A million blood points each

All DBD players deserve at the very least a million blood points each after this patch.
I can understand UI changes and wanting to try something different but game breaking bugs like killers having hooks for hands (horrendous hit boxes) is insane.
BI you really need to look at your development practices, your game is great but you are just shooting yourselves in the foot now.
Edit : For those of you who saw this post earlier, i hoped you laughed like crazy when you saw the "50,000" blood points gift when logging in 🤣
I mean, I certainly wouldn't say no, but I don't think the Devs share that sentiment...
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I don't need bloodpoints.
Stop being so entitled. We don't need or deserve bloodpoints. We deserve a better HUD, bug fixes and better content. I'd be happy with those.
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Yeah you are not getting those so might as well settle for some blood points.
Shards would be nice.
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I dont need many bloodpoints anymore. I know that the grind is hard, but that has nothing to do with the patch.
I want improvements for the game and not a bloodpoint bribe.
Post edited by TicTac on1 -
Screw the bloodpoints, all my killers and survivors are where I want them to be. I want auric cells and/or iridescent shards. 🤣 something I can at least get a costume with.
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I don't care about blood points, I want a working game.
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Exactly. I don't care about getting BP if I don't stop deranking when I blackpip or even pip, if I get hit two meters away, if...
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Meh. We don't deserve anything. We want things. Chances are they will throw BP at us at some point, but that doesn't mean we deserve it, nor would it be the best solution. Overall, the following things need to happen:
- The new HUD needs to either be corrected, allow us to customize it, or be reverted.
- Gideon needs at least 1/3 of its Pallets to go away.
- Some of the old animations and some of the new need to be blended.
- Some missing map collision needs to be fixed.
- Some bugs need to be corrected.
That's about it.
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all these people saying they dont need more bp like there aren't people (more than people who don't) that need bp because the grind in this game is legit insane
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Honwstly i could see them giving a little bit of auric cells, blood points, and irredecent shards to people. Not a million of course but something like 50000bp, 1000 iridecent, and 300 auric cells. Not a lot but id take whatever.
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And for the sync error 112 which is still in the game. Very frustrating and a waste of time playing the game and receiving 0 blood points.
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Million bloodpoints? This is your price to forget how players and this game is being treated? I don't care about BPs or iridescent or even auric cells. This won't fix the game, I prefer taking our feedback seriously (during PTB, not post patch), taking actual care of problems that require to be solved first.
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I sort of agree but maybe let's wait until it's fixed, after it's fixed then reward every player with 1 million bloodpoints. You can't be to mad at the DEVS, it's a new work in progress, new actions after 4 years must take a lot of work.
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Tbh 1mil bloodpoints isn't that hard to get id much rather have any other currency
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Replace blood points with shards...that seems like a realistic demand for this terrible patch that is preventing us from playing the game.
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Id rather get shards, especially since they still scammed people during the halloween event and gave nothing back
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It's funny people find BP to be some sort of economy worth a gift lol.
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I get the feeling all these people saying "I don't need blood points" have already farmed all the perks they want.
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I mean we're already getting 700k
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Really? You would be fine with this if they gave you some meaningless points???
Grow a brain jeez
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Don't need BPs but shards yeah give us something.
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All your perk point are belong to us now.
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We're being realistic here. They're never giving us 1 mil shards or auric cells lol.
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🤣 oh crap.
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Even just like 1500 cells. Though can you imagine how much money theyd lose if they gave away cells. 🤣 They gotta keep what little they have left
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Rewards are irrelevant, an early hotfix is the priority.
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1 million Cells or shards would be better.
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Bloodpoints don't mean anything if people don't have fun playing the game because of all the awful updates.
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ain't that about 15 dollars in zeroes and ones?
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50K isn't even enough for 1 blooded that's like barley scrapping by.
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They don't need to. Just as they put out codes to gift silly items, gift something everyday for a week. Shows good faith. In addition, throw in some BP. They've already admitted to basically ######### up. At this point, just smooth it over. We got an Adam sweater, so that's a start
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I mean as long as they are fixing this patch I'm content but I admit I never fully got compensated for the BP I lost during Error 111 and Error 112 so I wouldn't complain.
Granted we're here because communication in the PTB isn't frequent enough. Sometimes a dev pops in and actually replies to all threads and it's great. A good example is janick if I recall correctly. When he was active during a few PTB's on the forums I honestly felt communication was great. Then this PTB for example it's pure silence when reception isn't anything other than a 10/10 from us.
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yeah we got 50,000 blood points but that's everyday until you reach a total of 700,000
but I don't feel like they need to hand out bps nor do they need too tbh
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I will be even more realistic and just a planned date for the hotfix release would be nice.
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I love bloodpoints but I feel like it's a cheap way of saying sorry.
If they really mean it then we'd get shards.
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Stop being so entitled? Oh i'm sorry, I didn't realize BHVR pays us to play their game. You seem to forget that WE spend money on this game and pay their checks. "We deserve a better HUD & Bug Fixes" no we don't deserve this because we shouldn't have had these issues to begin with. BHVR is the one that refused to listen to any of our feedback in the PTB. There was absolutely no reason for them to force the update through when they could have fixed it prior to launch.
So yeah, asking for 1 million bloodpoints (Something that doesn't effect them monetarily) is not being entitled. Considering the fact that we didn't even get an apology from them an then they had the balls to say "Here's an event! Buy these new skins"
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We are never getting shards.
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Never say never. I know it's 99% going to be maybe 500,000 bloodpoints or around that.
However we have gotten shards as daily login rewards around Christmas and Halloween so they obviously aren't against giving them out.
Feel like 2,000 shards would be fair. It's a free perk for new players and some points for more experienced players.
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Absolutely amazing way to put it :D
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I’m a new player and after about 60 hours of playtime I’ve only been able to cobble together two decent survivor builds and one for killer. The grind in this game is genuinely ridiculous. Perhaps with a million blood points I can actually use some of the other characters I’ve purchased.
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I played a grand total of 4 matches yesterday and man, it's rough. I do love the game but I don't even want to sign on for the free daily blood points or the use the codes for cosmetics