Why do all the nurse mains come out with new updates?

Every patch that isn't focused on any killer the first day games are like nothing but P3 nurse players. Why even keep playing the game if you only play new changes happen? Or why does the number of nurse players increase when new stuff gets added or things get changed?? Its weird, but also annoys tf outta me because I just can't deal with nurse to save my life because she can hit me before even appearing and gets a 10 ft pole sword after lunging :). I also just play too predictably for them I guess
I can only imagine it's in case they shadowfixed any of her bugs...not that that's happened yet, but hey, some of them may not be totally disillusioned yet.
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Well, someone has to let these survivors know who's boss. I'd rather it be nurse players than spirits.
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Plus I just think she's neat
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People could be playing a lot of Nurse again because the Nurse tome drops tomorrow?
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forgot about that
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They take what they can get because they are only fed once a year.
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Super stoked to be interested in a tome for once.
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20 minutes after official update and Freddy with the paint brushes and the ruin, undying and the start asleep and the survivors run to killer and die.
And I get hit much further away than what was normal. Yikez
Yeah I didn't play much of whatever this version of game this is..
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Because i usually stop playing between updates because there is nothing to do. I'm a nurse main for sheer fact that she is the only viable killer at high level competitive play, and TBH is OP (tournaments prove this).
So when they make changes to other killers or add new ones, i test them out to see if that changes anything. When i realize nothing has changed, i go back to nurse, then get bored of winning 9/10 games (and drawing the other) so i stop playing again for a while.
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I played a game to see the new outfit and animations, quickly ran into two new bugs, and immediately realized I won't bother playing her. The new UI and update as a whole made me uninstall the game, so I'll reinstall it again sometime in the future when they make improvements to this stone age patch.
I don't understand why you're complaining when you clearly haven't even bothered to take the time to learn how to counter her. It's like every bad survivor in the world thinks every Nurse is a GOD because they're just so bad at the game they don't realize how easy it is to catch them, even as a bad Nurse. With a little bit of knowledge you can juke a Nurse long enough to have an impact.
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I love nurses. It's fun to guess where she's going to blink.
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I have only faced Rank 1 Nurse/spirits tonight. Me and my friends are currently purple ranks and every game is vs rank 1 killer. Hilarious and fun. Like dental work fun.
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Glad you admitted she's OP. I feel that so hard if she couldn't go through walls I think she'd be fine but moving forward why not play a different killer or just stop playing? I'm like you and don't find winning all the time its not fun, but Huntress and Blight are and of course Spirit are fun viable options. They come with their own learning curves but I don't really play Spirit.
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She got some graphical improvements and her tome drops tomorrow, so I figure a few people are practicing
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Everyone comes out during new update. Everyone wants to try the new changes.
Expect to go alwys go against good players when update rolls by.
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I just wish I was better against nurse. But also was like its always nurses on these updates day 1
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Also, with new Gideon, autoheaven fat-shamming bus and this kind of #########, Nurse is one of the only killers that can say "f. this stuff, I'll ignore all of it".
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They are viable against "normal" survivors, but not tournament level players. I'm not going to waste my time learning a killer that isn't viable at the highest level of play.
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No matter how good you are as nurse. You will Always be ran by a good 4 man swf, the BoTB proved this..
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I personally haven't run into one that good, but i do get your point.
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but most teams against a good nurse always fall. i get your statement from earlier <3 but this game will continue to be very survivor sided. (the devs prove it every patch..)
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Nurse is OP? Going soley off of the mentality of the devs, she has the lowest kill rate so she is the worst killer in the game. Nurse is riddled with bugs, and the shadownerf this patch wasnt the best thing for her. The up/downs on most new maps are H O R R I B L E. The way that survs now can just flick and their entire body is going the opposite way makes it much harder to judge a survivor on where they are going to be. She's only OP in tourneys because they camp hooks and camp 3 gens, which is not fun seeing out in public lobbies. Rarely does a nurse in tourney get 12 hooks/game. Not to mention the amount of hate you get in game. People may love her here but if you are going for a 2 pip 10-12 hooks at R1 you are getting tbagged and flamed when you don't 4k and flamed harder when you do. I get more hate on nurse than any other killer except spirit and even I hate playing spirit.
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As a nurse main, with 1.6k hours at this point, she is OP. The "data" is only looking at people who play her once in a while. Once you play her for a thousand hours, then you can come back and say she isn't OP.
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It's funny that you're defending your opinion by saying you have a lot of hours on nurse, I also have almost all of my DbD hours on nurse, and she is not op. OP means there is 0 counterplay, once you see the killer you are dead, no one can escape, and it has a near 100% kill rate. If you need 1k+ hours on a killer to make it op, it isn't. Your justification is null, and your argument is worse. Nurse got even worse this patch, I don't even want to play killer anymore.
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so many words but no arguments to back it up. Even majority of player already agrees she is OP. OP means over powered not absolute powered.
actually why i even argue with someone with little exp playing DBD
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Not true. I stop playing things. Winning is boring when its so easy for some. I guess for you it isn't but for me it isn't fun. Its why i stopped playing freddy. That was my main and then he got reworked and its just way too easy so I moved on to Legion but honestly as much as i love them they're dog #########. So i stick to Huntress and Blight. If i perform well i get the 4k unless survivors are ######### i win anyway. Same for blight
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Where were you before they nerfed her?
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Not sure why you over here not even playing the game insulting me about getting caught by nurse when i legit said i'm just bad against her. She's not easy to dodge especially with the dog ######### hitboxes and seemingly extra range on her teleport lunge and hitting you before she even appears. Claiming i also haven't taken time to learn her counterplay is just dumb on your part because you know nothing about me. I've played on ps4 since a month before freddy's release with 1k+ hours on that account and again moving to pc with another 1.3k hrs. I just can't deal with her as i said I'm not good at it. Some nurses I beat and a large amount I don't just because you're not good against certain killers doesn't make you bad 😂. Nobody is good at everything mr or mrs don't even play the game but calling people bad
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Actually, 600 hours is not something to scoff at. If it is, I suggest leaving your house one time.
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just because u cant play it well and someone can doesnt make nurse not OP end of discussion
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Nurse is indeed OP, but she's the good kind of OP, the exact opposite of Freddy. Nurse skill floor is higher that Mcmillan coal tower and that's how she's balanced, there isn't a damn killer where starting to play her and sucking at her will make you feel so damn powerless looking at the damn ######### floor every 12 seconds for 2-3 seconds while the survivor run around your ass and you can't catch up because your are actually slower than them. Pretty sure 70% of the community agree she's at a good place, to destroy at her you need skills and dedication and you get rewarded with the best goddamn killer in the game, motherfuck your pallets man.
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I've actually found that a bunch of her bugs have been fixed-the obnoxious can't blink and can't second blink bugs I haven't encountered once yet, and the top floor of crotus prenn was a deadzone on PTB but it was fixed on live (then they yeeted the map lol).
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Also, for some reason, they reverted the color change to blinks? Dunno why it was given that in the first place. Overall, if it doesn't become broke again soon, it's a pretty happy time to be a Nurse player.