I quit

Had 7 matches where the killer tunneled and face camped me to oblivion now that ds will be nerfed to the ground tunnelers will become much more annoying wasting my entire match. I'm done i quit i'm not playing this game anymore i don't care what happens to this game you won't be seeing me in a lobby anymore
If you genuinely got tunneled then this DS nerf will change nothing for you.
103 -
Upcoming DS adjustment had no effect tunneling killers, changes only stop abusing from survivors. Plus if you had 3 Ds it wouldn't matter, if a killer wants you dead you are pretty much dead. Even if they throw the game.
12 -
Because the killer tunnels and camps me i derank and deranking is bannable so i will probably get banned
2 -
If only you have so many second chance perks to use to not get tunneled. Oh man the sadness. You have the power role anyway if your getting tunneled every game then are u teabagging? Going for unsafe unhooks? I mean I think it's something your doing without hard evidence.
16 -
Who told you deranking is bannable? It's not, and especially now there's absolutely no way to prove it, since matchmaker ng is based on MMR again... Didn't they just change ranks to basically being reward tiers?
Also don't leave. I'll be lonely
19 -
Deranking is bannable?
Since when? Maybe deranking on purpose and smurfing, but deranking because you were camped is not bannable.
Who even told you that? If that was bannable we'd all be banned at one point or another.
39 -
Do you even play survivor...? It sounds like you don't have much experience against many killers or else you might not be so bold assuming that OP HAS to be doing something, because killers honestly camp and tunnel people ALL THE TIME for literally NO reason at all LMFAO
If my boyfriend gets camped or tunneled, he knows why. He is really good at chases and he loves to tbag because he thinks it is funny. He's the main reason I always bring Borrowed Time. He EXPECTS to get tunneled and he loves it.
But he's honestly the exception to most survivors I play with that end up getting tunneled. The majority of people I see get tunneled did literally nothing to offend the killer, and often were trying their best to disappear after being unhooked so that they could heal and reset.
Also, go ahead and name every single second chance perk that will realistically help you get out of a hardcore tunnel situation. Borrowed Time doesn't count because you can't use it on yourself and you're just lucky if someone else in solo queue was nice enough to bring a perk that doesn't directly help themselves.
Post edited by CheyeneKL on5 -
Except the DS nerf will make it even easier to tunnel, and survivor can't do anything to help the team. That's a major change (killer buff).
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They don't ban without video evidence, so...
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You aren't being tunneled if you have time to repair generators/ clean totems. Only thing you should be able to do is selfcare and get healed by other survivors.
14 -
How though? If you are on gens then you are not getting tunneled and if you feel like you're being tunneled you aren't going to work on gens.
9 -
You are not being tunnelled if you feel safe to work on a gen though.
10 -
You know the worst part is that if a survivor escapes without doing anything the whole game gets more points than survivors who did ######### but died
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Not true at all, you can get unhooked and jump on a gen right next to you with the unhooker, and within 2 seconds a stealth or m&a killer can return to the hook and tunnel you. Because you jumped on a gen for 0.5 seconds does not mean you are safe from tunneling at all. Hell the way its being considered, you can run half across the map with tier 3 madness, not aware that you're being distantly chased by the doctor, try and break out of madness, and he can come around a tree and whack you. Tunneled, no ds.
0 -
The change to DS doesn't affect, AT ALL, the anti-tunneling side of the Perk. The only thing it does is prevent you from jumping on an objective in front of the Killer. And if you are trying to avoid being tunneled would be the last thing you want to do anyway.
If you want to quit... quit. Just come up with a better excuse.
9 -
The killer will fake not tunneling and the killer will get a free pass to tunnel.
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Well if the killer tunneled you then DS will have still done it's purpose
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So you get unhooked, don't bother trying to heal, don't try to go anywhere away from where the killer just got a notification that you are, and decide to jump on the generator right at the hook you know he's going to come check, so when you are found, you expect what, to just be allowed to finish the gen? No, you're gonna get smacked, since you didn't heal, you'll go down, and since the objective is to put downed people on hooks, you're going back on the same hook you should have had sense to run away from the first time you got free.
14 -
Survivor with DS thinks they are safe, tries to heal or help the team by working on a gen, and the spirit returns to the area and tunnels. DS is deactivated. That is still tunneling but survivor was punished for playing the game normally and killer was rewarded.
3 -
Why would you ever jump on a gen right next to the hook that you were just unhooked from?
Doctor spending all that time tunneling you means your team mates have had 180 seconds total to do gens, if the doctor waits out the 60 second DS timer. This is a losing play. Maybe you should actually try playing the game so you can get to a rank where killers are actually trying to win the game, that's probably your best option if this scenario is something you run into a lot.
