Killers are honestly OP

like the title states, the killers really are op.

Now, I’m not saying I’m a god at the game so there’s no way I can possibly lose in a survivor match. Sometimes I win, and normally I lose. But I can tell when a game makes things way too one sided.

More than half the time I’m playing as a survivor, I’ll try to drop a pallet on a killer. More than half of those times, the killer will get stunned while also hitting me. One time, I dropped the pallet, animation and all, and the killer just slipped right through and hit me as if it never dropped. The range on their attacks is insane too. The animation is no where near me and I get hurt. They can be looking in the opposite direction from me when they swing, the weapon itself never touches me, and I get hit. When I jump through a window, their weapon never passes the seal, yet I can be a couple feet away and still get hit.

this doesn’t even mention the mobility of killers, I get the speed buff, that way they can actually catch up to the killers, but when they not only can catch up, but also have these movements so the survivors have no chance of slowing them down, it’s insane. Certain base abilities that come with certain killers make them op. The leather face killer can sprint forward, turning at a normal rate, swinging a few times before it ends. The Clown has the gas that not only makes you scream but also dazed you and slows you down. Legion can jump over pallets and jump through windows at the same speed as survivors while also having the extra speed to catch up to them and also doing bleed damage. Any killer that has a silent state but can come out of it in an instant and hit survivors (the wraith, the killer that can turn invisible with his bell, must wait a second as he turns visible with an audible tone, a balance). The hag, having 10 teleports that replenish as soon as one gets used. The oni, that can move at like triple the speed of survivors and one hit down them for nearly the entire game. Any killer who can get an exposed status in order to one hit down survivors (this can be fine if it wasn’t something that can be activated for more than half the game). The scream, where he can crouch and is silent, so he can just sit there, expose you, then immediately get you down. Michael Myers, who can simply stare at you and expose you, multiple times in a single match (had one who’s total time was 90% with exposed status effect for the game). The Doc, who can shock the area so at to find anyone with ease, with only a slow walk for a second.

like, come on, how can it ever be expected for survivors to win if they are only ever to be able to get hit one time the whole match. How can they win if they never see or hear the killer coming before they are suddenly hit and chased instantly. How can they be expected to win when the base abilities of killers make it nearly impossible to actually get anything done, even one generator, unless somehow one person distracts the killer long enough.

And I know some will say that you can go against these killers and win. Yes, but not once have I gone against a killer like this with rank 10 or higher, who loses. Maybe one person finds the hatch, but the gates are rarely opened, and that’s if the killer does it themselves.

and this isn’t even mentioning perks, where they can easily find survivors within seconds of hooking one or perks that give the exposed status effect.

I get that these are specialty killers and survivors can get perks to counter some of the perks that killers use. But with nothing to ever combat the over reaching advantage of killers, it’s never really fair. A simple balance, one where there are actual hindrances when something that can ultimately destroy just about any player, needs to be put In place. Take the nurse for example, when she uses her blink, whether she hits someone or not, she is forced to look at the ground and is slow for a couple of seconds, given it isn’t too hard to actually keep up with a survivor, she can easily find and start the chase again. But she can’t simply blink, take half a second before she can swing again, and immediately do it again. Way too often do I go into a game and don’t even want to play the match because, well, I don’t actually get to play the match. It isn’t because I happen to get targeted first, but because I know that the second the killer finds someone, they go down, and now there is even more of an advantage for the killer, because someone has to save the other survivor while the killer is possibly camping the hook and maybe the other survivors aren’t healing or trying to get to a generator. Yes, it takes some strategy to win as a survivor, I’m not denying that, but when no strategy works because you can’t combat the fact that a killer is completely invisible or has no terror radius, when the killer is more than double the speed of the survivor, when they have easily rechargeable abilities that result in one hit knock downs, when they can swing multiple times, meaning if they miss the first, all they really have to do is turn or keep moving a little forward to hit you, when the pallets or windows don’t seem to actually do much unless you already have a big lead on the killers, the game becomes pointless. It’s like trying to play a game of monopoly that your friend invited you over but you happen to be playing with the one kid who flips the game over when he starts to lose, but you take the chance that the kid wasn’t invited because you want to play with your friends, but the chance is still there that he will be there because the host invites him because if he didn’t the kid would cry to his mom and they’d sue for discrimination or some crap. Like, if the killers were ever actually balanced, the people who main them because it’s the easiest thing they’ve ever done would cry and say it’s too hard, so the devs would immediately put them back. It’s happened in just about every game I left for unbalanced pvp reasons. I just want to be able to get into a game with my friends without having to worry that the killer will immediately ruin the game for us. It’s a constant problem.


  • bigmike99s
    bigmike99s Member Posts: 8

    There is no reason that a killer should be able to hit me from behind a rock on the other side with a melee attack, happens all the time. My ping is 30 it's ridiculous. Just since the new update I have dropped 4 levels and am wanting to stop playing the game.

  • Sand
    Sand Member Posts: 179

    Survivor is 500 times easier than killer. Killers have to mind game, monitor generators, get abused by toxic groups, deal with poor gen spawns, have hex perks spawn at survivors feet so it gets cleansed the second the match starts, and killers have to know when to drop a chase.

    Meanwhile a survivor just needs friends and a mouse that has M1.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've played a lot of matches in red ranks and in my experience killers 4k most of the time so I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Solo que is always a risk because you're relying on your random team to have good perks, use them correctly and to work with you to make the best possible outcome. Again, always a huge gamble and doesn't happen that often in my experience. Most of my matches I feel like I'm at a disadvantage and feel overwhelmed by how much power the killers have over me. Unless you're SWF you can't rely on your team.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    Uhh, I'm getting that from playing survivor every single day & playing killer occasionally, something you don't do.

