Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093
    edited January 2021

    After a morning/afternoon facing toxic SWF groups, OOO/key users, teabaggers, and the like, I was ready to throw in the towel on the day (BP events seem to bring out the worst in players, but maybe that's my own experience -- I'm sure I'll run into it when I switch to survivor later on as well).

    Then I ran into this group of survivors -- and my first Slug Race! And Boops. Plenty of Booping. If you were one of the people in this match, you made up for my miserable experience all day. Especially you, Feng, at the end. :)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    That's sweet.

    Yeah the bloodrush has been ugh..... I've been playing survivor all morning and the amount of camping/tunnelling/bubbas sitting on our faces and spirit main after spirit's been brutal.

    I am going to go queue up as a fun trapper and give some people some lighter games right now.

    Edit: So fun story. I was doing as I said, and a steve was searching a chest. He started to run but I stayed there and just nodded and let him come back and search it.

    Game goes on, most the gens are done, I don't notice I never did until I looked at the recording after- he found a key in that chest. He could have used it too, easily, and didn't.

    At the end of the game I didn't see what he put down, but he took the key to me and put it down at gate and then left. Pretty sure it wasn't a green key but I'll never know.....

    Edit 2: Another adventure in the wholesome trapper series. I just had agame where the basement just...leveled them at first gen, but no one killed themselves. So when they were on last hook I just...let them get each other all out of the basement and recover and heal up and such.

    After that they wanted to farm so we did. They invited me to hang with them at a fire pit, we danced, we had jitter walk races, etc....

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    maybe there wouldn't be so much negative if admins or devs heeded to popular posts about issues in the game. Instead of painting over problems with cosmetics and smiles $$

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had a match the other day where a Leatherface just wanted to farm points. I can't say I've ever had this happen the way it did before. I saw a teammate get downed, but I couldn't see the Killer. I waited for a bit and she wasn't being picked up or healed, but the Killer was still close to her. I finally decided to go check it out and it was a Leatherface just standing there and a Dwight just blinding him. I walked up to them and Leatherface let us heal the downed teammate. So we just all took turns being downed and healed for a while. Then he decided to hook us twice each. It was funny because it was like "Me! Me! Me! I'm next! 8D -raises hand-" When the last gen was finished, everyone else was escaping, but I waved at him to follow me and I pointed at a hook. I let him kill me because he was nice and I don't mind dying to a nice Killer.

    Later on I had a Ghostface do similar. A teammate got downed and she wasn't being picked up, but the Killer was near. He eventually let her struggled out and he started teabagging her. I ran up to do it too but he went away... I then healed the teammate and we were doing a gen and he came back and I teabagged him and he did it back. I ended up letting him kill me too because he was nice.

    They were both on console and I couldn't say thanks 8,u

  • WantToKnow
    WantToKnow Member Posts: 51

    Last days I played as Myers against two lag switchers, both with flashlights. Everytime I tried to hook them it delayed and his mate had to blind me for like 4 times in a row, so that he can escape. What they didnt know was, I had the Tier 3 forever Addon. I stalked them the ######### out of them. After some "wholeome" teleporting chases I downed the next and pretended to take him up, then his mate came, I poped Tier 3 and chased this mate like 5 mins (cause he can teleport too) , downed them and let them bleed out.

    Thanks god they had no unbreakable.

    DADDYMYERS1978 Member Posts: 43

    Getting a 4k with mirror Myers is fun to say the least

  • Pogosama
    Pogosama Member Posts: 5

    So I've been on the grind since October trying to finish all the Tomes and achievements. I'm done (EXCEPT FOR THE BUGGED TOME 1 ITEMS !!!!!), and the very last one I needed was Left for Dead. So since it was my last one, I committed to a survivor build for it and tried for around 50 or so games to set up the exact right concoction.

    My build was Dark Sense, Wake Up! , Iron Will, and Dead Hard. Second two perks get me to endgame, first two perks get me the crucial info since Im all by myself when that last gen dings. We get sent to Pale Rose. Boo. While the game is progressing the Wraith and I get caught on the broken trees with the invisible walls (seriously please fix this map in the next rework, its actually broken). We both play around with them a bit, call it even, and he lets me go for my troubles. The game progresses normally from there, he takes chases and starts killing people off. Last gen, go time. This blessed Wraith immediately finds me, and I ask him politely for the gen. He relents! Happy days! Thats my last achievement! As Im walking out the exit gates, BEFORE I COULD EVEN TYPE IN THE POSTGAME LOBBY TO THANK HIM FOR GIVING ME 100%, my internet dies for like a half hour. X_X

    So I'm sitting there aghast that I got that lucky. Not only did I have everything set up right, not only did the killer give crucial mercy, but I got out like 3 seconds before my net died. Razor thin margin for this silly achievement that, truth be told, isn't even that hard. But wait....3 seconds? I was running WAKE UP! That saves you 3 seconds off the exit gate! You tell me that perk isn't S+ tier I will laugh in your face; noone has gotten value from Wake Up! like I've gotten value!

