Three Days of Utter Disappointment

So first came the mid-chapter patch and I was hopeful because they actually delayed it by a week to work on the myriad of issues that were in the PTB (I thought). But then it dropped and...damn. I thought the Twins patch was bad, but this is even worse. The atrocious UI and janky survivor movement that make the game look cheap/poorly designed and cause a lot of people motion sickness (me included), the horrible hitboxes/optimization that are absolutely tanking the core gameplay, the 7 maps that has issues so bad they had to disable them, and the tons of bugs are unacceptable for a game that's been out for over 4 years. Why would they release another patch in this state after they had to apologize for the state they released the Twins patch in? Did they not learn their lesson? I know they have since pledged to fix/rework these issues, but many of them were heavily criticized in the PTB and they still ignored the feedback and released them into the live build anyway. What was the point of the PTB then? Why do they only listen to the community when they're in full damage-control mode from newsworthy backlash?

The next day they released the new rift and I was shocked yet again. The free track of this rift is the most bare-bones, empty, uninspired, and asset-recycled one to date. I have absolutely no interest in another overbearing grind through a rift this lazy (especially in the state the game is currently in).

Finally, they released the lunar new year "event" the day after and this is what pushed me over the edge. After the immense backlash from their Halloween "event", I thought they would have learned their lesson but here they are doing the exact same thing. Earning cosmetic rewards through actual gameplay has yet again been replaced by effortless login bonuses/codes clearly designed to boost their player count numbers and an advertisement begging suckers to buy new cosmetics in their store. So the "event" yet again boils down to some extra bloodpoints (not even iridescent shards this time), a cosmetic piece from a code (not earned), the ability to get firecrackers in bloodwebs (different colored items don't count), and some in-game fireworks for already existing objectives. This is pathetic.

Behaviour's greed, laziness, incompetence, arrogance, and stubbornness were on full display for 3 days in a row. The game is now at a point where every subsequent patch is worse than the last and Behavior has no one to blame but themselves. I used to recommend this game to other gamers I know, but now I'm embarrassed that I even mentioned it. I will be taking a break from this game until such time as they get it together and stop releasing half-baked patches/"events" just to make a quick buck. Until they start actually caring about the state of their game and treating their playerbase with respect, I'm out of this toxic relationship.
