DC Before loading in.

So three times today survivors have disconnected before the match has even loaded because I brought a mori that they see is secret before the game starts and I de-pip because of it. Is this a bug or is it another one up survivors have on killers?
It's the rank progress being taken away that bothers me more, I'd rather avoid those types of players that DC because they think the odds are against them.
But just to add on if killers could see DS, Deadhard, Borrowed Time and Adrenaline or what not before a game and they disconnected survivors would have something to say about that.
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Killers either lobby dodge or DC too when they see they are being taken to a map they don't like. Let's not pretend only one side DCs, ok? xD
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It is a bug! That happened to me twice yesterday -_- so I posted about it and other people said they got it also.
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There have been reports of bugs regarding the emblem system and pip. Some categories of emblems are broken (Unbroken on the survivor side BTW, not sure about killer) and after the match 1 pip is being deducted in some cases (so 0 goes to -1, 1 goes to 0, and on).
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I see you totally missed the point. Not debating who DC's more, but when its affecting my rank I have a problem with it.
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Your quote: "But just to add on if killers could see DS, Deadhard, Borrowed Time and Adrenaline or what not before a game and they disconnected survivors would have something to say about that."
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If it affected their rank they would. What's your point?
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I’ve seen killers dodge because they didn’t like the skins of the characters. Hilarious to me
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killers already dodge when they suspect a lobby is an swf or a map offering they don't like gets played. pls stop.
rank doesn't matter, you'll be just fine.
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I quite enjoy moving through ranks. So no I won't stop, last time I checked lobby dodging doesn't affect anything but survivors waiting a while longer. I have a genuine reason to be asking why it's happening. Have a nice day.
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It's a bug.
People are actually doing this on purpose atm to punish people who do things like bring a mori as killer, or last second key swap as survivor lol.
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Wow. Noted. That does sum up this community though right? 😂😂
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Oh yeah.
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I think it's stupid. It's not guaranteed to be a mori- unless it's a shroud you've brought it's hidden from you, too. I'm general, I think the depip for a pregame DC is ludicrous. Why are we (those who did not DC) being punished for a choice someone else made? In game we get at least 600 pts.. and it's not a guarantee depip if you play it right.
I feel for you, it's happened to me several times, too. Survivor, Killer, it doesn't matter what you main it's a dumb choice lol
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it is not a bug, nor is it 100% a disconnect that is intentional. for the intentional DC they would have to disconnect their either net or force close dbd. either way it's a great deal of work, usually someone disconnects when they are on high latency connections and the network just looses the connection i'd say that is 75% of the dc before match even starts in. when you load in it is much more likely that someone just leaves the match using the functionality immediately. but if it ends up in the "someone disconnected during matchmaking, error 500" it probably is a network issue.