    Also Mr. Wraith, if you're out there and you see this...THANK YOU. It was yesterday around the 1PM MST, and you made my whole month.

  • dropmycroissant
    dropmycroissant Member Posts: 8

    The round I just had.

    It was against Nurse on Ormond. Everyone’s going down like flies and I run her for a bit then get hooked. I see all three auras on a gen. Okay, not so bad, maybe they’ll get me. I’m nearing second and all three are on a gen. I wave my arms frantically in hopes that they’ll see and get me.

    Finally, as I’m already on second phase, Bill’s coming to unhook me. He runs Nurse around the hook, refusing to take hits for me before unhooking. Then he... farms me without BT.

    At this point, I’ve already given up. A few minutes into the round and I’m already on death hook. Great.

    I heal up and go on a gen. Nurse blinks to me and gives me a smack. In one more desperate attempt, I crouch at her and offer my medkit. To my surprise, she takes it happily, downs me to track me for later I assume, and blinks off to find the other survivors. She hooks them and blinks back to me.

    She carries me to hatch and drops me right on top of it, which I happily accept. In the endgame chat, I thanked her and she responded with: “You went to second on your first hook, I felt bad.”

    To the Twitch Nurse on Ormond, thank you so much. It made my night :’).

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Last survivor match of the night -- matches had gone pretty good up to that point. We end up on Hawkins, and my friend sees a Jigsaw box, indicating a Piggie (who I play more of than any other killer by far). I'm a little nervous, as both of our Spine Chills are going off, but neither of us see or hear anything.

    I'm backing around in the hallway and hear the roar. Uh-oh.

    I turn slowly to see the Pig crouched by me. Do I dare attempt the boop? I'm dead to rights anyway, so I crouch and go to boop. The Pig accepts! I lay down my Med-kit and move away.

    Later on, they helped me finally get the four stuns in a match challenge done, and we all escaped, giving boops on the way out. I messaged them afterwards to thank them for giving me a great sendoff to the night and showing me that I'm not the only Pig player who respects the boops -- turns out we have things in common, and I have a new gaming friend.

    Sometimes -- just when you least expect it -- there's a heartwarming moment in this game filled with so much toxicity. When you find those moments, they remind you all that's fun about playing a video game -- even one that has you running from/hunting down your opponent.

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 617

    Today I let a Meg escape through the gates after killing everyone else, and another one of the survivors told me that it was his wife playing that Meg and thanked me for letting her escape :) it was so adorable, idk why. I thought the others would be pissed that I killed them and let the last one go outta nowhere, but this happened instead :D

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Earlier this week I was in a game up against a Cannibal. The Killer could have won super easily, as we threw hard at the start. One person got hooked early, I tried to get close so I could unhook and not be seen by BBq, but was seen by the Killer and downed, a third person was downed doing more or less the same thing that I was. So guy had 3 people on hook within a couple minutes.

    From there, though, the fourth person got us free, and the Leatherface, if not quite farming, then at least let us have the escape and hassled us a little here and there for his own points, which is my own farming strategy so I'm absolutely fine with it.

    I made sure to thank the magnanimous Bubba once the game was over.

  • Nessyhere
    Nessyhere Member Posts: 15

    During the crown event I let probably 30 people go with it. If I face a spud squad I also let one go fairly often.

  • bigmike99s
    bigmike99s Member Posts: 8

    Yesterday I was playing against a Ghostface, I was repairing a gen and popped it on accident. The person I was repairing it with got pissed and just started tea bagging around me and stuff. I blew it off and went about my match and later I was running from the killer and the same guy jumped in front of me and blocked me from running down a hallway until the killer hit me and downed me. Killer hooked me and this guy instead of unhooked me just tea bagged in fron of me, shook his head and ran away. The killer was by and way it all. The killer let my other teammates get me off hook, he found that guy hooked him and we all watched and tea bagged. Killer then let us all go hahaha it was redemption and glorious.

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    Not many, in fact only 3.

