Why are the so many toxic players?

The past two days have been my worst experience in DBD ever. It’s not my main game and I’m a green rank survivor that just wants to get better and try to win like most people but I’ve played with the most toxic people of any game I play in DBD. Every game a teammate DC’s or points me out to the killer or simply doesn’t do anything. Any these are green and purple and even red ranks. I’ve dealt with so many toxic killers too. Being tunneled and camped right off the start is so boring. Every time they do it, other teammates get away. I don’t DC but I’ve had killers down my entire team and just wait for all of us to bleed out. Every time I have a teammate DC I just want to give up.

When I play killer and I see a teammate DC and someone has given up, I either let them go or end it quickly depending on how they were to play with. I don’t tunnel and camp everyone else in the lobby.

Where have all the cool people gone? I used to play and have killers that were good and I’d say gg after their 4K. And others that would give me the hatch. I’d have teammates take hits for me. Or trade places with me on hook so I can escape.

I just want to play with people that want to play without being toxic. If you’re a good killer, then good job. No need to face camp someone who’s never done anything to you. If you’re not a great player, just try. Don’t DC immediately.


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    My hypothesis:

    Ppl like you popped up increasingly and labeled everything they didn't like as toxic. This made everyone hypersensitive to these things you consider toxic and noticed these things far more. Ppl then started beating each other over the head whenever some1 played a way they didn't like creating a bad community environment. Little by little ppl either quit, stopped caring about how others judged their playstyle or purposefully played that "toxic" playstyle since it's so we'll known now. All this led other ppl to be "toxic" in these ways to blow off steam and it spread even further.

  • rabldong
    rabldong Member Posts: 91

    I mean if you don't like to get tunnelled or camped, then use decisive strike and borrowed time? BHVR already made ######### tons of anti tunneling perks why are survivors not taking advantage of those? If you are already using it and still crying, then I think u should just quit and move onto the other game

  • so let me clarify. If I’m in a game and it’s clearly not going the killers way because the survivors are doing well, I understand camping or tunneling in an attempt to win. However, I don’t understand why people do it right off the start.

    whenever I play killer, I only decide to camp or tunnel when A) there’s a survivor that’s so good I feel like I need to in order to have a chance or B) there’s a survivor doing something actually toxic like pointing out there teammates or teabagging every time they drop a pallet or loop me.

    Again I’m a green rank survivor, but I don’t have many games where I feel like a killer needs to camp or tunnel in order to have a chance at winning. I get 3k or 4K games often when I play as a killer against green ranks without playing that way.

  • Isn’t that kind of the problem with the game anyway? There’s all these OP perks and stuff to combat tunneling and that’s why killers use it? I never use decisive because I actually want a challenge and I want to get good enough at looping that I don’t need extra help.

  • You must be a red rank killer/survivor. You don’t need to camp and tunnel the first person you find in the game when you’re a green rank. Unless you’re playing a bunch of SWF groups, it’s usually 4 randos in a lobby that aren’t communicating and it’s not that hard to win without camping and tunneling in a toxic way. Again I don’t care if ppl camp or tunnel as part of a strategy but some ppl do it just to be toxic

  • I mean I just disconnected because someone who body blocked me and caused me to go down, later came back and started throwing a pallet and vaulting back and forth instead of picking me up and I just didn't feel like dealing with that for however long it took for the killer to come to us deal with them and then hook me.

    You never know the whole story.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Oh trust me, I despise of killers who do it from the start & never have myself. But like I said, people are allowed to play how they want (unfortunately).

    As you climb into red ranks & get red ranked killers, you'll definitely see less camping, tunneling & slugging at the start because that is practically throwing the game in high ranks. Instead, if the killer is losing control of the game, that's when they'll usually tunnel & slug (as do I).

    My advice to you is to keep your cool & keep climbing those ranks because it eventually does get better.

  • This is exactly what I’m talking about. Where are these ppl coming from that decide they want to ruin the game? Like if you wanna DC when your teammate is toxic like that, that makes sense.

    But DC’ing 2 minutes into the game because you lost one chase? I’ve seen that so much lately and it just ruins the rest of the game for everyone. I’m straight up not good enough to carry 2 rank 15 survivors with 5 gens left to go lol.

