UI Suggestion

Looking at the new UI that was just posted, I still think it needs some adjustment. I was in a Twitch Stream discord and this person Dxmnrachel (credit for the image and idea) suggested something like this and I think it would look so much better. Could you adjust it again and have it look like this? Or at least if you want to include the color icons that would be fine, but I feel that this look would be way better.
I've seen that before and the more I look at it the more I dislike it. It looks overly packed and at a quick glance would be very difficult to see the required Survivor information.
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It could have the icons that are being used currently but in that format, I would be fine.
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Maybe it's packed, but it's thousands times better than the current UI.
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I love how everything is in one spot to easily glance at during a match. At most when survivor is injured/downed/hooked would just have those icons replace the portrait.
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really couldn't disagree more. Its a tiny bit more packed than the old one, yes, but maybe that kinda says more to certain info not being relevant? Like the total number of hook states?
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I think the real issue with this HUD is that it's just the old HUD with a new coat of paint- Not because the old HUD's bad, but because part of the reason a new HUD is being made is to allow for more HUD elements to be added with a more open ended design.
With that said, I think there definitely IS room to compact the new-new HUD mockup on the DbD Twitter even more, and that would definitely be a further improvement.
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But it's at the cost of regaining the peripherals of our line of sight, it's not the best, but the vertical portraits take up vital real estate. Then there is the realistic portraits that I think goes against the majority art direction of the game, at least during the trial where Perks, Powers, add-ons, items and offerings are in a similar tone. I understand we can't go back but if Behavior wants to go in a more realistic art direction across the board than that needs to be communicated to use, so we don't go chewing our Toupée's and malding all over the forums and the internet as a whole it looks awful for the whole community.
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It's not even remotely difficult to see such information at a glance.
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Way better than the actual (or the future "fixed") UI. Maybe the hook counter should be moved to the top right.
At least who did this this seems to play killer or even the game.
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It's better compact horizontally and while i agree it could hard to read the info because of the smaller icon representing survivor states that can just replaced with something else to represent it much like what was done by putting a scratch mark on survivor portraits..
The only part that I think doesn't need to be there and i think the whole reason the UI placement was moved around is the hook counter, that can be placed at the top of the screen to the left because it is not vital info like survivor states, gens, and your power. It is a counter that you don't need to keep track of constantly and to avoid overcrowding the part of the screen with info as said it can be out the way of both the info and the area of the screen your searching for survivors which is at the top corners.