If you could rework or change the mori any killer who would you rework and or change the said killer

Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

For me I would rework legion to include the other members like have them be surveyors for the member you play as

Or have the mori having all of them stabbing into the survivor

I'm not that good at thinking of reworks which is why I think a discussion like this could be a bit fun


  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    I'd rework the Trapper's mori so that he put the Survivor's head in one of his traps and snapped it shut. Maybe do a little cinematic sequence where the Survivor struggles a bit before the Trapper overpowers them and SPLAT!

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944


    Rips the survivors spine out and rings his bell with it


    (The one at 0:51 would be absolutely amazing)

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    To be fair I did say how you would rework the character(while trying to keep balance in mind hopefully) and or how you would change their mori's

    Not if it was possible just a fun little fun discussion

    Ngl kinda liking the idea's you guys are bringing so let's keep this train going

  • NickChinchill
    NickChinchill Member Posts: 68

    I'm actually gonna watch a compliation so I can ramble about a bunch of them haha!

    • Trapper's doesn't really lean into his character or his mechanics that well. He could slam a bear trap onto their victim's head, or place it on the ground before forcing the Survivor's head into the trap. Just to lean more into his character.
    • Wraith's current Mori is exactly the same as Trappers, but it angles the camera differently which makes it double lame. I'm not sure what I'd do with his given his whole deal is more about being invisible and sneaking around than how he actually attacks. Bu I feel either way he could end with a death toll - "ask not for whom the bell rings, for it rings for thee" kind of vibe.
    • Freddy's is surprisingly short given he's meant to be a nightmare creature. There's more build up to him vanishing/re-appearing than the attack itself. I'd alter it so there's more 'hits'. Maybe he stabs the Survivor more than once before he can force his whole glove through them.

    It is wild to compare the quality of Mori's though. Some characters have incredibly brutal kills for their Mori's, others have Mori's that are extremely fitting for their character. And some are just kind of basic and not that interesting.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    One thing I'd change for sure about mori's is to make them all first person again. I don't why the devs stopped doing that, it was cool.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    I kinda like the change to 3rd person but maybe they could add a option that toggles the perspectives for the people who preferred the first person perspective mori's

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Demogorgon should actually rip the persons head off and the corpse should be headless and then he can spit the head next to the corpse and the head can face the camera.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Ngl that's what I thought they were going for when seeing the beginning of it

  • MstrSmith
    MstrSmith Member Posts: 9

    That would be very interesting. It would go with their lore very well as they liked killing together...

  • nikkim
    nikkim Member Posts: 68

    My favourite Moris are from ghost face or Myers. The pig mori is boring just slashes and same with legion

  • nikkim
    nikkim Member Posts: 68

    I never had a mori by him so I don’t know what it looks like. I’ll search it up though

  • MigetMAN208
    MigetMAN208 Member Posts: 38


    I'm sorry but Doc's mori, while on theme, is so unimpressive compared to almost every other killer after him. He rubs his hands together and then shocks someone's brain. Not super scary, or much gore.

    I want him to do something like in his lore where he exposes people's brains and shocks them into doing something. Mind control through electro shock therapy. Something flashy and.... Shocking.