  • rabldong
    rabldong Member Posts: 91

    Yes. Just get better at game and come to red rank. It'll be slug party :)

    and survivors be like: "why are killers so sweaty" (meanwhile running dead hard, borrowed time, decisive strike, unbreakable)

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    I gave u my hypothesis on why are there so many toxic players now. I don't see the need to explain why you feel it's toxic in your eyes or poorly clarify your standing on non-toxic tunneling and camping vs toxic tunneling and camping. Proving that it's become increasingly arbitrary.

    Ps just cuz you don't need to do something or its not hard to win without doing something doesn't necessarily mean it's toxic.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Everyone's in a pretty bad mood because of 4.5.0, so blame it on that

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    I used to be one of those “Cool” killers you speak of back in the day not tunneling or camping and gave lots of hatch. Until I realized survivors didn’t appreciate me going out of my way to make sure they have fun, always insulting me post match no matter what. Nowadays I only play killer for my own fun even if it’s not fun for survivors since they don’t care anyways. Moral of the story is toxicity really changes people keep being toxic and you keep breeding the players you hate to find.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I was playing as Hag on red ranks yesterday. Survivors most of the time were running into my face and die like lemmings for some reason. I didn't give a hatch to any of them. Constant 4k from one of the most annoying killers should probably get a lot of salty comments, right?

    Not a single toxic comment was dropped for about 10 games. Someone even replied gg wp. My profile is open for any kind of commentary from any offended survivor. No comments were left.

    Where do you guys find this toxicity all the time? Do we play same dead by daylight? I get toxic players sometimes, but they are soooo rare.

    So answering to your question why there is so many toxic players, I only can answer that there is few toxic players and apparently they rarely play against me.

  • Waterfall
    Waterfall Member Posts: 202

    You seem to be very lucky I’ve had so many toxic players I literally had a personality change from playing for everyone’s fun to playing for myself. I’m a very kind person normally but this games players made me a cold hearted person.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I don't believe in luck. There should be legit explanation, how do I get less toxic opponents.

    I do play fair, but I can slug if i see another survivor nearby. I can tunnel person off hook if he only survivor I see, or even if he just closer to me. I can camp, if I suspect someone hiding nearby. I always return to hook if I failed to find someone else. I can hook last person even if he doesn't struggle. I never play like an ######### on purpose, but my gamestyle sometimes may look like toxic from survivor's point of view.

    And in post game chat I always say gg. Most of the time they don't reply anything, or they may say gg back. Toxic survivors for me is just an exception.

  • Have you played as a survivor lately? I didn’t experience all this toxicity until recently and it’s been pretty bad.

    You bring up some good examples of using camping or tunneling as part of a strategy which is probably why you don’t have toxic survivors messaging you after the game. I don’t see those methods as toxic.

    what I mean by toxic is when the killer deliberately does stuff out of the ordinary to ruin one persons game or to take the game hostage.

  • Your first post said “people like you” assuming that I was just being a baby about killer tactics that I didn’t like. I’m talking about actual toxic moves but if you can’t understand the difference in a discussion like this, then you’re exactly the person I want to hear from.

    what would be your definition of a killer being toxic? And what about survivors?

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    No, I haven't played survivor for a long time. But they didn't even arguing in post game chat with each other, so I'm not sure something will be different.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    I totally agree, we all have our own playstyles at the end of the day but gen rushing and camping has to be nerfed somehow. Gen rush is a term normally associated with swf and I'm a solo, so when killers camp cause gens are going fast it isn't a gen rush, I just have efficient survivors on gens.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    My first game of the lunar event I got camped and tunneled and died right away. Like damn I just wanted to do one gen to see it explode.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    The events always seem to bring out the worst players, so far as behavior goes.

    As a survivor, I do nothing that would be considered toxic. No teabagging, vault/locker spamming, taunting, etc. The gates are open and everyone is either safe or dead, I leave. I find hatch, I don't sit on it to wait for the killer to show up, I leave. As a killer, I don't tunnel or camp, don't hit people on hook, fake giving a hatch only to slam it in someone's face, etc. I try to have fun, playing both roles.

