Please! It shouldn’t be that hard to add an obsession by default. Just had 3 games in a row where there was no obsession and the killer took advantage of it. They know nobody has DS and will tunnel like crazy!
This is what I get for not using DS? No wonder it’s a meta/crutch perk on survivors. It is basically a must perk to bring at this point. It’s pretty much a gg if playing solo and nobody has DS.
it is a pretty frustrating dilemma where if no one brings a perk to scare the killer into not tunneling, then the killer has the green light to be as aggressive towards one person as possible
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This is the real reason I bring DS. I don't need DS, I just need the killer to think I have it. If I don't take it there's often no obsession in my games.
Can take one of the other obsession perks, sure, but might as well slot a perk that is useful once in awhile to trigger obsession.
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Yeah, this is one of the reasons I barely play anymore.
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You're not wrong.
If the entire team decides to be cool and not run DS, you all get punished lol. Very silly, seeing how meta it is.
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Considering this gives extra blood for potentially both sides, I don't see what harm giving every match an Obsession could cause.
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I am open to that idea. Unfortunately, I don't think it will help all that much. I've seen plenty of killers not care about DS or BT. Killers with a tunneling mindset are always going to play that way.
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what do you meant there was no obsession in your 3 games? don't you know that every single survivor runs unbreakable + ds every single game?
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I was just doing solo survivor trying to get the achievement power moves in high ranks.
OMG the amount of games i had where there was no obsession and killer tunneled was insane i want to say out of 10 games at least half no one ran DS and the killer tunneled at least once.
3 -
Here's a better solution.
Make it so DS doesn't create an Obsession until used, similar to Nemesis. Done. Easy.
Now Obsession perks can be used by killers without withholding important info, and now the Killer can't abuse the absence of an anti-tunnel perk.
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It's your job to avoid the killer, if nobody is running an obsession perk it's not necessary.
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that's so ingenious! I love it!!
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Honestly with the change coming to ds I think an obsession in every game is a reasonable change to come along with it
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I thought this was a rare occasion?
According to “sources” on these forums.
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Precisely the reason DS needs nerfed.
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just run decisive.
If you get tunnelled then ds works. if you work on a gen and get found how is that the killers fault?
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Just take another obsession perk? There are plenty of obsession perks. Doesn't need to be DS.
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I find it funny that survivors
DS is easily the most powerful survivor perk. Not just in what it does, but how it effects killer gameplay. It gives killer a choice, and often a bad choice. BT is probably the next strongest perk in terms of effecting a killer’s behavior . I don’t really think you are suggesting that these perks are not used in most games.
I completely understand why survivors run these perks, but I don’t think it is reasonable for survivors to expect to have the benefit in change in killer gameplay without actually having to run the perks.
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I like your idea.
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That would be a mess. Obsession has more involved than JUST DS, so lets not base the entire thing around 1 perk, lol. I dont want a game with 4 DSes, so all of a sudden if I run STBFL I'll NEVER get tokens. This idea would end up affecting way too much stuff. PWYF and remember me would get a massive buff from being able to gain stacks like crazy, as well as things like Myer's obsession stalking addon.
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Also Rancor, free moris for everyone.
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Survivors shouldn’t expect to not be tunneled if they don’t run a specific perk???? That’s a pretty yikes thing to say.
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I feel like killers will then just always take the risk of DS. I think they should just make more obsession perks.
If they changed Unbreakable to be an obsession perk then we'd see more obsessions. Maybe change Borrowed Time instead?
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Shows how broken the game is when you can make a post about one perk defining the game. Some of these people aren't even being honest and are still trying to downplay DS as not strong....but still game defining.
The best way to counter DS is actually to just tunnel, post rework this will be even more true because the real strength of DS is making you unkillable for 60 seconds in the EGC.
So we know DS is OP, unfun for killer, game defining, and was created to stop tunneling when it in reality it encourages it and will do so even more after the nerf unless you get baby killers who don't know understand. Most survivors don't understand either but the nerf is hoping that theyre too stupid to do gens for 60 seconds and im just not sure we're THAT dumb
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"Tunneled at least once"
Me everytime im downed for a 2nd time lol
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take an obsession perk, or risk not having an obsession in the game. that is all.
same with killers
don't take an obsession perk, or always assume DS.
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You mean like NoED?
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I feel personally targeted please don't talk about my Spine Chill / Adrenaline / Iron Will / Lightweight like this.
real talk tho I really do enjoy actually playing hide and seek and just staying unseen until I want to be seen. I fail at it a lot, too. I can't outsmart everybody, just the people I upload to YouTube.
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I have seen very different behaviours from killers when there is an obsession and when there is not. They are much more cautious when there is, because anyone they down might have it, while when there is no obsession, they tend to tunnel more. I would agree it would be better if there was an obsession every match, so the tunneling would be less than it is now.
