
Sharpefern Member Posts: 422
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously make a match making system please. having there be a 5+ level difference between average survivor and killer SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Its not fun for anyone there is no point other than drive people away from the game.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There are not enough red rank killers around. So the only solution I see is to make killer an enjoyable experience.

    Until then, the matchmaking is doing what it can, so people even get matches.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    We just need 1 red rank killer for every 4 red rank survivors.

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    Yeah yeah

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    If this were the case survivors would get killers of a higher rank. example a average survivor rank of 4 would generally get a killer rank 5-8 and it can be anticipated that a rank 6 killer would get an average survivor rank of 3-5. But instead I am seeing things like what VSLI picked where a Level 1 killer gets placed with 15-17s and level 15 killers being placed with reds and purples. Since WILDLY wildly mismatched plays are happening on both sides of the coin, its more indictive of a poor matching system than a poor pool selection.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Or its what one of the devs said during the last Q&A: Because there are far more survivors than killers, (on any rank) the system grabs that one killer who just started the game and matches him with whoever has been waiting more.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    See thats an issue. I would MUCH rather waiting a bit longer to make the game fair then play a game where I am automatically going to win or lose, because thats NOT FUN. They are choosing to have a worse gameplay experience for all to have more gameplay, which will cause people to STOP playing for good.

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    Ohhhh thats one is very bad xD Must have been a slaughter feast, never have or seen that much, sometimes as rank 1/2 killer, I faced things like 2 red/2 purple or 3 red/1 green but never faced 2 or more green/yellow but I think its due to time I play (mostly night in EU, like 22pm-2am, where its mostly sweaty land/sfw).

    But since patch (and especially rank reset), I have to really (really !) sweat most of my game to really "win" (pip) by playing fair and tonight, I looked some profile I've met and with my 700h, I had to face people with 2k or even 4k hours (one even have 5k6 I remember^^) with my most played killers (I feel like I play against tournament players, not just good players/sfw like usual).

    Tho with killers like nurse/spirit that I play way less (like 5 times max every month), games was "normal", by that I mean not easy but not tournament-like also.

  • galeonline
    galeonline Member Posts: 5

    As stated before there simply aren't enough killers in queue so we get whatever is available.

    As a killer main I can see some of the reason behind this, aside from players just being nervous to try it.

    I have met many survivors that behave rudely or in a toxic fashion, even had entire teams skip gens and harass me the entire match at low levels. By crapping on upcoming killers you drive them away from the game, or at least from the killer side of things. The consequence of these player's cruel amusement is longer queue times and poorer match making. It's literally a problem that the player base itself has created (although the devs could actually try and do something about it...)

    If you want better queue times we must address the current issue of not enough killers by not crapping on their game experience (especially if they're trying to be fair and not tunnel/camp) and by rewarding them for playing killer during high demand times. In my timezone (EST) that would typically mean that killers should receive a bloodpoint bonus (multiplier) during evening hours. The devs would be able to acquire more precise metrics and then use them to apply a bonus to survivor or killer as necessary to encourage players to alternate and reduce overall queue times for everyone. There have been times when survivor queue was faster than killer queue so I do feel the bonus should go both ways and be based off what the match making system requires, whether it be survivor or killer.

    Sadly, I cannot say this will solve our matchmaking issue completely... and I do fully agree that it is an issue. I too am often matched with ranks far different than my own on both killer and survivor and it can make a match difficult to enjoy at times. At least if we eliminate the strain on the system as much as possible the devs could then then see if this is still an issue and if so how to tackle it.