Gotta Say

These UI changes are not that bad at all. Being able to keep track of how many times someone's been hooked is so beneficial on both sides, plus as a killer, it really helps to put an actual character to someones name. You guys were complaining alot about this during PTB so I'm just gonna assume that they changed the new UI between then and now, because its really not that bad.
Can confirm that clown rework sucks though. Its too confusing for my tiny brain.
New Survivor animations are gr8 too btw. More believable.
Killers don't have a hook counter per survivor. They have a single wheel that fills up regardless of how many hooks you do. If a survivor dies on first hook, well thats three spots on the wheel. Did you get those three hooks? No, just one. Useless.
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problem is:
You can NOT track how often someone's been hooked on killerside. you only get a total of hooks there. When you have more than one person play the same character the portraits are pointless.
And by all means:
These things are NOT the problem. They are a rotten cherry on top. The issue people have with the new UI is the layout. It's a mess without any rhyme or reason.
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No but he's got the counter, and that helps in tandum with the icons.
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The only problem I have with the layout is how out of the way the remaining objective counter is. Other than that its not so bad to me.
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If you come from a planet inhabited solely by robots, sure the animations are believable.
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Can I ask what size your monitor is? This isn't meant dismissively, it's where the main issues stem from. The bigger one's monitor, the less effective the new UI is because you have to flick your eyes across the screen for information that before was in one place. And while, yes, you flick your eyes over the screen while playing, you do it in a different way, so to speak
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Actually, I play on a tv. Its one of those old mid-gen sorta-but-also-kinda-not flat-screen samsung t.v.s. still, its relatively large (and theres a crack on the right side, but luckily it doesnt split the icons.) I do sit back while I play though, so I dont have to crane my neck or anything.
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Yeah, it's more like a counter of how close you are to ending the game instead of an actual hook counter.
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Whereas everyone else is "Oh my gosh! This is the worst thing to ever happen to this game!" It's pretty amusing.
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in what way is a hook counter beneficial even 1%?
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keep the info, but give me back the previous layout
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Everything is way too small. Having to jolt my head every second to see what's going on with my teammates, or see how much a generator is repaired is annoying.
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I personally just don't like vital data being thrown about the entire border of the screen. Yes, it should be on the border, but not every border. Most of the data should be at the lower left or lower middle, with perks in the lower right. Furthermore, the color choices are questionable on some things, as they have bright red over faded red, which can be easy to read incorrectly at a glance. Most players want to look at one spot to quickly absorb useful information, then look back to the gameplay itself in order to stay alert and react to anything that happens. The current UI layout doesn't really allow that.
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The old animations are the robotic ones. Absolutely no flow or movement. The survivors actually extend their bodies when they walk, crouch, and run now instead of stopping dead in their a robot.
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Neither of the things you listed are the issues we have with the new UI. They are also not a good argument for why this UI is fine, or even acceptable.
BHVR could have used the old UI and added this information, but now we have this mess where the information is all over the place and it takes up more space.
Also, they changed nothing about it from the ptb
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In blocking my view.
Oh beneficial.
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They look like mechanical monkeys when injured and their turn animations while standing are terrible. Walking they look like they are floating across ice. So I'll disagree and leave it at that.