Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The outcry for the new UI is a bit exaggerated

I've never seen such a mobilization of the community because of something so small. Yes, nobody asked for a UI change. Yes, it's all over the place. But I've already adjusted to it, and that means pretty much anyone can. If you need to see the information quickly, make it bigger. The new UI allows you to change the size of things. It's easy to tell when someone's injured, deep wounded, broken, etc. My only complaint is the placement of the score events. They are way out of the way, and would be better placed above the perks or your item or something. But to say that the game is "unplayable", to say that it's "ruined", to say that it's "dead" because of a UI change is just ridiculous. Y'all are making the pushback against the Nurse nerf, the DS nerf, the bloodlust removal, the Balanced nerf, and everything else seem like nothing compared to this. If y'all were up in arms about actual important issues the game has instead of being petty and choosing sides all the time, I'm sure DBD would be much better right about now.


  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Yeah, I'm not a console player myself, but I've seen a good number of them saying how awful it is on 60-70 inch screens, and I completely believe it. I'm running on a 17 inch laptop screen and it's bad enough...can't imagine almost four times that size...

    That's a great point as well I forgot. This has been yet another highlight that the devs are awful about communicating. So many different statements about why nothing changed despite having a full four weeks to make changes. It's absurd, it really is.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789
    edited February 2021

    The only real difference is moving the status area to the top left. Gen counts never mattered unless you were new and pretty much everything on the right stayed the same. Everything you needed to know was not in one corner before. It was just bottom left and bottom right instead of top left and bottom right.

    I think the hook progress / bleed out bars need to be bigger and easier to read. Other than that the information is no harder to get at than before, the skill checks are buttery smooth, we now have UI scaling options, and we have additional information we didn't have access to before (hook state counters, survivor portraits).

    People almost always hate UI changes in any piece of software. Hating change is a big factor. People are used to looking in the same spot for information and now they have to look somewhere new. It feels unfamiliar and harder to use for that reason. This will all go away soon just by playing with it for a bit, but people are complaining instead.

    Edit: I do think it's fair to criticize prioritization and I do wish bug fixes and performance improvements were prioritized more over new content, personally, but there were a lot of reasons to update the UI as well: performance (smooth skill checks), modularity, addressing issues with the old UI (e.g. it was hard to know which survivor was injured due to the lack of portraits, skill checks were really hard to see on light backgrounds, no support for HUD scaling), modernized design in keeping with the larger graphical overhaul, giving players more information to encourage healthier play and close the gap between SWF and solo (e.g. hook counters and portraits should encourage survivors to better protect teammates who have been getting tunneled), etc.

  • Most of the problems are.

    Even the hitbox problem has not been that bad. It also screws the killer over sometimes too, I was swinging right through survivors and hitting generators when they were on them lol.

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    There's a difference between a QoL change and a bug fix. Nothing was wrong with the old UI, they simply wanted to update it to look sleeker, and they did. I'm with OP on this one; the crying for this UI change is embarrassing in itself.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291
    edited February 2021

    Just because you're a minority doesn't mean the community disapproval is exaggerated but thanks for the input.

    I suppose we should also be grateful our feedback about the ui in the PTB was not only ignored but no communication was made about it before the update went live too right? We should be pretty well content it was nothing but silence in terms of communication?

    Also you could say the ui wasn't the only offending thing in the patch but I feel working remotely for BHVR is causing extra issues but at this point what ever is going on doesn't matter to me. The Twins update was pretty bad and while this one is no where near that in terms of stuff breaking it's still pretty irritating to deal with on a somewhat frequent manner. If you choose to ignore the bugs and distaste for the new features made by the majority then what ever I'll just use my time on other things.

    Personally - Here's why I dislike the UI if you feel it's just complaining to complain.

    1. Everything is too scattered about in nonlogical positions - Why is each objective and ui element on its own specific part of the screen? Everywhere you look there is a UI element eating the screen
    2. The survivor portraits make the UI look unfinished - First off if BHVR is going to add survivor portraits at least show what cosmetics each survivor has equipped because if you're going to add that extra noise on screen then go all the way. Personally I feel the portraits would look better in black and white so some clothing the survivors wear don't clash with UI elements too heavily. It's bad enough that the clean silhouettes BHVR used to distinguish injuries was replaced with a random red slash. It looks bad just in general.
    3. I can easily explain away why all the bad things are present and how BHVR could have fixed it. The generator is at the top so BHVR could add text to the objective - This looks bad because the ICON moves when a hatch appears and disappears if closed. It looked better prior at the bottom left because this wasn't an issue. It just looks sloppy this way.

    3b. - This is the same reason the survivor portraits are at the top left - So usernames can be visible in larger font instead of being scrunched at the bottom left. Thing is they could have kept the portraits / names down at the bottom left and just instead of having the portraits side by side they stacked them vertically as is now. Then they could have placed the generator icon beneath all the survivor icons.

    3c. - If showing text was mandatory they should have kept it hidden by default and added a button to toggle text. Pretty sure the tab button and the back button on controllers is unused and would have been fine. This could have been used for objectives, names and other things. Instead our screen has to suffer and be cluttered.

    4.-- Debuffs are just harder to read in general

    5.-- Placement of UI elements at the top of the screen is bad at least in a game like this. There's barely any vertical movement and most movement is low to the grass where a killers eyes should be focused. This is why there should be less reasons to trail your eyes away from that area. As killer this game doesn't give you enough time even for momentary distractions off screen. Just in general though the placements of everything is nauseating.

