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Need help with 1 FPS loading into game - etc


whenever i try and launch Dead by daylight it all runs perfectly until i get into the main menu where you select if you want to go to the store, killer, survivor, etc. and it keeps going on like <30 FPS (capped at 60) - this also happens when going into a game.

My GPU Is a Nvidia 1060 6GB

and my CPU is a AMD Ryzen 5 3400 (w/ radeon graphics)

-tbh idk if they help but- :o

-this also happens when selecting a killer (either from left or right) but doesnt affect at all-

any help would be great ;'(


  • dbdgamer123
    dbdgamer123 Member Posts: 104

    Installing the game on a SSD instead of HDD (harddrive) fixes most lag issues when browsing menus and many lag spikes ingame