    One of the first times i've ever played killer I had met my best friend. I was a rank 12 bubba and couldn't manage to get a kill because I only wanted to kill my now best friend who was looping me at killer shack. While the other survivors pumped out gens the pizza dweet saw me run into walls over and over again. When the gens had finished he "messed up" and got caught on a hook for a good couple of seconds and I felt so relieved I could finally down him. I hooked him in basement as all other survivors left. When the round had ended I received a message from him saying gg and he complimented my build. (Basement bubba) Now I play with him almost everyday I can and so does he.

    Another time was the first boop I was ever given. I was playing pig, (duh) and they got owned. (purple rank) only 1 gen popped and all other survivors had died. God I loved this meg so much for giving me my first ever boop asking for mercy, I let her escape. <3

    The last happened yesterday.

    Somebody had told me to catch Covid. I messaged the other survivors, Said GG and told them about the person and asked if they could report. And boy they just died laughing I sent a screenshot of their message and it only got better. It. Was. Their. Friend. She continued laughing and asked if I wanted to join her party and said that she is kicking him out because this has happened before. I was using iri head and i'm glad she wasn't mean to me as well.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had a match last week where we pretty much got slaughtered instantly by a Michael. I ended up being the last person and I got downed and picked up. I was struggling and he slashed and I said "Don't you slash me, Mr. Man--" and he dropped me on the hatch. I was like "Oh....Thank you! -spins in a circle then escapes-" I went to tell them thank you, but they were on console so they didn't see it.

    I was playing a match yesterday and didn't see the Killer until there was two gens left. I saw a few teammates get injured, but none of them got hooked. I came across a gen that had been worked on, so I decided to try and finish it. Then a Michael walked up to me and I ran away. He followed me for a couple seconds, but I didn't know where he went. I was like "Is he friendly? I know he stabbed a couple people but..." so I went back to the gen to see if he was still over there and the last gen got done and I was right by the gate, so I decided to open it. Two teammates came over and I said "You didn't bring him (Michael) with you, did you?" and I saw him walking up to us so I ran away again. Then the gate got opened, so I said " he friendly!?" so I circled back and walked up behind him and he was just standing there watching my teammates leave. I walked in front of him and said "Michael, do you want to be friends?" He slashed at the exit, telling me to leave. I said "No! I want to be your friend! -points at him-" and he looked behind him, into a corner then walked further into the exit and slashed. I said "Oh...okay..." and left. I was willing to let him kill me, but he didn't want to.

    I also had a Legion let me live. I don't think he hooked anyone all match, so I was going to let him kill me for some points. He kept nodding at me to leave, but I walked over to him thinking he'd down me and hook me. He ended up spinning in a circle, so I did it too for a bit then I gave him my toolbox and left.

    This is happening more and more frequently to me - Killers not wanting to kill me when they easily could...I'm assuming they're just doing daily rituals. I mean, I do the same thing xD;

    Last week, I had a match against a Nurse and I don't think they knew how to play as her. She slashed a couple people and maybe hooked one. The gens got done and I ran to open a gate and the Nurse downed someone right by it. I walked up and tried to see what was happening and I saw someone with a flashlight and the Nurse just....staring into a wall. She just gave up...We healed the downed teammate and all three of us walked over to the Nurse and waved at her to attack us, but she never budged...Everyone left and I stayed by her and died so she'd get a few more points. It sad. I felt so bad for her. I don't like making Killers give up and DC - it makes me feel bad that I ruined their fun, even if it was unintentionally.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    I remember pretending to be a baby dwight and act adorable just to give both survivors and killers that warm feeling in their hearts. It’s funny to see people a little heartbroken like demi when they see the baby dwight gets sacrificed when they do their best to protect them.

  • offwhiteknight
    offwhiteknight Member Posts: 172

    I just switch over to Jane from Meg. Damn, Killers like Jane...Meg is lvl 41 and has never been given the hatch or a free escape. Jane is 20 and I've been given hatch twice, walked to the exit door once, and earlier today a friendly Spirit who had slugged me earlier in the match and left me on the ground for a long ...long... time caught me at the door and put me down just as I was about to exit. She picked me up (just to show dominance), walked me to the gate entrance then stood for a moment before dropping me and backing away. Thanks for the offer random console Spirit. It was a nice thought, but I died about 3 seconds after hitting the ground and beginning the crawl to the gates. I had also found an iri key in a chest thanks to Plunderer. Lol, still was refreshing after so much toxicity.

  • MissMayluna
    MissMayluna Member Posts: 9

    I was streaming the other day, and got a pretty bad matchup with a fully decked out SWF group. In the swamp. While I'm not a great spirit, I can usually do alright, but I was having a rough go. By the end, I was so disheartened. But after the match, they came INTO my stream, apologized, and actually TRIED to cheer me up. A great lot, really. Followed and everything, and while I had another group like it right after, looking back I'm grateful that they cared at all.

