Shorty Shorty Killers (e.g. Chucky the Stumpy)

So, I know people think the whole "height" thing is an issue...and it probably is. But I'd like to discuss how we could get these little dudes to work!
I thought pumpkinhead was a shorty...but googling the images....I thinking not!
So...would they drag the survivor to the hook? By one leg?
Would the hook that...just hangs there, lower on a chain for the hooking, then pull back up to normal height?
For Annabelle and Chucky, could the spirits inside them, appear as a ghostly image/aura around them, giving them the appearance of being a full height killer?
Could Chucky possess a survivor player for a few minutes....!
DbD has a licence with the Saw franchise, could the Billy puppet be used somehow?
I feel that since Victor now exists, Chucky should be fine now or any other short killer. Just give Chucky a different hook mechanic like Pyramid Heads cages and there ya go. Perhaps Chucky binds survivors to a pentagram on the ground instead of hooking.
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All Chucky need is different hook mechanic, otherwise he is good to go
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I cant see why the hook cant automatically lower when Chucky is dragging someone over, like a fishing pole.
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Yeah but that would still be different hook mechanic, because he doesn't do it the normal way, right?
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NGL I want Chucky in the game, but Leprechaun and Anabelle with their abilities would be cool to see too!
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Annabelle never moves on-screen i would have to consider that
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She does not, but it would be cool to see her Demon and then the actual doll make it's presence known.
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True...but might end up a bit like the twins
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I suspect we'll get Candyman before we see Chucky
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What do you think the odds of getting Pinhead would be?
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Would the doll move by the player or sit around?
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New idea : a killer that can possess a survivor then take control of him/her. Maybe he can attack other survivors while doing that or undercover fail skill checks for them .
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I think it would be cool to have a mechanic where Chucky switches from human form to doll form since the entity took his complete soul and existence. Like if Charles gets stunned or some other mechanic he teleports to a random chucky dolls in their boxes spread throughout the map. Chucky could have a different hook mechanic but its triggered when Charles enters the doll form.
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Perhaps he can "teleport" be entering a portal, and emerge as a difference Cenobite. Cenobites could vary in powers a little.
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The main problem with short Killers is just plain visibility. A big perk for Victor is that, cos he's so small, he's difficult to notice, even with how loud he is. Any given how tall most Killers are, Survivor's typically look high when trying to see where the Killer is - it's why Amanda and Legion cna often trip up Survivors are a glance, because they're closer to the Survivor's typical height than other Killers.
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I always thought with Chucky, If you had Charles "ghost" or spirit overlaid it would give the ghostly appearance of height, but the doll at the bottom the physical form.
Perhaps one of his powers if to hide the spirit form for sneaking
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That would be pretty cool, but I imagine it'd be tricky. And Chucky is the more 'well known' form so to speak... But a power that hides his real form seems fitting with Chucky.
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Well...I figured his Doll form would be there all the time, only his human/charles form is a ghostly image on top of him, giving him more height visually. The ghosly form will mostly see through, but enough there to make out what it is
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The only short Killer Mathieu has considered is Chucky. Maybe Pumpkinhead, Tall-Man, Hanibal Lecter, Jeepers Creepers (Not even in dreams) are considered, so Leprechaun can also be discarded, the reason perhaps is because they are not so well known, they only put franchises more recognized by the fans. Although if Chucky comes to the game it would be the only short license killer, if they implement more dwarfs I am sure they will be original. (It's only my theory, but the killers that mathieu doesn't consider is from a Pauli Esther video)
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I couldn't see Hannibal being very interesting, so I'd agree there.
Missing famous killers...I guess we do end up on Chucky, then Jason, Pinhead and perhaps Candyman
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Actually this has reminded me; I recall some people getting excited, thinking that there might be an upcoming Until Dawn chapter/crossover, with the Wendigo as the Killer. I think there's a lot of horror games that haven't been touched on for possible content. I know people call for Resident Evil and Five Nights at Freddies (and they're right to, they're good choices) but there's a lot of options out there, both old and new.
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Until Dawn would be good. Problem is, I can see bhvr not wanting to licence a Wendigo, and just create their own, that means you dont have to pay someone else and you get more freedom on cosmetics etc. Which sucks, I like until dawn and playing as the Wendigo and Sam sounds fun. But...financially...I understand :(
What about "Legacy of Kain", killer is a devolved vampire. Survivor a sarafan priest or something.
Or this dude, one scene he was rather good and running along a wall! Hit with his power, you leave your body as an astral projection and have to get back to it in time (a mechanic like Pyramid heads cages).
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Yes, Chucky, Jason, Pinhead, Candyman, Alien (Maybe) and Pennywise (probably never) would be all the missing horror movie licenses. Then they would move on to video games like RE, Outlast, Slenderman or Netflix series like Supernatural, The Walking Dead. It would be all the licenses and the end of the licenses and all the chapters are original.
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Idea for chucky and the hook, have him chant over a downed survivor and the entity transports them to a random hook outside of his terror radius.
Would love to have the little guy as he could mind game the lower walled loops.
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Or there are no hooks....and one rises from the ground under the survivor (though, this get rid of struggle....though, Pyramid's cage is the same...)
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exactly, they could make an update and add chucky,tiffany and glen as playable killers and also add andy and kyle as survivors. they could also make multiple maps from one of the movies
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yea but what if chuckys terror radius was his laugh? and it was loud
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I'd definitely love to see Chucky!
Honest question tho. I know Candyman will probably get released soon since he was teased (Well I think it was pretty obvious), but ... Why is everyone so excited about him? He doesn't look that scary to me and I don't know what his power could be to make him unique. Teleporting again? Maybe it's just because I haven't grew up with the movie.
Also, there's still so many killers that could come to DbD. Kinda makes me think I'll have to wait another 2 years for Xeno. :(
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Just make it so the short killers throw the survivors on hook instead of placing.
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I imagine that they may be the default ones like "No Place to Hide" for example, but lately they have released their own Chase Music from many killers and I think it could fit one that the developers make as happened with Pyramid-Head or Demogorgon (Maybe).
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Hook can just lower, like a fishing pole when chucky gets near, then when he hooks, it pulls back up
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Aight that’s a better idea tbh
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I would find it hilarious if Chucky's pick up animation was him voodooing survivors to make them hook themself
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That would be...a weird animation
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Backflip into hook
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With Mario jumping sound?
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Mario and Luigi from the terrible movie as survivors.....( Luigi as legendary skin, but free after T3'ing Mario )
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I still think the hook cant just lower (like a fishing pole/rod unreeling some line), Hook is done, reels back up (survivors have to wait for it to reel back up, only a few seconds, but no insta unhook
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After the Twins, for me it's set in my mind that those very small killers would just be comical. Not saying it won't work, but it is not going to offer any real scare factor for me.
If it is going to work, they're gonna have to do something like levitate it, so it floats around after survivors and has some sort of shadow figure of medium size around it. Having it scamper around on the floor just feels like comic character than a killer.
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I always liked to the idea of having the physical Chucky doll running around, but the ghostly/spectral form or Charles (normal human sized) kind of overlapped on him. Chucky will still be small, but visually to the survivors, they see him (partially see through) at full height