Killer Dc'd all survivors got penalty

Title says it all and this is wrong on so many levels. Killer didnt even mean to dc, his internet or the game crapped out then suddenly we all got DC penalty BUT we got the points for the match showing we never dc;d and we kept our items and addons. Granted its only 4 minutes BUT still whats right is right and wrong is wrong and this is WRONG.

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  • maxchienbinh
    maxchienbinh Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2021

    i believe the same happen to killer side. survivors dc, killer depip. this patch brings more bugs than any other patches :))

  • kimmidabear
    kimmidabear Member Posts: 4

    We've been getting a lot of lag at auto haven and Macmillan causing everyone to die or dc and we're losing pips when the killer dc's. Maybe fix the lag issues to stop the dcs?

  • Well since the mods and DEVS seem to think its a player issue I finally got it on video and sending over to them they can no longer deny it