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    I had a nice Trapper earlier. Not far into the match, someone DC'd and another died on hook so it was only two of us left. I was hooked and contemplating killing myself because I didn't want my teammate to risk the save since it was just him and I left. He came over and the Trapper was there and he let my teammate unhook me. I was like "Awww are you a friendly Trapper?" I followed after him and he let me hit him with a pallet and he took me to some totems and let me destroy them and I stepped in a trap he put down. My teammate ended up opening the gate and leaving which I found kind of rude because the Killer was being nice and I was going to farm some points with them. Since my teammate left, I was like "You know what? Follow me, Trapper!" and I took him to a hook and I twirled around in a circle, saying "Hook me!" He downed me and took me to the hatch. In the chat afterwards, I thanked them and they said they don't like it when people DC and are AFK when they play Survivor and that's why they let us do gens and leave.

    I've seen Killers posting lately, saying they get insulted by Survivors when they let them escape and that's stupid. If the Killer is nice and lets you leave, you say thank you. Letting you live is the exact opposite of what they're supposed to do so don't be ungrateful >8u

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    It was one of my first survivor matches and I was playing feng with bunny skin of course and it was a ds on coal tower long story short he got put against a bunch of rank 20s at at rank 2. He was about to down me but he realized how utterly horrible I was and he just let us farm points and tried to make me leave but I gave him 1 kill since he was so nice.

  • BreadPanda
    BreadPanda Member Posts: 16

    I've had a few wholesome moments recently.

    1. First recent moment was when I was playing Trapper and decided to give the Honing Stone a try, as I had never actually used it before. Unfortunately, the survivors I faced were lower ranks, quite uncoordinated, and didn't seem to have much experiences versus Trapper; they were constantly stepping in traps and being put into the dying state. Despite my best efforts to play fairly and give them extra chances, the game didn't last long. I had just death hooked the third survivor and turned to look at shack (they used an offering to spawn Hatch there) and I see the last survivor, an injured little Bill, crouched in front of the closed hatch. He slowly turns to look at me and we have a little moment together where he points at the hatch, crouches twice, and looks back at me. I keep my distance from him - about ten feet away - and give him some reassuring nods, letting him know he's free to go. He does one last crouch of thanks and disappears through the hatch. Bonus: the end game chat was quite pleasant and Bill said he loved me.
    2. Second moment came from a Blight game on Rancid Abattoir. I had been trying half-heartedly for a while to get the Deadly Maiden killer challenge done from Tome III, which is the one where you have to grab a survivor from out of a locker while having Iron Maiden equipped. I had been unlucky in my attempts to convey to survivors that I needed them to hop into a locker for me, but I thought I'd give it another try with the Nancy that I had just downed. I picked her up, start repeatedly M1ing the locker, and let her struggle free. She crouches for a second or two before pointing to the locker, at which point I respond with furious nodding. She hops in and let's me get the grab, and I let her struggle free once more. I spent the rest of the match avoiding her to make sure I could give her hatch. I thanked her in post-game chat for helping me with the challenge, and chatted a little bit with her and her friend in post-game chat. They were very nice and one of them complimented me on my plays, which always feels good.
    3. Third moment was from a Nurse game I had on Shelter Woods. I had been trying for about a week to get the Seizing Discord killer challenge done from Tome III without having to specifically farm for it, but I hadn't been having any luck. Figured I would try my luck for the From The Void She Kills achievement at the same time, too. I downed a couple survivors early in the trial but they weren't understanding what I wanted them to do. Thankfully, though, I found a helpful Feng Min. After downing her and M1ing the gen repeatedly, she struggled free and crouched, slowly walking about four feet away before looking at me, then pointing to the gen. I nodded at her, she nodded at me, and she then started repairing. I blinked three times before grabbing her, making sure to get the achievement, before letting her then struggle free and then getting the second grab that I needed on her from off the gen for the challenge. Once I had let her struggle free that final time, I went on my merry way to kill the other survivors, avoiding Feng Min best as I could. Eventually, Feng Min was the last healthy survivor, with the only other remaining survivor, Nea, on struggle hook. I found the Feng Min patiently crouched in between the exit gate and the hook. She and I exchanged nods and gestures for a few moments - me, trying to convey that the Nea would not be spared, and Feng Min, trying to convince me to let the both of them leave together. Lucky for her, her antics were adorable and I couldn't bear to force death hook on her friend. I backed away and nodded, letting her save Nea off the hook. They both immediately crouch walk up to me, nodding up and down, before continuing their adorable two-person crouching conga line to the exit gate. The post-game chat was the most wholesome of them all, they were so pleasant and cute ❤️
  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    A couple of months ago i played Trapper on the corn map.

