Flashlights are Beyond Useless

Every time I have used them I shine them directly into their face, then staring right at me, and it does nothing. Unless the flashlight and bulb are legendary sent by God himself you’re better off shining that flashlight up your butt. I tried to continuously do flashlight saves and it’s just a waste of time.
It takes a lot of practice and precise timing. I've played a few thousand hours and I still mess them up!
I agree though. Sometimes it gets me killed trying to go for a blind. Sometimes I forget I even had the flashlight equipped for the entire round or I don't get chased by the Killer so I never have a good chance to use it. Screw it man, just run a medkit instead haha.
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It's always funny seeing people try to do a flashlight save on Billy, when it turns out later he was trying for Adept.
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Killers can avoid flashlight by looking up or down. You should only flashlight them when they are stuck in a animation such pallet breaking.
The saves are tricky to pull of but they it's one of the most powerfull thing a survivor can do. It's bassicly a free ds when you pull it of. Completly denied the last chase the killer had.
In the avarage match it indeed doesn't come up always but they are pretty good boldness farmers and houdinni builds with flashlights and iron will are just so fun.
They are in a pretty good place now. Has it's uses without being overbearing
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Maybe they had ligthborn. Cuz u can't pull it off doesn't mean its useless ._.
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I’ve never seen a successful flashlight save and even when I play killer is so easy to avoid it.
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Flashlights against any competent killers are a hindrance
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That's why they are situational,since they require good positioning and knowing the angles. even a good killer will fall for it at some point. if u play soloQ it's normal not to see it since most ppl at red rank aren't really ''red rank'' at all
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I average a flashlight save every other match these days but its not uncommon to get more than one in a match, and I probably average 3-5 killer blinds a match, they aren't useless but they do keep you from doing more productive things. On YouTube google spooky loopz flashlight 2021. He has the best method of teaching the current way to get the saves. I probably burned through about 20 flashlights trying it the way other streamers were explaing it and didn't get a save. On my third attempt armed with spooky loopz knowledge I was able to get it and just keeps getting better from there. It's easy to get antsy when you have a Clean shot and do it early, that messes it up, and it's important to learn when you don't have a shot at it, trying at a bad angle just gives your position away and wastes the flashlight. Also iron will is a must.
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Well bearing in mind I hit about 5 or 6 every Saturday night while drunk I disagree lol
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On the contrary, they're competening for the best survivor item in the game. Unlike the others, you need to plan with them and have skill/timing. That's why so many believe they're bad.
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Time it so you start the blind right as you see the hoist animation start (from elbow height about to lift to shoulder). Make sure you’re within a decent range and remember to aim directly in the center of your screen at the killers face. These are from 4.5.0.. solo queue and this Claudette was in death hook so obviously super satisfying
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Red ranks. Let their guard down because I don’t lurk all game with the Beamer. I died this game though because I stupidly thought a locker was safe and got yoinked lmao
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Your timing is probably off.
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I was blinded three times yesterday. You just need to GIT GUD.
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Yea honestly flashlights are fun and all but unless it’s a Plague or something then 99% of the time a medkit will be much more useful.
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I did. Right in their face to. Didn’t phase them in the slightest. Just downed me and carried on
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Wow bro. That’s amazing. Thanks for the advice. Moron
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I'm a moron? I'm not the one claiming they are "useless" when clearly tons of people are getting them to work just fine.
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Thanks. Your input of git gud was solid advice. I’m just tired of people like you whose every response to something is “git gud hur dur.”
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Sometimes the Killer's "eyes" aren't exactly where you're thinking either (Pyramid head for instance). The default flashlight has a pretty small radius as well so it needs to be aimed precisely to work. Once you can figure out exactly where to aim for different killers it gets easier, but it's still a very situational thing
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I had a yellow flashlight so i figured it would at least do somewhat decent. And I was facing off against the legion, aiming the sucker right at his eye holes too. Didn’t work.
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I've found that aiming closer to the neck/mouth works better than aiming at the top of their head. It's tricky for sure and if the killer moves their camera at all it can throw it off.
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Were they carrying someone? Because if they were just walking in the open they can evade the light extremely easy. On the off chance you’re suspicious of Lightborn which is rare to come across then test for it while they break a pallet but don’t fall for a fake pallet break where they just look down at the plank as you drain your battery.
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I did it just when they were picking someone up. I was hoping to do a flashlight save. They just came over and downed me and went on their merry way with their victim.
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Yep like piggy. On my screen I actually aim for the ears. If killers like PH give you trouble this will sound ghetto but if you don’t want to or can’t run a crosshair then go to store with office/school supplies and buy some transparent page markers and place one in the centre of your screen when you practice. They’re like little rectangle coloured stickers. Ghetto but doesn’t block anything and also can help newer players get their eyes to the center of the screen during skillchecks as well.
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Okay that sounds like you were just slightly late assuming no Lightborn. If you’re late then run the heck away because the killer would really have to slip up in order to moth back into your beam attempt. On the flip side If the blind is successful but way too early you could get lucky with a double blind that ends in a save but you’ll be hard pressed to come across a killer that isn’t looking either straight down or up while carrying and recovering from an early blind.
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Was you timing correct for a flashlight save? Were they using lightborn?
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BTW, the killers field of view isn't as wide as the angle you can blind them at (FoV being something like 80 degrees and blinding cone being something like 130 degrees), so you don't actually have to even shine it into their eyes.
You can literally be offscreen and still blind them, but it's faster the closer to the center of their FoV.
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Ah yes. The item that can stun Wraith for a stupid long time and hard counters hag is useless.
At topic, they're just hard to time, and good killers will look at the wall. They're hard to use- But for good reason, they can negate an entire book.
And against bad killers, blinding at the pallet is kind of hilarious. Good killers have these little things called "ears" though.
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literally 3 people against me... that was a fun adept to get... XD
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I gave up on trying to use them. I’m better with firecrackers. But flashlights can still be handy against hag traps, from what I hear.
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To do a flashlight save you need to know proper timing and where to aim, aiming is not that difficult its just a bit odd at first, as you need to aim where their camera is, which the majority of the time is not at their eyes, but more at their neck/upper torso. The timing is a little tricky when it comes to flashlight saves, you need to start blinding as the killer is adjusting the survivor on their shoulder. Blinding at a pallet or window is a bit easier and Id recommend sticking to those to practice the aiming. But dont do it at every pallet, do it when youre starting to run out of defensive options, as blinding the killer could buy you just enough time to get you somewhere safe. Hope this helps <3
EDIT: Another thing to add is you almost ALWAYS want to attempt a blind when the killer is locked in an animation. Doing otherwise will most likely result in you getting hit.