Noob seeking Advice: Post game bullying messages



  • Archive512
    Archive512 Member Posts: 150

    when i first started playing this game as killer, trying to find who i wanted to play, same thing happened. and as you put, the lower ranks were super friendly or just moved on while the higher up ranks all were a-holes. eventually settling on Myers as my main killer, it got worse because, well, Michael Myers. the main things i found helpful are:

    one - just put ggwp in chat and leave. dont even look at chat, just ggwp then next match. this saves a lot of frustration and wastes the flamers time too bc they are talking to thin air.

    two - do NOT feed into them. just like bullies on a playground, they want a reaction. they want you to say something back, so they can laugh at it. if you retaliate then they have ammo. reminds me of a clip from JFJ, where he was killer against 4 really toxic survivors. they were being typical red rank survivors all game and flamed him in postgame chat, and JFJ retaliates and leaves. immediately after he's like 'jeez, i shouldnt have said anything ... you know why? because even though they were a-holes all game and flamed, its gonna be 4 reports against my 1.'

    tl;dr dont give the gun thats pointed at you ammo.

    three - all esle fails, turn off chat completely. unsure how to do so on ps4 (im on pc) but just turn it off. dont let them get to you, its what they want.

    final piece of advice? dont let the rotten apples spoil the whole orchard. have fun with the game, and just report the bad ones and upvote the good.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    Yh you need to watch out. I had one guy insulting me in spanish and i replied that i know that it means that. We both got a warning from Sony.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    Don't make excuses for the toxic survivor community.

    I have never seen this in another game. When I play survivor and get tunneled or camped, I move on.

    I must have 500 such threads only for this game. Since I play more than Dbd on Xbox, I can't just turn off chat.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    I’ve literally seen it in every multiplayer game I’ve ever played. It’s just the way things are, and people won’t change.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 443

    Disabling Messages until you get some experience might help. Its usually one of two people;

    1) Toxic players who just want to be toxic regardless. Ignoring them or giving as good as you get are the only ways to handle this

    2) Entitled survivors who can't handle losing. It can't be they lost because you are good or they were poor so it'll be 'Your killer is OP, tunneller etc

    Keep going , chin up!

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    if you're new, just say you're new and hopefully they'll backoff

    or just say 'you didn't stop to asked if i cared', or 'i was gonna say gg, but if you wanna be a sore winner about it, then whatever'

    Most survivors in the game are jerks with big mouths and very know 😕....

    and if you get trash messages for winning like 'nice camping/tunneling' or something like that, just remember this, they're survivors, they deserve it. You play for yourself, not for them.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I have played many MMO's.

    What I have seen on DBD in just a few days is a significant deviation from the norm. Maybe it's different in mainly english speaking games (I'm not a native English speaker) , but don't pretend this is just some kind of regular occurrence. It's not the average, which is why I took note of it.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    You'll get just an many messages if you get a 4k as well. People are scum.

    When I play survivor, I get hate messages from the killer if I manage to escape as well! I note a t-bagger or anything like that. So...I dunno, people suck sometimes.

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Ignore it if you can and always remember:

    1.) It truly isn't personal. They don't know you, don't want to know you. This is just a nasty attempt to make you feel bad.

    2.) There's nothing they can do to you. The great thing about the internet is the ability to control your experience in cases like this a lot of times. You can just leave chat, block them if the way you access the game allows it.

    3.) The best victory against idiots like that is forget and move on. You take away their power.

    That said forgetting and letting it roll off your back can be hard. No doubt. Take a break if you need to and remember that not everyone in the game feels the need to crap on other players. The negative can often stand out more than neutral or the positive. Remember the times when people were positive.

  • gusm09
    gusm09 Member Posts: 47

    Ignore any post game chat, since you're in console, just make your messages private, that should stop all spam from annoying players.

    I'm on PC and i disabled post game chat a few days ago and i've been getting 4k's ever since, it keeps you on a better, cleaner mental state.

    People who go out of their way to berate players on how they did last match have no life. You can be the better person by just moving on and finding your next game, keep learning.

  • Rainn
    Rainn Member Posts: 12
    edited February 2021

    I know how this goes.. I actually got death threats from a killer because we used borrowed time and save them from a face camper. I saved the message on my ps4 reported and blocked them in game and on ps4. But this is what they don't tell you. Even if you block them you can still get matched with them. The community for this game can be horrible and toxic. But they won't put the ability to block players from matches because then players can use that as a way to control who they can get matched with. Or even use it as a form of punishment for cringy toxic players.

  • Most streamers I find are toxic; I try and dodge them as much as possible.

    I wish we could see when the killer has a ttv name or link in their profile or such so we could avoid them as well, unfortunately you don't find out until after- just never check out streamers streams it's usually just them insulting the survivors for like the entire match and calling them names in front of as many people as will care to listen to them.

  • 3loen
    3loen Member Posts: 11

    Even if you want to main killer side, playing survivor can really help your killer gameplay improve! If you can learn how to play against a certain killer, or learn how to run better/complete objectives while you manage the match as a survivor, you'll be able to better predict and outplay other survivors in chase and learn how to prioritize chase vs map pressure. All the best luck to you, don't let the toxicity keep you down. Unfortunately there's nothing for it except to mute or report and move on and not to feed into it yourself. Like others, I really recommend finding a streamer or channel that you really like and can learn a lot from it helps so much, and a lot of people have recommended really good ones previously. Otz's YouTube especially has a lot of specific information on things like maps/perks/addons for all killers/survivors.

    Honestly unless you're going out of your way intentionally to be toxic yourself, almost all complaints are going to be generally unfounded and those people aren't worth any mental space to you. There are a lot of fun players and people in the community, it's just that the nasty ones can be aggressively yucky and loud so it's best to just ignore them and not let them impact you, and you'll grow to be a better player than they will.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Sorry to hear that you are receiving very toxic comments from people, everyone who's played this game long enough has dealt with it all. The best thing to do is ignore those idiots, and make your messages private. Only make your messages private for DBD, turn it back to public once you play other games. I've tried countless times being the voice of reason when I get someone being toxic towards me, but toxic people don't hear your words at all because they're just sad people who get enjoyment of ruining someone else's day. Not only are they toxic with their personality and words, but also very toxic and cocky in the game as well. It's very disgusting seeing toxic streamers who encourage toxicity, I know of certain toxic console streamers who I simply can't stand. That's the best advice I can give, remember to never let toxic people get into your head with what they say towards you. You be the bigger person, and block the negative energy.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    This is one of the most toxic communities out there, unfortunately. BHVR has done a horrible job of managing that. My advice would be to disable messages if they're bothering you. Especially while you're learning.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153
    edited February 2021

    It’s been a difficult year. This thread is so long I didn’t read everything, but good you decided to turn off post game chat. If people are rude to you there is no need to read it, especially if you’re having a hard time already. Just come on the game and enjoy yourself. No need to be bashed by other people. They might be having a hard time but they’ll get over what happens in game no problem. They’re just venting.

    Regardless, others here have said why some people don’t like Spirit, but equally true is that no matter what you do, some survivors will complain. As long as you’re having fun, and not spreading toxicity, I don’t think you have anything to be afraid of. Let them be angry and then let them get over it. You don’t have to be involved.

    Hope this year is better for you.

    Edit: Ooh I see some people recommending streamers to watch. I personally really like Fungoose, but haven’t watched his streams only his videos. He’s very informative and educational and seems to me like an all around nice guy. If you don’t find anyone else check him out!