    I just downed a Felix and hooked him the first time. A Ash rushed to him to unhook and the Felix just gave up suicided. The Ash just wild clicked his flashlight in disbelief and i starred at the sky. Then i just played along with the other three remaining survivors so everybody had a good time (unlike Felix you dumbf...).

  • Moisette
    Moisette Member Posts: 127

    One person was playing as The Twins and I was helping someone do a gen and they walked up to us and I ran away. They followed me, but didn't try to hit me. I eventually stopped, turned around and walked up to them and said "Friends???" and they hit a pallet, saying "Throw this pallet down!" so I did. I proceeded to follow them around the map all match, throwing pallets down for them. Eventually the gens got done and people opened the gates. They unleashed Victor and he ran to the exit gate and attacked someone. I stood around and was like "Charlotte? Are you taking a nap? Are you going to come back?" When they switched back to Charlotte I tried to give them my medkit, but they walked off and I said "You get back here and take this medkit - your chest looks like it hurts! -chases-" I was going to stay with them until I died, but they walked to the exit and wanted me to leave. I put my medkit down for them and they shook their head no so I took it and they hit me out of the exit. I know people say The Twins aren't great and no one really plays as them, but I love them to death. And I enjoyed being able to follow them around the map and help them with whatever they were trying to do xD

    I then had a match on Ormond. I love that map but it's hard for me to see skill checks because of all the snow. Every time I found a gen I could work on, it was already done. Eventually the gens got done and two people left. The Jane and I looked for the Killer who was Ghostface, but Jane left eventually. I ran around the map, looking for him because he didn't down or hook anyone all match and I was going to let him kill me. I found him teabagging at the other exit. I ran up to him and teabagged with him, then he teabagged away from me. I said "You get back here and you hook me! -teabags after-" I literally chased him across the map, teabagging. Eventually time ran out and I died teabagging with him.

    Then I had a match with people who seemed better at the game than me, but I was able to keep up. The Killer was The Trapper and he seemed pretty good too. Everyone escaped and I was afraid to open the chat because I thought people would be snarky, but everyone said gg. So that might not seem extra wholesome, but it was nice to have a good match with people who were happy with it - even the Killer.

  • Karna5
    Karna5 Member Posts: 34

    I'm fairly new with maybe 15 survivor matches and 8 killer matches. I don't really care about surviving or sacrificing, though I do care about points as that's the only way to level up. And I hate the quick time events Laughs

    Yesterday I played as survivor and got chased a couple of times by the floating killer with wavy hair, awesome scream/laugh and disconnected limbs. I escaped a couple of times, she downed me a couple of times, and hooked me once, though I got rescued. I also freed somebody from a hook and healed them, but mostly I concentrated on generators.

    I was working on finishing my third generator and just finished it as the red light of the killer showed up behind me. I noticed then that it was the last generator and all the other survivors were dead. I'd been so fixated on the damned quick time events I didn't notice everyone died Laughs

    The killer struck me, then set me down and laughed and chattered at me and clearly wanted me to follow her. So crawling around on the ground I did my best to follow her. Was she trying to get me to a hook? I didn't know, but it was fun, so I followed.

    She saw I was nearly dying, so she picked me up and carried me to the exit then stood still to let me struggle free. I dropped to the ground on my feet and immediately started pointing and waving at her in thanks (number 1 and number 2 keys). She cackled and laughed and nodded, so I opened the gate. She stood there cackling and laughing, and I did my best to say thanks and exited. Outside in chat I typed a gracious thank you, but I don't even know if she saw it.

    To me, though, it was a wonderful game and to date the most points I'd gotten in any game.

    Today I was playing as killer (the doctor) and tried to pay this forward. I did my best to shock and stab people. Sometimes I'm stab them once and move off, sometime I'd drop them to ground, carry them to generator and put them down there to be rescued. Then I came back a bit later and shocked and stabbed everyone, sometimes hooking one but letting him get rescued.

    I didn't make it easy for them. I overcharged the generators, I kept them crazy with the shock treatment, and I kept coming back to stab them periodically, but half way through the game I noticed two of the survivors disconnected. Was the madness too much for them? I don't know.

