Ghostface feels truly awful with the new UI.

Guess he's dead to me now, thanks.
I haven't played him since the update and now that you mention this i really don't want to play him
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I played as one and got a 4k thanks to Devour. Didn't affect me playing as him at all although I only m1 unless they're bundled together.
Played against one and he stalked constantly and did well too.
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The UI is giving me no problem with Ghost Face. 4ks across the board.
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Idk why the portraits take up so much of the space. It also blocks the sleep timer on the survivor side so it's harder to tell how close you are to falling asleep.
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Doctors been affected much more by the new UI tbh.
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Nahhh thats my killa tho i just played him and honestly the UI is good to me
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as a really good ghostface player.. the OP is correct. Do I still 4k? yes. Do I still win? Yes.
But it is absolutely bad design for GF stalking, pig hats, and other effects
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Pig Hats at least has a sound que that plays based on how close to dying you are. So you have a rough estimate for how long you have based on the sound que.
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No I mean playing as pig and GF, the way the HUD is feels silly to follow