    I don't consider any build to be toxic -- run whatever perks you want to, and I'm fine. You were running Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer before the nerf as killer against me? That's not toxic, that's smart, and I have to play smarter than you to survive. You're running DS/UB/DH against me as a survivor? Same thing -- nothing toxic there, just using the best of what's available is the smart way to play.

    The HUGE majority of players I go against, either side, are nice. I'm on console and have messages off, but I've still communicated with a number of people I've gone against, both as survivor and killer, and had some great interactions with them after matches.

    But the small number of people who are truly toxic? The facecampers at 5 gens, the killers who smack you over and over on hook? The survivors who teabag me at every pallet or vault spam when the match is clearly over and they could just leave? Those few ruin the experience for the many. Is it a lack of maturity or manners or good sportsmanship? Probably all of the above. It's tempting to follow suit when you run into those types. I just played a Nurse round -- a killer I NEVER play -- for the Rift challenge. Actually downed a few people, could have killed someone if I tunneled, but I was using the round as much to practice as anything else. My reward was teabagging players at the exit, spamming their flashlight clicks like it was their first ever escape (these were Red Rank players, though that kind of stupidity can be found at every rank). You get enough matches like that, it makes you want to return it in kind. It can be hard to resist that temptation.

    I wish there was actually a way to give proper props to people, and I wish that there was a way to use a feedback system like that to send people from both sides who are legtimately toxic into matches against each other so they could all spend miserable games over and over with their own kind, while the majority of "nice" players could enjoy the game without dealing with those types of people. Since that's not an option, the best thing to try to do is to tell yourself that someone who actually is "toxic" in game (and remembering not to assign that label to things you simply don't like, but to behavior that actually warrants it) shouldn't drag you down to their level. Remember to have fun first and foremost, even in the worst instances, and try to not let it bother you, no matter what happens. When you allow them to rob you of having fun, they "win".

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173
    edited February 2021

    It's like whenever I bring ds I don't get tunneled whenever I don't bring ds I get tunneled. Whenever I bring unbreakable I don't get sluggled. Whenever I don't bring unbreakable I get sluggled. I don't do anything toxic as a survivor yet still get camped and tunneled like whatever you need to kill someone right away and ignore all the other survivors and get me on the hook again. I've had another survivor send me a message saying I get what I deserve just because I didn't get them off the hook fast enough. I literally traded hooks with someone before and ended up getting to second stage for it and I didn't complain about it. So killers can be mean and other survivors can be mean too. Like one time I had kindred and one of them teabagged me and pointed at me while I was on the hook and faked getting me off the hook twice. I just love playing with trolls. And I don't like it when someone gets mad at me for dying right away like sorry the killer saw I was an easy kill and just went for me and I got farmed and you were all just staring at me while I was hooked none of you doing gens while I was camped. I've had people in my own party team up with the killer and farmed me knowing the killer wouldn't go for them.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    A killer vs groups of survivors it's never going to be anything like grandma's warm apple pie is it?

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    DBD is a more toxic environment than Chernobyl, probably because of a lack of understanding by one side for the other.

    DBD is a complicated game to play; there are nuances, and when you fail to use those nuances, it's easy to get frustrated, which one relieves by being toxic, which causes other people to become frustrated, etc. Toxicity is inextricably linked to the nature of this game, which is a shame. It really is a wonderful game, but the player base is just so awful.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited February 2021

    That's not what I assumed at all. What I was annoyed at was the overuse of the word toxic to describe everything as a blanket term and then since toxic things are bad, it's used to reinforce the idea that it should be curbed. Add in the high horse preachyiness and the whole I'm the judge on toxicity. So cue the passive aggressiveness.

    Honestly I was more peeved that you called survivors dcing toxic. I hate ppl dcing or killing themselves on hook but calling them toxic isn't the right word for it.

    I still stand by the hypothesis though. Very few people actually cared about a lot of these things when dbd first came out. Hypersensitivity to all these things is bad for the game. Oh wait did you think I was calling you a baby cuz the word hypersensitivity? No I mean that ppl are too aware of these things and quick to jump on it. I think hypersensitivity sums it up well.

    As for your new question. The answer is intention. If your intent is to put some1 down by doing something or specifically win by forcing some1 to DC, then it's toxic. Most of the time you cannot tell the intention of why some1 did something unless they actively say something in end game chat. Tunneling or camping when you don't necessarily need to isn't toxic to me. Tunneling or camping some1 specifically to depip them or make sure they aren't going to have a good time? That is toxic.

