Franklin’s - an extra layer of F you during an event

Okay so this isn’t an angry rant or anything since I’m fully aware that some players love to run it any day of the week since it can absolutely benefit them but holy crap I swear I’ve never had so many Franklin’s games in such a short span of time. Event items are already so hard to come by in the web so on the off chance I get one out of a chest it really feels like a screw you... if a random decides to bring an event item then I 100% leave even my basic brown medkit or yellow flashlight back at the campfire because sure enough the killer happens to have slapped on Franklin’s for a big old F you for that one survivor and their fancy toolbox lol. A lot of gens seem to be popping particularly fast because of the invitations but damn I would love to see if there is an increase/correlation statistically with Franklin’s being used during events.
This is all perspective.
You see Franklin's as reducing your ability to get event items.
I see Franklin's as increasing my chance to get event items because now he's wasted a perk slot, IE increasing my chance at survival and keeping my item. Putting the item on the ground is honestly pretty irrelevant outside of meme'ing, just walk over and pick it back up.
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Idk, if you see any other survivor bringing a key, just don't bring in anything you don't wanna lose ;)
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A Franklin’s Hag? I hate you😜 lol I’m just kidding. I pretty much expect it once I see it’s a hag and I swear I always end up looting flashlights in every chest against them.
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If I see 2 or more items that aren't firecrackers, the chances of Franklin's being equipped increase a whole lot. Damn is it enjoyable to waste survivor's time with it, and some morons will actually get back to their trash during a chase
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True. That’s the funny thing about the last Franklin’s Freddy I faced today.. Random brought in a lunar box so I removed my medkit. I looted then lost a yellow flashlight but survived with a random Nea through the exit gates and the lunar toolbox person lost it then died anyway lol.
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If I know for sure going back won’t get be killed then I’ll pick it up and stash it somewhere quick otherwise you have to just move on and forget about it. I like hoarding event items so the only time I ever really take something in like a Halloween lunchbox for example it’s when I’m giving it to a friend with a whiteward.
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drop the item to counterplay franklins
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Weird. I'm a big fan of Franklins but I don't like to use it on event items. I'll only bring it with certain killers and only when there's 3 or more medkits/keys. The greed of survivors to reclaim their lunchboxes is unreal.
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The problem with this strat is that you have to win the match and then retrieve your item before you escape. If you die without your item you lose it, even if you have a White Ward or the Weaved Ring addon.
Not a complaint, mind you. I love Franklins and think there should be counters to strong items.
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Depands what everyone is bringing.
Do I see 4 toolboxes, regular or event boxes alike, I will bring franklins.
Especially because they usually have only 1 thing in mind
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if you have a white ward and you're about to die let the killer grab you from a locker. I was trading 3rd year firecrackers wth a friend using white wards and our first killer had franklins, so during his last chase he ended in a locker to be grabbed
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I just with Franklin's removed items from the match and put them back into your inventory if its an event item or protected by white ward
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Agreed, it's only fair because we have no way to counter their use of the black Ward
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People are really out here running Franklin's during an event? It's not even a good perk. Flashlight are super easy to counter, toolboxes are such a short use that they're most likely empty early, keys are whatever, and you can just count to 8 if someone instaheals in chase.
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It's always like this. Whenever there's an event Franklin's get used more.
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There is a rift challenge to search chests. Running a loot build with Plunderer's and a coin offering pretty much guarantees a key. I can't really blame the killer for wanting to slap it out of my dirty little hands.
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Yeah unfortunately when a good thing comes along, there are people who exist who derive pleasure simply by gatekeeping said good thing. Don't like it? Well now you're denying their fun by saying they shouldn't be able to ruin your fun. Oh the mind games fourteen year olds love to throw around like it's deep critical thinking.
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I'm a simply enby. I see 2+ items in the lobby, I equip franklins.