7 -
Oh you mean like rank 1? Because I get to rank 1 every reset. Give me a break. The sweaty killers I face daily, on the west coast which is way sweatier than east coast, almost always return to the hook. They don't always tunnel but a lot of them do.
0 -
Deranking is just bannable if you basically keep making yourself derank on purpose. And that's hard to prove. Sorry for your luck on killers, but that's just how some of them want to play so they rank up. I just play Plague and that's hard enough to get pips as is
2 -
So you know it's likely they'll come back to the hook, and still don't leave the area after being unhooked? I don't think you are helping your case as much as you think you are.
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Yup if I got a gen right next to me 90% done I'm jumping on it, maybe it's you that needs a lesson in high tier play?
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Are you getting safely unhooked? Did you and your rescuer run in the same direction, only giving the Killer one set of scratch marks to follow? Are you immediately starting an action instead of trying to leave the area so when the Killer comes back to check the notification they only find you? These are all things that could lead to you being "tunneled".
Either that or the Killer just feels like killing you because, well, they're a killer. DS can help with tunneling, but so can Break Down, Second Wind, and maybe Fixated, just off the top of my head.
Sometimes there's a reason you get tunneled, sometimes not, but either way DS getting changed doesn't change tunneling behavior
2 -
5000 points for esaping isn't that much, if you do significantly better than a survivor who escaped you could still quite easily net 20-25k points and they end up with 10-15k even when escaping.
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it is a nerf to ds but if the killer is dead set on you then this change means nothing
4 -
Alright lets look at your post critically. ok you had 7 matches out of how many? in one day? in a week? in a month? ok so this is ambiguous as to your experience. You are deliberately vague to gain sympathy, so I shall not fall for that bait, i'm sorry you had this experience but the last 7 survivor matches I escaped. I wonder why my experience is different than yours?
Now lets talk about the DS modification/nerf. what about it makes it that "ds will be nerfed into the ground?" please explain how this is happening when the core of DS the 1 minute of protection (at tier 3) if the killer downs you and picks you up has not changed? OH you would rather go ahead and get on a gen and have the killer stand there and watch you do the gen? that is the abuse that caused the perk to be modified and in your estimation I think nerfed into the ground. You caused this to happen, along with many, many others.
You are quitting? why didn't you just delete the game and stop playing? why did you even come here to the GENERAL forum and say you are quitting? this is so passe' it's not even funny as so many have said this and come back! when will you b back? enjoy your break from the game. and if you really don't come back good on you, because that means your words were not hollow AND the DEVS will see a decrease of play, if only more did the same.
you can not be banned because you loose a match, now if you are on record and SAY you are intentionally de-ranking to take advantage of the matching system, they can do so but they have to have proof and you can fight that as well so your words are incorrect.
1 -
DS literally works the same way, only now u cant do a gen in the killers face and feel like your god. i cant believe some people are crying about that, if the killer chases you waiting for you to touch a gen or something, guess what mate
YOU DONT TOUCH A GEN THEN, ITS MAGIC, CRAZY RIGHT? that killer wont be pushing people off gens. maybe its best you DS ABUSERS, stay away from the game for good aye.
4 -
I doubt that
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So now the gen is 90% done, making it even more of a priority for the killer to return to?
Maybe pvp isn't your thing.
2 -
Thats not tunneling. Also its the survivors fault for not healing.
1 -
This has to be the most silly post I've seen in a LONG time. :) You cannot fake not tunneling. Either you immediately start following the target or you don't. If you fake not following, you gave a lead. If the Killer doesn't "look" like they are following you, and you foolishly jump on an objective, that is on YOU.
3 -
Santa Monica in the House. We are laughing at you. Learn to lie in a more believable way.
1 -
Imagine the feeling when losing the perk when you heal and the killer returns to tunnel. Killers knows that so why would he not chase the same person? This is why decisive strike should not be exclusively anti-tunnel. It's a second chance perk molded into something killers want so they can abuse it. Killer will be tunneling easily and survivors will lose for trying to heal or help their team.
0 -
Guess the survivor should have hidden and recovered better if he was recently unhooked. Maybe if he wasn't risking as much, he wouldn't be found so fast again and couldn't be tunneled so easily under 1 minute.
3 -
If people that abused DS will quit after perk rework that is very positive. Bye bye!
4 -
Yea, that is a crap part of the game for sure. For me, I just focus on gens until a rescue is necessary, then go for bold plays with BT and snatching protection hits. At least if I don't get amazing scorecard, I get a decent amount of bp
0 -
i dont think you and i have the same definition of tunneling then.
because in the way i understant "tunneling", the Survivor doesnt have any time to start a progress bar action, as those require you to stand still to perform them, which is going to be relatively hard while in the middle of a chase...