    6.-- They said this new ui was necessary which hey if they needed to change the backend on how its coded sure that's fair but to rollout such drastic changes to the placement of the UI elements after such negative feedback I genuinely don't know what to say at this point. I'm normally not on the boat that BHVR ignores most feedback but this I can't really turn my head to.

    Anyways there's my personal reasons but hey I'm glad you enjoy the UI. Enjoy playing the game I have better things to do then to get a headache while playing a game I paid for.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    Its not. They didn't listen and did it anyways. People make it sound like there weren't concepts made for how to make the UI better and what specifically are the issues with the UI. Things that are easily fixable. Me personally the animation flaws combined with the terrible UI that makes scores tiny/screen cluttered/######### hook counter for killer, and the bugs (I will NOT play with these ######### map bugs) are why I won't play. Calling it crying to criticize the way they went about it is immature. Yes people will say something if something they spent money for doesn't meet their standard. The one thing that can be said is that the UI is just a last nail in the coffin for some on top of a mountain of other issues that get sidelined or handled in a way that satisfies literally no one on the game. Just another example of being out of touch with the majority of players regardless of platform.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Thank you very much.I'm tired of people shaming the community for bringing valid criticism


    If y'all were up in arms about actual important issues the game has instead of being petty and choosing sides all the time, I'm sure DBD would be much better right about now.

    Do you know how MANY posts and discussion we had about the state of optimization (especially on console) and BHVR still decided to do NOTHING?

    I'm sorry but your mindset is horrible.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I mean the new UI is great for me. In the bottom left where you used to have all your game information you now see your killer's power and the add ons you brought. That's information I would have never been able to figure out at any point prior to the match so thanks to muscle memory I always know what rarity of add on I brought. It's great.

    Then if you look at the bottom right you have the old tried and true perks. That's a classic.

    The only thing I would really change is I would make the useful information in the top left even smaller, or get rid of it all together. Things like that and the generators remaining are in the right spot being out of eyesight most of the match and who needs that information anyway.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 407

    I disagree that on a PC its is not with a monitor of any size.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,789
    edited February 2021

    Almost NOBODY likes the new HUD. It's barely debated, it's just accepted as being bad.

    Exactly. And this is a problem. This community flings hate at almost everything new and that hate is showered with praise and affirmation by others in the community. People condition each other every day on the forum and other platforms that it's cool and normal to hate the devs and think they have no idea what they're doing rather than trying to stay objective about the changes being made to the game.


    Does anyone care to talk about the fact that skill checks are now buttery smooth and are still visible on light backgrounds? Does anyone care to acknowledge that pretty much the only layout change was moving the statuses to the top left from the bottom left? The gen counter doesn't really matter unless you're new, and everything else is pretty much exactly the same as it was before. Does anyone care to acknowledge that we're now getting more information than before in the form of portraits and hook state counters? Does anyone care to acknowledge that we now finally have UI and HUD scaling options? Does anyone care to acknowledge that pretty much every new UI in any software is massively disliked because people aren't used to it yet? No, of course not. It's new and we're not used to it, so it's bad and needs to be reverted. There's no room for "how about we just build off this foundation and make a few tweaks in response to community feedback, like making the hook progress and bleed out bars easier to read or moving the player statuses back to the bottom left corner?" Apparently the devs not reverting it means they're just incompetent and out of touch, because we're all certainly being objective and the devs certainly have no incentive to make the best game they can.

    I love DBD, but I'm quickly losing patience with this community and this forum. I may ask support to close my account soon.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I don't feel like one side or the other is ruined, am I allowed to have an opinion regarding the fact certain elements of killer powers are now hard on my eyes to read?

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827
  • chadbeastofprey
    chadbeastofprey Member Posts: 437

    It's really not though. It's objectively bad design. If there is no extreme outcry, there is no change. Not hard to understand.

  • 1704jjr
    1704jjr Member Posts: 1

    Im alright with the UI ngl, I just hope that if/when the Devs change the UI again I'd have to adjust to it again which I can't be bothered doing but I don't mind it changing as long as the community is happy I'm happy :s

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited February 2021

    They tried to fix something that didn't need fixing and made it a lot worse.

    Out of all of the complaining the community does, I didn't see anyone complaining about the old UI. The change is completely unnecessary. Same with animations, another unnecessary change.

    Its like the Devs hate the game that we've played and loved for years. First graphical overhauls of maps. Which is fine, but many are too dark now. It would also be nice to keep an old map or 2 as is for nostalgic reasons (with minor balancing tweaks). Then the flashlight animation change that no one asked for. Now survivor animation, perspective and UI changes no one asked for.

    All of these core changes add up and make the game feel less familiar to me.

    Next they'll overhaul The Trapper into Jason.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I gave you an explanation why and you clearly barely read it and then nitpicked a small part of what I wrote. The irony is that I said the problem is the bigger picture.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    Well I was having a discussion and you're having a character analysis.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Yeah, it took me a whole 1 match before I could comfortably play with the UI. Everything important is in the left side of the screen too. I don't like the new UI, but it doesn't have me foaming at the mouth like it does with some people

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    I did read your explanation, and it went nowhere other than the same excuse of "nobody asked for it" and "they should have been fixing bugs instead". I'm certain they do both fixes and QoL simultaneously, as they can split off people in their teams to perform such things. Nobody asked for it? That's perfectly fine, because they weren't giving the option to choose. Being criticized for something you even say is small in itself when it probably is more complex than it looks is petty at best.

    All things considered, they are changing it anyway because the community both refuses change and nitpicks the littlest things about it that somehow makes it game breaking. I mean hey, there's always room for improvement and the devs are taking full priority of it, but the way the community responded to this "issue" is very childish.