    But when I saw there were only two survivors left and two generators to go, I decided to myself I'd under no conditions sacrifice either of them. I overcharged their generator periodically and stabbed them periodically, but I let them heal up and kept giving them time. It was that or slaughter them as there were only two of them and I knew where they were. I was not about to punish them for their team mates disconnecting on them.

    At the end I followed them to the exit, scared them a bit but did not interfere with their departure. I spun and nodded bye, and they waved bye back to me.

    And that game was by far the most points I'd made so far in Dead By Daylight without even having offerings to boost the points (as I'm playing a level 1 Doctor with only one perk, and I put all his match points into my survivor even if the Doctor earns them).

    As I see it, I paid the generosity of yesterday's killer forward, and in doing so I not only had fun, I made the most points to date by just playing the way I wanted without caring about surviving or sacrificing.

  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    I've had two:

    Someone came into my stream after a game and starting being rude and aggressive... so I banned him, cba dealing with that.

    He put in an unban request with what sounded like a sincere apology... he was just frustrated and venting, so I unbanned him to see what he'd say. He subbed as an apology :)

    On another occasion, someone claimed I'd tunnelled them and came into my stream to vent... they got banned (I don't mind a discussion, but I won't take aggro). Their friend hung around to "argue" their case though, so we watched the VOD back which showed clearly that: (a) they didn't bother healing after being unhooked the first time, (b) they had ample time to hear my TR and get away, but they chose to stick onto a gen, (c) when I approached they literally ran into me (as opposed to away - it was in a corridor on Midwich) so I downed them, they then DS'd me, and I downed them again (no-one else around), and hooked them a 2nd time. I found someone else, took them to the basement, this guy got unhooked the moment I hooked the other person (so they knew I was in the basement at the end of the corridor) and he literally runs to me again... so I downed him at the top of the stairs and put him in the basement.

    The friend conceded that he was an idiot and there was no tunnel. He literally gave himself up. Lol.

  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348


  • timbologna
    timbologna Member Posts: 348

    :Sep 27, 2020 @ 11:01pm 

    +rep, was having a pretty rough night with mori games left and right. i was ready to call it a day after getting into his lobby because he also bought a mori so i thought might as well just jump into it. Didn't even use his mori, played well, and let me go because i was an idiot dropping my medkit on and off infront of him. I hope you have good games and may the DBD RNG bless you in your favor :)

    ^ that was the first common dated sep 27th lol, im glad some of us have really awesome experiences on here

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Had the nicest hillbilly. I had a game where I soloed 2 gens and did the majority of 2 others. Hillbilly killed my teammates. I think he knew I was the gen jocky and he (somehow) opened the gate for me and let me go.

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161

    This little baby bubba tried hide and seek, but he seemingly misunderstood the game :/

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    Survivors = some of the most scumbag players iv ever seen either doing everything they can to ruin your experience or using bond to fish you out for killer, solo survivor is horrible sometimes dont even bother playing solo or survivor at all.

    Killer = gen rush but at least you don't have worry about dirty rat teammates try ruin your experience

  • KrosseKrabbePizza
    KrosseKrabbePizza Member Posts: 161

    Here´s another absolute wholesome moment:

    Devs implement 20 meter hitboxes:

    Iri hatches´ huntress: Interesting

    I can´t believe, that those completely overpowered addons are still a thing. But hey, DBD isn´t killersided AT ALL

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    Had a nice game as Bubba the other night. Just prestiged, so I was just screwing around with only BBQ on and got a game in Dead Dog. Cleaned up two survivors before endgame, they popped the last gen with me having the Adam dead to rights on death hook. He stopped in front of me and accepted his fate, so I decided screw it - his team gave me some good chases this game, two kills is fine. Gave him a smack, carried him to the gate and let him wiggle, let him open and put him back on the ground then wandered off while he crawled out. Was a good way to end the night.

  • Mayhem_Mo_YT
    Mayhem_Mo_YT Member Posts: 7

    So one time I was kind of getting screwed over by flashlight saving higher rank survivors. Then, the last gen gets done, as I down someone. People keep coming over and getting downed. Eventually the whole team is downed. So I hook and kill three people, but the forth crawls away. I decide to go look for hatch. I find and close it. I eventually find the last survivor. I pick them up, walk over to a hook, and then keep walking. They aren’t struggling. I carry them to the nearest door, and spin and hit it until they wiggle off. They open it, I down them and they crawl away out. Just wanted to share this because it made me feel good. Also, I was clown with bad perks.

