Cosmetic Glitch not working now

So as of yesterday i can't do it anymore leading me to believe they shadow fixed this it seems rip.
Good thing i resisted buying Cheryl's outfits. A lot of other people got scammed
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i saw someone doing it in one of my lobbies earlier this morning, maybe you're not shuffling quickly enough? i really hope they just let us keep the glitch, sets are so stupid.
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Sorry, scammed by what? No one in their right mind thought it was going to stay as it was, I hope
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Just like the press "Esc" thing bug, they put effort "fixing" things that only have positive sides for the game and let bugs and broken things run amock for years
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I still can do it, mixing sets too
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You know every game has its fan boys and girls but i find DBDs to be the funniest it lol.
"Yeah of course they were gonna fix a glitch!" Is not something you can honestly say with any sort of authority or sincerity 😂 i mean i knew it would be fixed because they'll do anything other than improve the damn game but since you so offended by my wording people got finessed. You offended by that idk what to tell you.
"You'd be crazy to think dbd would allow any bugs or glitches in their game!" Man this game is sorry af when you think about it. And frankly i think most people are tired of this bullshit and are gonna quit. Now if they announce another iconic horror property like Resident evil or Candyman all is forgiven of course the game could literally be a dumpster fire and id still play lol
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I've managed to do it recently and even if it doesn't work anymore the already broken sets still work fine if you don't change cosmetics
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Someone said it's still working
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My question was about the "scammed" part
It's not like they ever said "Oh yeah we changed our minds, you will be able to mix and match linked sets from now onward" so I fail to understand how you can think that people got scammed out of this glitch
And I repeat my statement, I hope no one thought that the fact that you could mix linked sets was a feature and not a bug
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You are obviously dedicated to defending the game, and im not shitting on you for it, it is really stupid to simp for a multi million dollar corporation but there are much much worse things you can be doing.
I just think its funny how you literally cant say " It was obvious they were going to fix a bug" with a straight face, even as someone with the upmost confidence in BHVR because i mean, just look at the current patch! 😂 You had to turn your snotty remark into genuine concern because you just can't make that statement without any irony.
The fan boys and girls like you deserve better because fr. Anyway enjoy your 50k BP And adam reskinned top....again. God i wish it was his default top in a donkey jacket styke
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"Simp for a multi million dollar corporation", ok man, I'm gonna leave at that, I don't care what you think at this point, and since you didn't even bother answering my initial question I'm not going to pretend like you are trying to have an honest conversation with people who might disagree with you
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You didnt have a question you responded "how did they scam people?" Rhetorically then felt some type of way when i put what you said into perspective.
If it wasn't rhetorically you were just really offended that i would even suggests such a thing which is why i gave you an alternative word, finessed.
But FYI BHVR have actually scammed people multiple times now by releasing content and then changing it within months after people already bought said content. That's a scam. We didnt have to talk about it but since you want to act goofy. Matter fact 10 dollars for 1 skin on a paid game with paid dlc and a battlepass is a scam too. 15 is just insulting
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if it's a glitch I'd expect them to fix it an maybe say something who cares, it's a glitch, you are exploiting to get around a limitation they put into effect. this is CALLED EXPLOITING! and is in the realm of Cheating... personally i don't give a ######### if you do it, but what are you doing to the game when you make it intentionally "GLITCH" you are the one causing software instability. if you make a glitch of any kind and your game crashes you're lucky it's only a 5 minute escalating penalty for a match dc. I also have no sympathy for those that do this and their game crashes because it's not behavior's programming error that causes game instability but your own actions. Sure the first time when the gitch is found it is on behavior, afterwords when people do it again and again they take their chances!
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BHVR have actually scammed people multiple times now by releasing content and then changing it within months after people already bought said content. That's a scam.
That's common practice in live service games, and it's called balancing, not scam, they could have avoided changing stuff so soon, but it's not a scam still
Matter fact 10 dollars for 1 skin on a paid game with paid dlc and a battlepass is a scam too. 15 is just insulting
And that's called expensive, you can find the same kind of examples in the real world.
Yes, skins in DBD are expensive, but if you don't think they are worth the price you can avoid buying them, like I do
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Still works for me
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Tea emoji
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I'm sorry your play experience has been affected by an online game that tells you when you sign up and start playing that things MAY change. this is normal and not a scam. mmo's do this, moba's do this, even fortnite, csgo, apex, all games that are online and constantly being developed change, sometimes within WEEKS of something being released. this is not a scam.
buying skins is at your discression, you do not have to do this and they can set the value they want. doesn't matter if you buy the game or if you get it free skins cost you money. if it's not worth your money don't complain, just don't buy them simple as that, and this is not a scam either, there are lots of games that you buy that come with visual dlc/skins as well look to mmo's for this plus many other single player games too!
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I honestly odn't know how to do it lol
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Lol yea.. even though I really wanted to buy at least one of the bound cosmetics because you could break the link to customize them I obviously held back since we would have to be living in a fantasy land to think that unintended bug like that would remain.. especially considering it worked on licensed characters. It was never going to last.