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No, I can't stand survivors like this it just screams entitlement. You want the benefits of DS without sacrificing the perk slot. I always take DS, if the killer tries to tunnel me out fast I get a second chance to buy the team some time. Other survivors "leeches" as I call them don't take it assuming someone else will have it and the killer won't tunnel but some killers don't care. They know it's worth the gamble, and when they take that chance they see oh look the survivor doesn't have it and then tunnel them out very fast.
If you want the benefits of DS then bring it as a perk it's that simple. Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. Get the benefits of DS without losing their BT, Unbreakable, DH, Iron will combo
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So do you think Survivors should be notified of NOED if the killer has it? Or do killers only get the benefit of a perk they might not be running?
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What a ridiculous comparison. If 1 single survivor takes that perk then the other 3 benefit from it and the killer won't know which have it.
How about we notify killers about which survivors have DH too? so they can lunge freely without having to play it safe and wait just incase? you can take this far and it gets ridiculous.
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It's a perfectly fair comparison. Survivors have to cleanse 5 totems in case of NoED. If they don't "Oops, should've anticipated that!" If the killer doesn't have the perk, they waste all that time cleansing those totems. Killers should have to expect DS in every game, regardless of if survivors are running it or not. Both encourage healthier gameplay.
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if no one brings DS, i dont really see why you should get its benefits.
just equip it next time and create the obsession yourself if you dont want to take chances with your team.
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and killers have to respect DH, often delaying hits "just in case". They have to respect BT by not hitting an unhooked survivor who just got yanked off the hook right in front of their face. Hell they have to respect Unbreakable by not leaving survivors slugged.
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Yeah id love for each game to always have an obsession even if it no perks are being used for it. It adds extra depth to strategy where it keeps you guessing more on both sides which is cool
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Blood Pact - Sucks may as well not even have a perk.
Decisive Strike - Potentially useful every game and I got it from the Shrine.
For The People - Okay perk but I don't have it as I'm not paying shards for Zarina.
Mettle of Man - Sucks high hell now, practically have to throw the game to get it to activate.
Object of Obession - Killers cry about this one all the time almost as much as DS.
Sole Survivor - I run this until I get DS unlocked, but it still sucks. Depends on losing survivors to even activate.
Yeah great choices for other Obsession perks. This sarcasm by the way, they suck besides DS.
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Think about the killer perks for obsession that all say don’t go for the obsession because you lose strength. Being the obsession is like one of the safest things to be since if a killer is running it unless they have rancor or remember me which both really don’t do mmh in the long run. If there was a direct negative effect to being the obsession maybe killers would be more okay with it.
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Well killer obsession perks are another matter. Killers don't tunnel themselves. I need the obsession to show up on the HUD which indirectly offers some protection to all survivors even if they don't take DS by making the killer unsure. I may not need DS - but I still need that 4th perk to do something useful for me on a regular basis, and right now DS is the only one that checks all the boxes.
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They should just tie obsession to more perks like exhaustion perks and BT and on killer side like aura perks and tracking perks like whispers
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Survivors get a lot of information on when the killer is chasing someone (the obsession) so having 1 obsession hard cap is for the sake of game balance and having 2 would make survivor much easier
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It is not going to matter when the new DS comes in
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NoED is a powerful perk. That isn’t in question . . . . But how does it relate to this discussion?
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Both are perks sides can benefit form without actually running it.
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Ok, that would still drastically effect all obsession related perks. Not only that, but in instances where the obsession is suppose to change (DS, Nemesis, futive chase) which of the obsessions are suppose to swap over to the new target? This is too much of a change for such a small payoff for a single perk.
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So basically like it is now?
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That just depends on the killer and the player. Nemesis+PWYF got really popular to use on Bubba before his rework for example and STBFL is really common to use on killers like Demogorgon and Deathslinger.
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Being the obsession should be detrimental to survivors by default.
How else can it even be considered a drawback or consequence to using DS etc?
Rancor's mori effect, quicker bloodlust accumulation, skillcheck-mali etc... so much good stuff to choose from.
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For the people gang
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So you want killers to play around one of the strongest perk in the game where they already don't know who's running it so they have to just be prepared to lose momentum every game because they shouldn't be able to punish bad plays and they would have to check for each player individually. Not only that but if a killer is chasing the obsession that's free information for your team SWF or not. Giving free information to either side is kind of broken.
NOED is somewhat similar but even if you don't do bones you still have to get hit after the gens are finished and then you can just find the totem. If anything I would enjoy if they put in as a survivor the remaining number to totems in the game as a balance to "how bout you do bones next time" or the killer has to go to a totem to activate it.