    Sorry to break it to you, but if you're losing more than half of your matches, something is wrong and I'm 95% sure it isn't the killers being OP.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Its a combination of things. Killers having too much power is one of them. Its also the solo que where you're taking a huge risk with randoms not knowing what their perks or intentions are. I can't tell you how many times in RED ranks I have had other survivors loop the killer literally right beside my hook. How does it always end? Me dying on first hook and the other survivor getting caught. I'm sorry but I just do not believe "killers rarely win" in red ranks. I'd like to see some actual data on it to see what the escape ratio is for higher ranks.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I do! 1 day out of the week for just a few hours. I used to do a lot of solo que but I find myself doing that a lot less now and eventually probably just playing on the swf day.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221

    I dunno, you must be playing a different game than I am because I rarely get incompetent survivors in red ranks.

    7/10 of my games, gens are done within 5 minutes & we all escape no matter how much pressure the killer puts out.

  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    It appears that you haven't played spirit or freddy lol. Dumbass rank 15 killer main

  • xphillipx
    xphillipx Member Posts: 36

    Killer isn't OP but the new update makes it straight unplayable in red ranks as survivor because those freebie hits are pretty much guaranteed with this new untested ######### beta they've forced us all into and it shows via the massive drop in survivors.

  • ThelXe
    ThelXe Member Posts: 5

    Indeed, the killer's hit range seems to have been somewhat increased substantially after 4.5.0 patch. Please do something about this dbd.

  • GeneralM
    GeneralM Member Posts: 2

    Author of the post here.

    just played another game. Where we couldn’t get a single generator done. The killer was more than 5 feet away and would still be able to hit me with ease. This whole catching up to the killers was fine, but when they don’t even have to catch up to you to hit you is instance, I get hit from across pallets and windows because of the insane reach before, now it’s worse.

    to those saying it’s just me who is the reason I die, yes, it is some times. I never went saying the only reason I died was because the killers are op here. But when half my games are a loss simply because of the killer I play against, it’s a problem. To those saying get aura reading abilities, I actually use some that I use, yet it doesn’t exactly help when they don’t activate because the killer is able to hide their aura using an ability when they are activated, which happens more than enough times to be considered a nuisance.

    in my post, I didn’t even mention barbecue and chili, the perk that lets the killer know exactly where each time someone is put on a hook. While I understand the entire purpose of the game is to use different add one to increase your chance of winning on either side, there are ones for the killer, when paired with their honestly already overpowered stats and abilities, that make it unplayable. When someone plays a killer that can one hit down me because they can expose me using an ability that is part of the character, along with using another perk that may allow for them to know exactly where I am, with other perks that make them finding me easier than walking forward, it’s no game.

    For my second game, I was targeted by the killer, which would be fine, if it was actually possible to get away. The wraith with the bell can swing at me and I don’t even see his weapon on my screen as I’m running, he hit me from around corners, and was able to keep up with me easily, making it impossible to actually do anything. We got generators done this game, but that’s because we did them when he wasn’t anywhere near and we were able to fix them before he suddenly popped up and hit us from a range that doesn’t make since because I couldn’t even see him around the corner as he swung.

    the reasons killers get these buffs is because killer mains sit here and complain because they can’t get the hit on players, so the devs changed it so they’d stop crying. Like, 2 games in a row, I was instantly killed because I couldn’t escape the killer because a simple swipe at me hit me from over 5 feet’s away when one of them was carrying a knife, a ######### knife. This isn’t some D&D game where the attack has a 10 foot range.

    Before, not even a month ago, I could go into a game and be Guaranteed a fairer match, where the choice in killer Barry made a difference other than the basic strategy on how to beat them, because not everyone chose the ones who could easily catch up, attack, and hide from the survivors.

    to anyone who says the killers have it harder because they have to monitor the generators and all this other stuff, bull, especially since they can get multiple perks where they can easily figure out where you are, or never have to check generators, been in multiple matches where the only reason the killer was even near a generator is because they were chasing someone who happened to run to it.

    i just played another game, one that was more fair overall, but what ultimately got me killed and fully dead again was the fact that they none of their attacks actually hit me. Another game ruined because these game mechanics are actually crap. Anyone who says they aren’t, either you’re lucky or good enough to never get swung at or you’re a killer main and don’t care because it being it’s you.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    All this update has done if give crap killers free wins.

  • galeonline
    galeonline Member Posts: 5

    General - Become a rank 1 survivor and you will come to understand that 4 rank 1 survivors can beat a rank 1 killer every single match with much less effort than the killer. I'm sorry mate, but this just speaks to your inexperience and personal lack of skill. Do not take this as an insult though. Go do some research and practice survivor more and you will find there are few games that you cannot win with equally skilled players. Also, do not forget that survivors can use voice comms (discord). You have an edge that a killer will never have.

    As far as hitting you through rocks and whatnot, this latest patch appears to have messed with the hit boxes as there are many complaints of this issue. Additionally, you may be hiding behind some sort of bugged rock. No killer should be able to M1 you behind cover like that. If its one of their abilities then well it falls on you to figure out how to counter it. You can figure it out, just like so many others have.

    My apologies that I cannot agree with you but best wishes and happy DBDing! :)