
I've felt this way for a long time, and I am a killer main. It punishes new survivors who want to save their friends but they haven't learned the proper timing window. Thank you for this post!
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Friend, there was a time where pallet save timings were removed.
News flash: It was MASSIVELY hated and caused one of the biggest dips in the playerbase the game's ever had.
So no, it won't happen because it DID happen once.
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The range on pallet stuns is already absurd as most of the time I get hit by stuns when I respect and stop in front of the pallet. If you're unable to wait the time for an EXTREMELY lenient save then you deserve to fail.
"Oh a killer doesn't look around."
The issue here is, that I can look around all I want, the animation takes approximately two centuries to finish, if you down a survivor by a pallet they'll crawl there and stay under it like a stubborn baby and what if I find someone who's waiting nearby?
- If I chase them off and follow them, someone else might get the downed player or they might get unbreakable to trigger.
- If I chase them off but then stop and go back to pick up the survivor, unless someone made their way to him in the mean time, the same person can just see me backing up and just run back after me and it's just a waste of time that benefits survivors already.
- If I chase them and actually take the time to down them then if they have some basic looping abilities, it's probably going to take a good amount of time to do so and someone else might get the first guy and this guy might get downed by a pallet and just lay down catching sun under a pallet again with someone else round the corner and the killer is back at square 1 with nothing gained but a lot of time wasted.
You'd know this if you actually played killer for a fair amount of time. Next thing you'll want to request a timer showing you when the next skill check will happen because that shouldn't require timing either...
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Lol someone hasn't done their dbd homework
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Oh nononono.
This was like this at one point.... You LITERALLY couldn't pick up if someone got downed near a pallet.
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I take it you weren’t around during the Lunar New Year 2018 event? Right around the beginning of that event, what you’re asking for was possible.
99% of the community of hated it and it was removed shortly after. I think it’s safe to say that this will never return (fortunately).
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I don't get the counterargument. This shouldn't be incorporated into the game because killers get stunned by pallets when they pick up the survivor? Isn't that how pallet stuns already work? Good survivors know to wait so the killer is getting stunned regardless. It sounds like it's rank 20 killers who hated it so much because new survivors weren't messing the pallet stun up tbh.
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Because saving survivors from the killer's grasp shouldn't be easy to pull off. Not only does the survivor gain a health state when they get freed, but the killer just lost the time they invested in downing that survivor.
It's a huge gain for the survivor team when they pull off a save.
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It sounds like it's rank 20/boosted survivors who hate it so much because they can't time a gameplay mechanics right tbh.
Its so 2020 that new players have to learn how the game work and get better to be good survivors, a survivor with 10h in the game should be as good as one with 2000h so make change for, like automatic perfect skillcheck, fast vault from every angle, a button for 360 and blinding by aiming at feet.
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That's a terrible reason. Of course flashlight saves and pallet saves are strong, that's why good killers check to make sure there aren't survivors around to stun/blind the killer. I don't think Killers should keep animation immunity because they were careless in picking up a survivor and didn't check to make sure another survivor wasn't waiting to drop the pallet. It also doesn't make sense for the pallet drop to not stun the killer just because of the animation. To me this is a change that needs to happen regardless if it's popular or not.
It's the same principle behind the devs gradually removing window and pallet vacuums, killers didn't enjoy missing the survivor or eating a stun because of the vacuum, well survivors don't like that the pallet stun is completely negated by the animation immunity. It needs to be fixed at some point.
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Get over it. It’s not like you can’t go chase after them down them again hook them, camp, then tunnel them which I’m sure you probably do lol
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So if understand correctly, you think vacuums were fine for the game, correct?
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I disagree. Having good timing for pallet/flashlight saves is part of the skillset of a good survivor, removing that would reduce the skill ceiling for survivors.
Plus it was already tested once and it felt terrible, both for a balance reason (being downed under a pallet meant you couldn't be hooked) and for aesthetic reasons (the killer would drop the survivor up to 2 seconds later of being actually stunned because the whole pick up animation had to play).
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No. You don't understand correctly, I don't think that. Just as vacuums were phased out, the kilers animation immunity should be phased out as well.
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I'm in full agreement for this comment. I think getting the timing right is part of the challenge, I remember when it was absurdly simple, same as I remember the flashlight saves being absurdly simple (was quickly reverted), it made things way too easy and I think learning the timings of things is part of the challenge of the game.
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I thought the challenge of the game was to not be killed by the killer. Since when is the challenge of the game about timing an animation to end in order for the blind or stun to register? If this was a FPS game where rockets, bullets or grenades wouldn't kill people when the player was engaged in an animation, it would be fixed ASAP.
With that logic, we may as well revert half of the balance fixes the devs made, bring back vaccuums, add more pallets, old DS, no entity blocker and open up windows, why? Well because it adds to the challenge of the game!
