Why are you taking so long?
Why all this time to fix some hitboxes? 4 days that 2 kingdoms are blocked for to many bugs that could be solved in a short time, but what are you doing?
killers hitting from 4 meters, pallets that stun and after 2 seconds go to the ground for that hit, embarrassing.
Not to mention the basement missions and the buggy tome, speechless
you are ruining my favorite game, slowly
and I'm sorry I can't have more fun as before
It's barley been a week calm down. For all we know we could have a hot fix tomorrow since it's Tuesday
Also they don't work on the weekends so they've only had 3 days to work since the patch dropped.
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I hope...
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Typically patches for this game come out on Tuesdays so hopefully tomorrow? It takes about that long to get the certs from Sony & Microsoft anyway, and keep in mind they are still working from their homes.
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Tomorrow or next Tuesday