Chance of a Lifetime activates. Succeed three extremely difficult skill checks in a short period of time to gain a short pause in your struggle timer for 3/4/5 seconds, giving you 1 attempt at unhooking yourself, with a 25% chance of successfully unhooking yourself. Chance is affected by luck offerings and the perk Deliverance

“I’m co-hosting for Jane ######### Romero.” -Jaxson Lucero

On the House!: You push yourself to the limit, trying to make customers happy, and sometimes people ######### and complain trying to get free food, so you give it to them. When dropping a pallet, you can drop it by pressing the secondary button to give that little extra they want. This will instantly break the pallet but leave the killer stunned for 5 seconds. Causes the exhausted effect for 60/50/40 seconds

“On the house, because you clearly deserve it.” -Jaxson Lucero

The Map: It wouldn’t be terribly large but would definitely be a larger map so to speak. It would be an Ormond map (obviously). It would look like the picture below and in the center would be an open ice field with running water (I think it would be cool if we could run through shallow water you know?) with the restaurant in the center. Inside would be broken tables and chairs, as well as maybe burning candles and some broken and unbroken dishes, like coffee cups, plates, etc. Maybe stained tablecloths and bloodied wood floors. So like Ormond's bottom floor but more specifically a restaurant (Only the first floor would be accessible, the second would be just for the aesthetic). Anyways the center would be surrounded by Pine trees and within you would find broken-down structures which would be your loops and stuff, as well as a shack and a resident's cabin. The residents' cabins would be like one house from Haddonfield. On one corner there would be a generator that would activate an easter egg. The frozen waterfall will melt and begin flowing. It wouldn’t do anything but it would be a cool and pretty easter egg. Also, I think it would be nighttime on this map, kind of like the Macimillian maps. The sky would have the Aurora Borealis in the sky. I don’t know I think it would be a cool map if the tiles were balanced out well.

I hope yall enjoy and please leave feedback below. Feel free to even just leave your general thoughts below, all feedback is deeply appreciated. <3

Post edited by PanPan021 on

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  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Is this supposed to be from the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe?

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    I will try to read more, but right off the bat the power has too many stages and is quite powerful and complicated. I would reduce the number of stages to 3 that ramp up over a shorter time period and maybe make less heaters

  • Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2021

    Okay give me like a day and I'll fix that. Thanks for the feedback and I'll look into that... or maybe I can get it done now... I'll see but definitely by tomorrow at around this time. Thanks again :)

  • Member Posts: 39

    Also no. I have seen that movie maybe twice... Is it similar?

  • Member Posts: 39

    Okay so I adjusted it (I have free time on my hands) but before I change it here's what I have come up with, what do you think? After your thoughts, I'll make more adjustments and change add-on's

    Hypothermia: When survivors are left too long in the snow, things begin to get harder. When close enough to a survivor you may summon a sharp breeze over the survivor, who will then begin to develop hypothermia. There are three stages of hypothermia.

    -Stage one (30 seconds): Survivors begin to release a small shivering sound

    -Stage two (45 seconds):  Suffer from the hindered status effect and breathing begins to slow but is louder.

    -Stage three (1 minute): Breathing has basically stopped, when they do breath it is heavy and survivors can no longer run

    Survivors can remove hypothermia by finding 1 of the 3 heaters somewhere on the map and sit in front of it for a standard 5 seconds (an extra 10 seconds for every stage reached) Hypothermia does not develop while hooked, downed, or in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,035
    edited February 2021

    Cool, I like the change. Much more cohesive. The biggest issue I see: the killer could get someone with hypothermia and if the chase goes on for 60 seconds its a guaranteed down because they stop running. This would encourage tunnelling. What if instead, in stage 3 they can't run for 2 seconds after preforming any interaction. So vaulting and dropping pallets or leaving a generator, totem or locker. Makes it where its not a "guaranteed down" if you tunnel. Also, do you think getting hit should remove hypothermia? And perhaps there should be a condition on when you han inflict it, like maybe you have to have been in a chase for 15 seconds? Just throwing out ideas now, since its a solid power now. None of these suggestions are 100% necessary

  • Member Posts: 39

    I see what your saying....hmmm I'd have to think about it. I don't think tunneling would be too large an issue considering it won't develop why in chase, as for the other ones I think getting a hit and removing it would kind of defeat the purpose of hypotherming them(?) because unlike Plague and her infection, it doesn't develop while in chase but If you think it would work better and be more balanced I can look at it, as for the condition I do kind of like that idea though.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Oh, I don't think anything said it didn't developer during chase. It makes a lot more sense now that I know that lol

  • Member Posts: 39

    Lol you are all good, with that in mind anything I should change to the change (lol)?

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Not much more on the power aside from the thought that it'd be really cool if you could swap with a survivor at any time in certain conditions, such as if you hit a survivor within x seconds of swapping, but that's just an "I wish" thing. The power is great with your rework.


