I don't get Face-camping

So, not to confuse things.

I like bubba.

He's fun to verse (if played correctly) and is relatively skillful killer.


I can't for the life of me find the reason behind face-camping. I know it's old news regarding bubba face-camping 24/7, but this Bubba I met was not even trying to be toxic.

All he did was take one survivor out, hook her, wait until someone came to save her and BOOM! one down again.

Now, before people say: "well, that's their loss since you just need to finish all gens while he's face camping".

We did.

We finished all the gens, had a turn going around each surv rescuing one another despite risking hooks. ETC.

Bubba still got the last laugh since even if he lost 1 surv, another would replace him.

Just look at how poor my little Jakey looks.

Now, there were times when my Borrowed Time helped save someone else from be 1-shotted.

And probably, if I had Decisive Strike, I would've survived the game also.

But I don't want to abuse OP perks and play selfishly.

It's killers like these who make me question my moral sanity and dignity to just stick with the old OP perks and not play normally.

We didn't T-bag, troll or make fun of him. HE decided to play like this in the first place.

Please, I know this is a so-called "strategy" but if this keeps going, I might stop playing nicely altogether. Keep it cool and real people.

P.S. This was the second killer in a row who did this (Bubba + face-camping) SMH... (different players though)


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Yeah it sucks, not much you can do if it's Leatherface tbh.

    People will say gen rush and all that and in a SWF you can do it, if you work together efficiently and someone has Prove thyself or something but even then it's often a close call since you'll still probably have to run him still after that and avoid going down less he face camps another person.

    In solo queue however you just can't coordinate fast enough for that...it often just works way too well. You can't really do the gens fast enough when it is only one or two people on different gens who knows where; he will get at least one or maybe 2 more or even everyone that game doing that.

    BHVR should fix this problem WITHOUT nerfing Leatherface in any way.

    I don't think camping outside of leatherface is honestly a problem as you can do plenty of things and have tons of options against pretty much every other killer in the game.

  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    Right now every survivor is bringing the best toolboxes with BNP to rush the living crap out of the gens to get the BPS from the event. It's horrible playing killer as well as survivor right now.

    At least with facecamping bubba you don't need to worry with the gens flying

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Not to mention disconnecting before hooks and such to deny killers from their bloodpoints out of spite. Most of my games have just been like this:

    (IF anyone is wondering they were slugged for like less than 20 seconds I wasn't even trying to deny hatch they were RIGHT there when I downed one of them. I even brought a BPS because I am running perk randomizer, so their point loss I guess lol )

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    That's so cowardly...

    People really need to get their s^&% together and play like decent human beings...

    This is why this toxic cycle of "Survivors VS Killers" mentality never ends.

  • nikkim
    nikkim Member Posts: 68

    Because they actually suck lol

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The Killer is basically admitting that he can't loop. This is the only strategy that has worked consistently for him so he is sticking to it. I feel sorry for him. You, however, have options.

    Borrowed Time you know about. Styptic Agent can give the same effect to the unhooker. I've hook dived and had a very perplexed looking Bubba when NEITHER of us went down and left him behind and out the gate we went.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Yeah, me either.

    Every time someone goes down at the beginning of the match and I hear the all-too-distinct revving of that chainsaw in the distance, I just wonder how much fun this guy has doing.. anything, really.

    Just gormlessly staring dead into the hooked survivor's eyes, brain activity slowly shutting down as the keyboard accumulates drool and detritus. Only returning to a state functionally equivalent to, but perhaps not equal to, sentience once the guy dies or someone dares to try and allow the dude to play the game.

    You have to wonder what kind of person queues up to play that game.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    You can't change people. You can just adapt. Shaming them won't do anything.

    And if you are dealing with toxic ones, they succeed every time they get reaction out of you. I mean I saw people getting baited and banned on ps4 by these people and they never learn. Ignoring them and keeping a cool head is the best you can do.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    They really want to confirm a sacrifice.

    When I first started playing DBD, I was getting frustrated because if I walked away from a hook for more than fifteen seconds the survivor would get unhooked. I was pretty good at looping, but I hated having my two successful chases virtually reset in an instant.

    So when I started grinding for BP with Bubba, I was ######### infuriated. I sucked at Leatherface, and they were an "average level" killer besides. I was used to playing Pyramid Head, so the change was massive.

    Then, I started facecamping. I didn't want to do it, but I was on Haddonfield for the third time in a row, and I was sick of 0k matches.

    But it worked.

    I'm guessing I would still be doing it if I still wanted to play as the Cannibal after I got BBQ, but I don't.

    It's a boring, ineffective tactic that only really works if the survivors are stupid or overly altruistic.

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    some people are REALLY bad at this game, and they get frustrated when they fail, so they try to be the big strong killer, by camping. Its toxicity and terrible. While I wish we could remove it outright, the internet will always have toxicity. Personally I feel the hook timer should slow waaaay down while the killer is within close proximity of it

  • Pop_Goes_The_Gen
    Pop_Goes_The_Gen Member Posts: 39

    Theres usually three types of players in the face camping bubba strategy in my opinion

    -The "If I cant beat them join them"

    After getting face camped multiples times and survivor may feel like they want to play killer and upon realising their not very good off the bat switch to the strategy they know that has killed them many times over of face camping hook.

    -The "toxicity breeds more toxicity"

    This can be from being a bad killer or simply trying to unlock the great bbq and chili. After being hammered match after match as a poor bubba or hell any killer and get messages from survivors that include telling them to uninstall the game or to go kill themselves so they can finally get a kill. They get desperate and go into making sure as hell they get that kill and facecamp. Now they will either eventually stop and move onto a better killer or continue there ways on a quest to make more of the "if you can't beat them join them" therefor completing the circle of toxicity

    -The "I want to watch the world born"

    These guys are the true devils of this world and do this for the pure satifaction of ruining others days. Truly despicable

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Facecamping with Bubba like that is an easy way to lose the game. I don't know why someone would throw that the match like that.