

Risk perk concept: Entity

Member Posts: 619
edited February 2021 in Creations

When a generator is completed, all other generators that a survivor is working on are blocked for 15 seconds. If the killer is near any of the blocked gens, the killers aura is revealed in a 8/12/16 meter radius. This perk is activate each time a generator is completed every 360/240/120 seconds. After the last generator is completed, the entity will block the exit gates for 15 seconds, after 15 seconds the exit gates will immediately open. (Exit gates are 20 seconds).

"The entity has made a deal with the survivors, but it isn't fair".

(This perk would have the new longest cooldown in the game, 5 minutes at level 1).

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 125

    Like your other perk idea, what downside has this perk to benefit the killer? if the killer is close to gens he cannot regress them since you block them, he doesn't get any aura read on anyone and the gates are open in 30s, (20s by default but you didn't consider the time needed to reach the doors) which means is a free escape, not to mention survivors often get caught when opening the doors, so again no downside for having them locked.

  • Member Posts: 628

    Why not just run Thrilling Tremors and/or Surge? TT has shorter cooldown, longer effect and can be used more than 5 times in a match. Surge causes all gens in 32m to regress with a cooldown of 40s.

    I would make the following changes;

    1. Everything a gen is completed, all gens either explode (4% initial regression vs. Surge's 8%) or face a tremendously difficult skill check if being worked on which will result in additional 4% progression for survivor. No penalty for missing skill check but notification for missing will alert killer

    2. Killer gets notification of exploded gens so he can figure out which gens are immediately explosion vs. facing difficult skill check by time of delay.

    3. Killers aura is revealed for 30s to all survivors (unless they are Undetextable through Insidious, Stealth or EW1) and/or surviborbis under Oblibious effect.

    4. Only one gate opens and one gate is permanently locked after 40s of being locked.

    Regressing gens is better then locking for 15s. Locking/opening gates at the end is pure survivor benefit. It'll take survivors 15s just to get to the gate sometimes so its no risk to them as they run out Scott free.

  • Member Posts: 125

    what op failed to mention is that the perk is intended for survivors to run, not killers

  • Member Posts: 619

    Oh btw this perk is a survivor perk, I just realised what you said lol....

  • Member Posts: 107

    I swear it’s either a troll or a child with no concept of numbers posting these

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    auto door open is waaaaaaaaaay too good

  • Member Posts: 655

    Honestly doesn't sound useful for a survivor perk. You complete a gen, and kick your friends off their gens. All to save 5 seconds on opening the gate.

    How does this interact with multiple copies of this perk appearing in a team?

    Also this opens up the potential for a blood warden play for the killer, since they know exactly when the doors will open after the last gen.

  • Member Posts: 619

    The point of the perk is this, doing generators is the main objective but running this perk has a price. You can see the killer at every gen which is blocked which is quite good right. When the last gen is popped, the survivors can't work on the exit game, 15 seconds is a bit short it'll admit that so I'm changing it to 30 seconds. This might seem like a killer sided perk but it does depend on your playstyle. Some survivors love doing gens as fast as they can and that's the same with end game.

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