    Blizzard needs some kind of qualifier, as being oblivious for ALL objectives is too harsh. Maybe add that its only while doing cooperative actions, only while holding an item, only while injured, healthy, or exhausted Or something else. I think an interesting qualifier would be "only while their action speed is being increased by a perk or item". Also, it needs something to be tiered based on rarity. Maybe after performing the action for 8/6/4 seconds.

    On thin ice is interesting. May be a bit harsh in those maps you have to drop down often in. Maybe add the qualifier "while in a chase"

    The common cold: a hex AND obsession perk is interesting. I was toying with the idea myself. The problem is that yours is very strong, as people would be exposed and revealed way too often. You could drop the scream and it would be balanced, but I would play into the typical obsession format to make it more interesting. The obsession gets a minor speed boost when performing actions alone would offset it. (Obviously the speed boost would be lost when the totem is cleansed)

    I'll look at the surv perks at a later time. Hope these tips helped

  • Member Posts: 39

    Okay Cool! So I'll change the power and add-ons now, and as for perks thanks for the feedback. I'll tweak them a bit and let you know the changes I've come up with. Thanks so much for the feedback <3

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    -Survivor perks-

    Customer service: not a bad perk, albeit a bit neiche. You should remove the DC aspect though, as SWF teams would abuse it. Without that, its a bit underwhelming, but what if you added that 3 tokens lets you hear the hatch from 25% farther away?

    Chance of a lifetime: seems fine, not much to say on it. Maybe define the amount of time you pause the struggle timer. 10/15/20 seconds maybe?

    On the house: I really like it, basically a DS stun but also gives them a spirit fury activation as trade off.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Okay so here is what I came up with:


    Blizzard: All survivors suffer the oblivious effect after working on a generator for 10/7/5 seconds. The effect lasts 3 seconds after letting go. I could also work it like an oblivious mind breaker but then I thought it would lose its uniqueness in a sense (even now it's a bit similar).

    I think "You're on Thin Ice" is okay in my opinion so I didn't make any changes. I feel like the broken effect in chase doesn't do much and the stagger would be okay I guess but like... I don't know. I understand on maps like Haddonfield and the Game but being honest the Game doesn't have many drops unless you utilize them which most of the time isn't often and Haddonfield is survivor sided anyway so it wouldn't be much of a loss. I appreciate the feedback, and I'll see what others have to say about it. Any other thoughts on it/suggested changes? I don't know I feel like making it only in chase would be a bit redundant at times... I could make it so that way the broken effect doesn't like stack or anything. That can be redundant.

    Hex: Common Cold: Anytime a survivor interacts with the obsession they scream and become exposed for 5/10/15 seconds and becomes the obsession. Every time the obsession switches, survivors gain immunity for 15 seconds.

    So I didn't want to play into the usual obsession perks, and I understand how it can be a bit OP so I lowered the timer and granted immunity and switching. So it's almost like a walking Iron Maiden, the only thing is unless you're rescuing, this perk would get destroyed by SWF but even then I think it's solid with this change because now it isn't as much rapid information but you still get value... I would hope. Thoughts?


    Customer Service: Each token also would grant a 5/10/15% to healing as well maybe? Also, I understand the whole SWF thing but I feel like that would just screw themselves over. What if I lowered the amount you got per DC?

    Chance of A Lifetime: When hooked for the second time Chance of a Lifetime activates. Succeed three extremely difficult skill checks in a short period of time to gain a short pause in your struggle timer for 3/4/5 seconds, giving you 1 attempt at unhooking yourself, with a 25% chance of successfully unhooking yourself. Chance is affected by luck offerings and the perk Deliverance

    I feel like 5 seconds is enough time to do it, if it's too long then it may be broken in my opinion especially when paired with camaraderie (then again, camaraderie would be a sucky perk still lol.) I don't know, I just feel like 20 seconds for paused time is too long you know, and since it's one attempt you don't need all the time in the world. Thoughts?

    And yay! I'm glad you liked On the House. God trying to create an exhaustion perk is kind of exhausting (no pun intended). I'm glad you think it is balanced out. Anyways, I'm glad you enjoy that one. Those are my proposed changes. What are your thoughts?

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Good changes man, sounds fine to me. I kinda liked the power more before it was gen related, but its a cool one either way

  • Member Posts: 39

    Cool, and same. would it work if applied to all objectives just add the time? So like

    Blizzard: All survivors suffer the oblivious effect after working on an objective for 10/7/5 seconds. The effect lasts 3 seconds after letting go?

  • Member Posts: 143

    I love this idea she would be so overpowered but easy to counter but still in the right hands you can destroy everything with her i would buy that chapter.

  • Member Posts: 39

    Wait... so is that a good thing or a bad thing... and could you explain how she'd be overpowered AND easily countered. I don't see how those two things go together. Sorry, I'm confused but I'm glad you like it and would buy the chapter :)

  • Member Posts: 39

    Hey so side note, I didn't realize they added a censor function lmao... so.... um, yeah sorry about the random [BAD WORD]'s lmao

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