  • Fraudette
    Fraudette Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2021

    Massive shoutout to the Ash who stuck with me on a game (I believe it was Rancid abattoir, but I can't recall for sure) and was the reason I lived. I had been really hauling ass, getting unhooks and doing gens, and at some point me and the Ash stayed together to crank out the gens, heal each other and get stuff done. We we're sort of stuck, seeing as the other two had died just a bit earlier and we we're so close to the exit. At some point I was running behind him to the exit and was downed because of the slowdown gas. There was a hook right at the gate that the killer put me on, too, so bonus yikes. The clown opened the exit to start the end-game collapse, and the Ash could have escaped, but instead he stayed behind, hid in the abattoir and waited until the clown was just out of reach before getting me off. It was risky, especially because it was a camping clown, but he timed it just right and we both got out alive. Hope he had a good night, that was a really fun game. :) Sadly he was a crossplayer, so I couldn't thank him in endgame chat.

    Also shoutout to the Clown too. Opening the gate ended up working in our favor, and he clearly wasn't camping maliciously (I doubt that makes sense, but hopefully you get what I mean).

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    Oh, that one time i was doing a totem and i got body blocked in by a Nea on a AutoHaven Wreckers map lol

  • NinSen
    NinSen Member Posts: 2

    Back just after the Halloween event, my girlfriend got caught as I was running to the exit gate. I saw her go down, so I quickly turned around towards her. I was playing Jake, so I Sabotaged the hook next to them as the killer was walking towards it. That screwed the killer up, and he tried to find another one. I missed the flashlight save, but my girlfriend wiggled free, we both hauled ass to the gate and escaped!

    I popped off to say the least.

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87
    edited February 2021

    to be fair... i played hag with rusty shackles + save the best for last and dark devotion and well a 43ms ping but d-synch is still a thing xD

    i expected purple/red ranks to know atleast the killers powers... or beeing capable to read addon descriptions...

  • thankuana
    thankuana Member Posts: 3

    I had a match in the Blackwater Swamp against a huntress and I honestly will never forget this killer. I was spawned next to a David (he's important) and as I started the gen, he was on a chest. Huntress started coming over so instead of just waiting around I hid in a nearby locker, and apparently this David wanted it, but she caught him since he just stood in plain sight and hew was downed. I tried to get a stun save yet it didn't work. I unhook this David and took a protective hit for him, just for him to run into her and get downed again. He got hooked again and I made some distance yet she ended up getting me. Keep in mind my other two teammates were not doing anything and I ended up doing 5 gens that round by myself. As I get hooked, David comes up to my hook and starts tot bag and flashlight me, being a toxic person. He unhook me and I guess huntress saw since he started pointing and flashing in my direction. This huntress did not want anything to do with him and just downed him again right in front of me, causing him to disconnect. For the rest of the match as I did gens, and hook saves, my teammates hid in corners of the map. Long story short they all died and I had to do a total of 3 gens by myself. I think the huntress didn't close the hatch since they were running around looking at me doing the gens and just allowed me to play the game out. We had a few good chases and when the gates were powered the huntress opened my gate for me. I had never had a killer that sweet since then and honestly it was nice seeing a killer punish a toxic teammate and actually reward the others for actually trying. That was probably the best match I ever had with a killer and will never forget the laughs I had watching that toxic David disconnect (he was a rank 1 btw ;) )

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122
    edited February 2021

    As killer sometimes i get trash talking survivors complaining about me using an op character or perk and other times they trash talk how they escaped so easily... blah blah blah. Well this one survivor actually took the time to apologize about trash talking me in a game i don't even remember. I told him it doesn't bother me and i barely notice anymore. I just thought it was pretty nice. He escaped this time too by the way. 😅

    [Not that it matters but i was Oni and he was Dwight, just thought some people would like to picture those two characters having the discussion lol]

  • snax9111
    snax9111 Member Posts: 67

    this is my favorite moment


    Deceiver101 on Youtube

    here is a link to the video i took the thumbnail from

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    So close yet so far xD

  • Dipper
    Dipper Member Posts: 153

    I can't remember any good round, even tho I had some. But I can say that the best moments were those events in 2018. First the BBQ Event with the grill hooks and slush ice machines on the generators, which gave a great summer feeling. And 3 Months later the Halloween Event with the Visceral Cankers, which actually brought some more Style into the game.

    Beyond that, I normally have really toxic rounds, or rounds whith people who are much worse than me, so if they get hooked too fast, I slow a bit down.