3 -
I dont abuse ds im not going str8 to a ######### gen after i stun the killer with the ds
0 -
it's molded into a perk that killers want and they will abuse it? 1) the killer can only chase you for a minute under it's protection before the change, 2) after the change the killer can only chase you for a minute under it's protection. hmmmm nothing has changed? can a killer cheese you onto a gen? nope, you and you alone make the decision when to get on a gen. there is NOTHING a killer can abuse about this perk. once you start progressing the game you are fair game, there is no tunneling to someone who is actively progressing the game.
since you want the killer to let you do anything you want for 1 minute, how about this, the moment a killer comes within terror radius of you then you STOP repairing a gen, opening a chest, healing another, taking down a totem for 1 minute. then that would be fair!!!! oh and during the time DS is active, IF the killer comes back within Terror radius of you, the DS timer is suspended (but not deactivated so it could be used). I'd even accept that if you the survivor gets off what ever objective you are on for 1 minute. I'd LOVE that as killer and I'd hate it as survivor. it's a made up thing just like the made up rules of no tunneling or camping rules survivors want the killers to follow.
This game does not punish the killers for doing something that is allowed within the rules of the game, however there are rules to try to DETER them from this (regression of emblem progress) but they can ignore this as it is not against the rules but the emblem progress is regressed if they do. so anything else? oh yea.... If you heal up you have 2 hits before being downed, and could still have DS (as the healing aspect is if you heal others if memory serves) active so that's 3 hits before your next hook or minimum 2. again the current DS perk is exactly the same as the one coming up in this aspect.
5 -
Bye, see you next week.
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There is literally no reason to jump on the gen next to you... If you do that, then I don't see why DS should remain active. You had the chance to go to safety or get healed, but instead you chose to progress the game. Now it's a choice survivors will have to make, whereas before you were just safe while progressing the game. As for the madness concern, the new perk description doesn't say that getting out of madness deactivates DS, so not sure what you're on about.
4 -
Survivors have the power role? seriously? Survivors cannot rush gens unless they are being ignored. Killers can rush kills regardless of the game.
Killers literally can do whatever the ######### they want in this game and the dev's will support them. Rush kills and purposely depip a survivor? Thats fine. Run the most overpowered ######### on the most overpowered killers? Thats fine.
Survivors purposely depip a killer? Banned. Survivors running the most overpowered ######### ever? Gets nerfed within a year(and I am talking truly overpowered, DS is nothing compared to historical things)
Want more proof? Dying Light was a thing for 3 years without even getting touched. The only counter to Dying Light was Brand New Part, and after they nerfed BNP, Prove Thyself and Leader were the only counters. Let alone that Dying Light was not a hex totem, you could literally proxy camp the obsession and mori them. The only play was to literally never unhook the obsession and rush gens. 3 years. Not a single survivor perk or mechanic has lasted that long without alteration.
You can say whatever you want, but Killer is the power role, Killers have had extremely unfair advantages that could not be countered with any perk or vanilla mechanic. Killers have everything they need to counter anything survivors throw at you. If you think killers are not the power role because survivors simply body you, you are, crudely said, simply not as good as those survivors are. Killers deserve kills in the same way that survivors deserve escapes. If you cant get any kills, you simply have been outplayed by people who are simply much more skilled at survivor than you are at killer.
2 -
Then for you this Perk hasn't changed at all. It continues to function the same way for you.
0 -
No, not really. Survivors choose the Generators they will work. They are at their greatest power at the start of a match when they can literally go anywhere and there are Generators. The Killer has to find them. There are four Survivors and depending upon how they choose to operate, even the best Killers cannot be everywhere at the same time. Effectively, the Killer is a Goalie who is protecting a whole bunch of nets. You are never the power role when you are playing defense. Many people miss this because to them the Killer, as an aggressive serial killer, seems to be playing offense. He isn't however; his role is to defend those Generators and to a lesser degree those totems, and ultimately the main gates. Being stronger than the individual Survivors does not make him the power role.
The power role of any game or relationship is the one that calls the tune. They lead, and it is the Survivors who, by default, are leading in this dance. The Killer must chase them. Is it possible for Survivors to surrender the power role? Absolutely, but they have to be really bad to accomplish this. For better or for worst, the Killer must respond to what the Survivors are doing.
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For them it is tunneling, if they get unhooked, hop on a gen and all of a sudden, surprise surprise the killer found you again!
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Succeeding or failing a skill check deactivates the perk, go read
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Oh you're one of those guys that goes and heals in the corner and everyone hates to play with I guess? Or more likely just a strictly killer player that wants any advantage they can get? I'm not afraid of killers, so i will always jump on that gen, you go hide in the corner and lose the gen lol. Gg.