    I'm also not saying that something is good or bad to do. I'm just saying that calling it toxic and saying since it's toxic we need to fix it, is wrong.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    My theory:

    It was clear from the start that the Devs favored survivors. After all, they're the good guys, right? So they deserved to have a good chance of escaping, even if their teammates were absolute potatoes. But how?

    Well, first, give them a bunch of second chance perks. It would be boring if the killer won without putting much effort in, wouldn't it? And let's make the survivors' objective faster and easier than the killer's, since they're already going to have to stop working in order to be chased.

    Oh, and give them some extra generators so that the killer can't just stand at one and block it, or just patrol two generators. That seems reasonable, doesn't it?

    Second, let's put in vault spaces that survivors can jump through quickly, but killers have to slowly climb through. Lets put these in strategic places so that survivors can literally be chased around in circles for five minutes while their teammates repair generators, risking their own hide to help their friends. After all, it's a team game, right?

    Oh, and add in shipping pallets, so that the survivors can stun the killer and create temporary vault spaces that survivors can slide over even faster than vaulting a regular space. This looks a little bit over-powered, so lets allow killers to break them. If they lock their camera to the ground and stand still for three seconds.

    Now, third, those generator sounds are pretty loud, so lets give the survivors an early warning whenever a killer comes within a short distance, say 32 meters, or 105 feet. Lets also give the killers a red spotlight coming from their eyes, so that survivors can see where they're coming from and what's in their FoV.

    Fourth, speaking of FoV, lets put the survivors in third person, so that they can see the killer even easier, and put the killer in first person, so they really have to work to find the survivors.

    Fifth, lets make it so that the killer, when they do down a survivor, they have to transport them to a hook in order to really benefit from it. Lets give the survivors a chance to jump out of the killers arms and stun them, so that they can get away. After all, it's not their fault that they lost what was essentially two consecutive chases!

    And while we're at it, let's let survivors sabotage hooks, making them unusable. Also, to make sure that the killer doesn't stay in the same spot for too long and be boring, lets make it so that hooks break after one sacrifice. And lets let the survivors get hooked twice before they're guaranteed to be sacrificed.

    Sixth, in the event that your teammates somehow all get killed or sacrificed, let's put in a trapdoor for them to escape. Don't worry, even if the killer tries to close it, your actions take priority, so you can escape even if the killer technically started closing it before you even got there. And even if they do close it, you can just use a key!

    Okay, now for the killer. You know, the power role.

    First, lets give them weapons. They are, after all, monsters and serial killers. So, regardless of their weapons, they injure survivors on the first hit and knock them down on the second. Also, after the every hit, the survivor gets a massive speed boost, and the killer has to stop to clean clean their weapon.

    Second, lets give the killer the power to grab survivors out of certain animations, and out of lockers too. But, to give survivors a chance against this, their actions once again have priority, so they can cancel the killers grab. After all, maybe they didn't hear the killer coming.

    Third, lets give the killers all unique powers that change the entire playstyle of character. And give a couple of them hard counters. In the form of items and generally situational perks. Fun.

    Fourth, how about some one-time use offerings that allow the killer to kill survivors themselves? That would be so cool! It's not like it'll annoy survivors due to being severely overpowered, and we'll nerf it without any warning, annoying all the killers!

    Yeah that's it. Oh, wait, bugs that we'll never fix unless they make the killer stronger.

    Now, most if not all of these things individually are cool and fine, but altogether it overwhelmingly favors survivors.

    So not many people wanted to play killer.

    So wait times for survivors were extremely long.

    So survivors would be extra annoyed when the killers use bullshit tactics in order to win.

    And even when survivors win, "Hey, I just beat Micheal Myers! I'm so cool!"

    So they make fun of the killer, who feels like they never had a fair chance in the first place.

    This isn't even mentioning the lack of intervention from the Devs, the sheer grind of the game, the nearly pay-to-win mentality, or the perk system being used as a band-aid solution for virtually any and every problem.


    I'm gonna make this it's own post.

    I've spent hours on this stupid thing.