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If you look at the term exploiting even outside Dead by Daylight its something that gives you a competitive advantage now ill wait while you explain what advantage im being given doing it also the developers have accepted it as they've said multiple times calling this "Cheating" is just plain out false look at other games that this happens in to them it is the most minor thing a player can do reason why people aren't banned for doing it in any other game.
Since when has this game ever been reliable i doubt a cosmetic glitch is really effecting the game at all. It doesn't cause game crashes anyone who's coded more then 5 seconds can tell you this with all do respect the only way this would cause consistent game crashes would be if the asset is bugged beyond repair which so far hasn't happened the art team actually seems somewhat good at this. Lastly people wouldn't be doing it in the first place if behavior just simply took out linked sets its clear mix and matching is what people want with all that being said I think you need to reread the rules posted here on the forums regarding ingame because it's very clear you don't fully understand what Exploiting is in reference too.
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first of all there could be some sort of advantage to this glitch, I do not know as I do not use it. just because they have linked outfits is not a reason to try and BREAK the game just to get what you want. I don't like the linked outfits as much as anyone else, what do I do? I DONT BUY THE OUTFITS. I speak with my wallet! I speculated what could happen, I did not say it would break the game, however I did say if it's found out the cosmetic glitch CAUSED a game to crash then I would have no sympathy for anyone like that. you just don't like that they made a rule for you (this outfit is going to be linked) and you took the bait and now you want a way to get around it. They did not think that someone would try to get around that so it is not in the rules specifcially but here is the rule that the COULD enforce a ban under: "Exploit bugs, errors in design, or undocumented features to gain access to what otherwise would not be available or to obtain a competitive advantage" the first part Exploit bugs, errors in design or undocumented features.. sure it's not really a competitive advantage but they can decide to apply that here.
People are always complaining on how badly the game is written, this means they feel the game will crash at any minute yet here we are discussing how to GLITCH the game for a damn cosmetic, how idiotic is that? personally the game doesn't crash on me all that often. at most once in the last 9 months, maybe more than 9 months. Makes me wonder what is really happening. again here we are DISCUSSING a glitch that when triggered could have unforeseen effects on the game/program. Why take the chance?
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There could be an advantage to any glitch there's a reason why the developers have to ensure this advantage Isn't happening there's a reason why they likely came out quickly allowing this is because they tested it and saw nothing as of yet that gives anyone an advantage. This argument is just falling short cool congrats man you "speak with your wallet" well while you're doing that im gonna continue to verbally speak and show behavior Mix and Matching is what people want. I mean you did more then speculate you were quick on the draw calling this an exploit. "You just don't like that they made a rule for you" What in the absolute Moon back to Earth are you talking about what "Rule" LMFAO
My guy you do realize this claim that they didn't expect people to bug cosmetics is false it happens in every game and until you can provide proof of a game openly banning people for cosmetic glitches which has never happened in the history of gaming unless it was clear violation of a competitive advantage which is almost never because every development team realizes how minor it is. If they actually enforced the first part of Exploting 99% of the community would be banned already for half of the things that happen in this game. Again it seems you don't realize a cosmetic glitch isn't effecting the game that much unless the asset is just completely messed up then it's not gonna cause crashes again the art team and coding team seem somewhat decent in this situation the Assets are coded decent.
Why take the chance? Because Behavior openly said they're allowing it just like Space Billy so im not worried about being banned simple if it causes issues in the future which i highly doubt it will then ill remove it until then im gonna continue doing it because they've said its OKAY. We can continue to go back and forth on this but it all comes down to the fact if they just listen to the feedback they've been given since the first Legendary set came out we wouldn't be seeing people do this as much.
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Man, set cosmetics are dumb in the first place. Either make everything mixable, or make nothing mixable.
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and how is that "wait" for them to listen to feedback? twins about to be released and blamo! they release the twins and say they'll work on the bugs, how ever did they get all the bugs out? not yet. they get told during ptb that the ui idea is crap, yet they released it. they know of the bugs in the maps on release of this midchapter patch, do they listen and act? nope they release it and one of their fog whisperers get it within 14 seconds of loading into the map on clown. yea i guess i'll wait for them to listen to the feedback of the users.... when they never do untill people stop playing then it's a scramble to get things done. this is why I won't buy the twin's chapter dlc, nor will i buy anything with auric cells I already have or iri shards. I will use the 1000 cells they gave me to buy the rift premium IF I even finish the rift. that way I get stuff and get the 1000 cells back. I hope this glitch doesn't make something else happen, I don't care if people glitch their outfits, I don't really look at them that much meh. Yes you are right we can keep talking and apparently never convince each other of anything because you feel yourself entitled to something and I believer you are not entitled to it. If they ban you so be it, I won't say I told you so, if not good on you. I don't buy the linked outfits, for one they are too expensive for what you get in my honest opinion and why would I buy it? I'd rather go out to dinner for 15 bucks.