  • MaviKus
    MaviKus Member Posts: 38

    weirdly wholesome moment. when I first started playing as the Hag I was matched with -gasp- fellow low rankers. we were all noobies but it was a fun match. what was wholesome about it you say? see, they did 5 gens and the gates were powered up. I went up to one of the gates to put a trap near the lever and noticed I could interact with it. "oh, I can touch the lever as a killer? maybe I can sabo it?" then WHAM!!! the gate flung wiiiiide open. I'm sure when I was standing at the lever it said something like "M1:OPEN gate (or something similar)" but my deathly nearsighted eyes did not read the text.

    all 4 survivors ran to the gate while I was standing there in disbelief, they all exited, and in the post game chat they said something like "thanks Hag you're super nice<333" "luv you Lisa<3" ...they probably thought I was farming when in fact I just sucked, lol. oh well, them thanking me like that felt strangely warm. I hope they are still playing and having fun.

  • ashes2asses
    ashes2asses Member Posts: 23

    During a game as Spirit, I was down to the last two survivors, and one kept hiding in lockers. I was in a chase with the other survivor, who was knocking down pallets let and right; which was great because my Archive mission was to destroy 15 pallets. I broke the pallet and we were staring at each other, so I walked up and walk back; and continued doing that until he followed me to another pallet. Basically, I pulled a Lassie. Afterward, I lead him to around to unfinished gens, hit him once and let him heal. Then, let him open the gate, hit him twice and carried him to the hatch. The other survivor was not understanding the point farming, and got through the hatch. Overall, a fun and valuable game!

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I had one earlier today.

    Started the match and the killer was on me almost immediately, chased me down and hooked me and then face-camped (literally in my face hacking at me, fortunately while the rest of the survivors worked on gens) until I got near the second stage, they then all rushed the killer and one got me off the hook. I limped away and the killer went after me yet again - downed me but I had DS and got away. Killer went for me (and only me) yet again (even going literally right by other team mates) but meanwhile the rest of my team were on the gens. I get hooked again and then unhooked, but guess what the killer still only has eyes for me. By this time the exit gates are open since my team has had almost a free pass and I get downed again, hoisted by the killer but I'm wiggling like a demon and my team mates are literally body-blocking the killer to stop them getting me on the hook. I wiggle free and book it to the exit along with my team - killer got about 7k point total for the match, haha GG loser!

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319

    Like 30 minutes ago I was playing ghostface and a feng left me her toolbox at the exit gates it was magical but sad at the same time because next time I play I know I'll be getting dunked on and mocked at the gates by other survivors

    There was also this time my whole team dc against a leatherface and he chose to spare me at his own expense since my team all dc on either first down or hook so he didn't get many points.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Last match of the night yesterday, and my friend and I are facing off against a Deathslinger on an Auto map. We hide when the killer gets close, then jump back onto a gen together. I commented that I thought the sound of crows was ... unusual? Next thing we know, Deathslinger heads back to us, we scatter, and around the corner I see our two teammates, spawned together -- and both AFK with crows. 🤬

    The Deathslinger downs them both, but doesn't hook them. He eventually finds me, while my friend goes to pick up one of the downed AFK players. They had no recovery, so I'm on the ground by the time he picks them up. The Deathslinger leaves me slugged, then heads back in the direction of my friend and the other two. My first thought was they were going to be extra-sweaty and go for the quick 4K when they downed my friend. When I my friend went down, the AFK player they had picked up (who still hadn't moved) was slugged again, and at some point decided "Hey, let me check in on the game I hit ready to play" and DC'ed.

    The Deathslinger picked my friend up, but wouldn't hook him, but let him wiggle off. He came to pick me up, and we farmed with the Deathslinger as the other AFK player eventually bled out. We tried to get the killer to hook us, but he shook his head no, but continued to use the two of us as target practice for his gun (though he wouldn't knock us down). We left out med-kits at the exit when we escaped the match at the end. He had the easiest 4K imaginable if he wanted it, but whoever they were, they knew how bad it was for us to get stuck with the teammates we had and showed mercy. If they'd just finished us off quickly, I wouldn't have blamed them -- but to whomever it was, if you read this -- thanks. In a seemingly sea of toxic survivors and killers that play this game, you stood out as the best of contrasts.

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242

    Death Echo’s... Anyone else getting them? Have they always been there? Maybe I just noticed them. Sounds of fallen survivors emanating from the hook they died on.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    Playing Survivor on PS4 with my girlfriend. Long story short, killer messaged us GG, thanked us for sticking out the match, and called out the poor teammates we had on their crap. Even apologized for the fact she got to 2nd state on her first hook with almost no pressure because our only remaining teammate spent the whole time on a generator while I was in a chase. I seldom see that kind of sportsmanship and general pleasantries. It's the little things.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467
    edited February 2021

    Sorry, wrong discussion

    Post edited by Idontknowtbh on