Some issues are always going to take longer than others to fix, animation seems to me like a pretty big undertaking to change as well. There's just only so much that can be done prior to the deadlines, some things are not possible to fix in a short period of time so these will be fixed at a later date.

Yeah, because overhauling animations is just that easy... They obviously can't change the animations and have the update ready in the next couple of weeks, it's going to take longer than that. Animations are not game-breaking and therefore not a priority to release in a hotfix.
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Animations take a long time. Remember how we had to wait for Victor to be able to hold locker's closed until the mid-chapter?
Or how Blight's POV still hasn't been fixed because they have to rehaul his animations?
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I think it's the answer.
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It doesn't really matter. Half the high ranked survivor community already quit or switched to killer.
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Some issues are always going to take longer than others to fix, animation seems to me like a pretty big undertaking to change as well. There's just only so much that can be done prior to the deadlines, some things are not possible to fix in a short period of time so these will be fixed at a later date.
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Even with these patches, the game is still dying quickly.
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This is like saying: GUI takes a long time to rework especially in Unreal Engine 4.
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No, it isn't.
GUIs don't take a particularly long time to rework, especially not in UE4. Creating new art assets is a tad more intensive (usually not bad though, especially for abstract UIs), but if you're just moving things around, you can do that effectively as quickly as you want. Of course, creating a good GUI is going to take a few weeks, but relatively speaking it's an instance where the design is the hardest part of the process, not execution.
But animation work is always pretty intensive. It will usually take animators hours to produce second's worth of animation, and a lot more time to get the animation feeling good. It also produces a LOT of technical issues when you need to dive into blendspaces- Instead of playing canned animations, you need to ensure the Survivor's head follows their camera direction while being able to run, walk, crouch, etc, you need transitions between those states and make sure different speeds look vaguely natural.