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So then it's not the same principle.
Vacuums allowed the survivor to teleport to avoid hits. That was broken because it could be used even more standing still and made everyone have a dead hard for pallets.
Pallet and flashlight saves cannot be "free". Same as why wiggling out isn't easy. It shouldn't be. They can halt killer's progress tremondously.
The are a lot of "challenges" in this game. Hitting skill checks, timing your abilities correctly and timing your flashlight and pallet saves (which wouldn't require skill or challenge if it wasn't time based)
If this was a FPS game where rockets, bullets or grenades wouldn't kill people when the player was engaged in an animation, it would be fixed ASAP.
Would you look at that! This game isn't an FPS... sort of!
And if we want to get "other game" arguements, let's say killer gets Untargettable/Unstoppable status effect for the animation duration.
With that logic, we may as well revert half of the balance fixes the devs made, bring back vaccuums, add more pallets, old DS, no entity blocker and open up windows, why? Well because it adds to the challenge of the game!
There's a line between something being challenging and something being broken and almost unwinnable.
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that was succinct and to the point! 😂
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An animmation giving the killer immunity to being stunned is broken. It shouldn't be an intended feature. If pallet stuns weren't supposed to be in the game then survivors wouldn't be able to do it period, but because they are able to do it, the killer shouldn't be immune to the stun for 90/100% of the animation, which can cause the survivor to take a hit by the time they can drop the pallet, which does happen. It's a problem. I don't think a survivor should be forced to wait until the killer is able to hit them in order to stun the killer, that's broken.
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As someone whose been red ranks consistently since release, and plays almost entirely killer, I can tell you you are doing it wrong. If they are staying close to you for that long waiting for the save you can easily down them or get them to burn the pallet anyway, its incredibly easy...
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It is an intented feature.
Again, I will point out to something else someone said. They did already add this once. People hated it. Survivors were invincible under the pallet. Yes, killers should be aware of potential pallet saves (and they are) but this change would make it so you can never pick up someone. You would have to search every locker, corner and wall to make sure that you're safe. And if you missed one spot you would lose a bunch oof time. And if you didn't miss a spot suprise suprise you still lost a bunch of time.
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I am not trying to be a jerk it's just one of those things that would be such a huge problem, that I know it will never happen, so I know I don't have to start listing in detail all the reasons it's a problem haha.
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The community's collective (and correct- I remember that patch too) response to this can be summed up as:
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Disagree, as long as a survivor is nearby the killer is getting stunned regardless. That's how pallets work. I just don't see why I should risk taking a hit because I have to wait for an animation to end, the pallet should interrupt the animation and drop the survivor, it's not hard to understand physics.
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Except the timing acknoledges good survivors from bad survivors. THE ONLY THING I can agree with is the fast hits. However, I still think the animation should give immunity.
And I guess this will end here, because our arguements are now opinion based.
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Personally I don't think that the only ones who should be able to stun the killer are people who know of the animation immunity and know to wait at the last second. Making it so the only ones who are able to reliably pallet save, as the veterans who have thousands of hours seems to be a gross standard to effectively use an in game mechanic. Furthermore, I really hate taking a hit because I had to wait last second. Being punished for helping a survivor is a tad BS.
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If you care about physics so much, flashlights saves shouldn't be a thing. Why in the hell would getting blinded make you drop a survivor?
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Have you never had your eyes suddenly scorched by blindingly bright light before? Do you think the experience is somehow not painful? because it is. You can can even go blind by staring into sun. Too much light in the eyes hurts.
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you have successfully given me PTSD from about 2-3 years ago
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pretty much, now I must go to my bed and cry, the flashbacks hurt me too much
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This content has been removed.
You can also just close your eyes but ok. If you even have eyes. Demo, PH and Nurse should be immune to flashlights completely following your logic.
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It didn't cause "the biggest dip in [active players]". It just caused a lot of complaining.
I actually think the timing should be removed. It's really not hard at all to check around for people camping for a save and if you're a half-decent killer you'll never end up pallet stunned while holding a survivor anyhow. I can't even remember the last time I was. On the other hand, I've seen killers already start moving and get hit with a pallet and be invincible and it feels like complete ######### when it happens. In fact I've been on both sides of it. I've gotten cheeky hits while picking up a survivor on a pallet and managing to swing, score a hit AND not drop the survivor, and I've been picked up on pallets, had the killer start carrying me, had a survivor drop it ... and nothing.
By the way, most of the complaining was because the timing factor was also removed from flashlights. Flashlights should require the killer to be out of animation lock because they can happen anywhere and there is much less a killer could do about it. The two don't have to work the same when they're not the same.
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The Nurse has a thin cloth wrapped around her eyes, she would still get blinded by a powerful beam if it's a material that light can penetrate.
The Demo and PH, no idea how they get blinded.